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Governing Body: Does it show loyalty or disloyalty to question the GB?

JW Insider

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10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Imagine if Fred Franz received 1,000,000 letters from concerned Jehovah's Witnesses about how determined he was to promote predictions for the mid-1970's. Imagine if David Splane received many millions of letters questioning the new meaning we are now giving to the word "generation."

It would put an interesting spin on the phrase "taught by Jehovah" and might even suggest to some we should go back to electing elders.


7 hours ago, SuziQ1513 said:

Now I'm looking at this fire alarm and wondering how on earth could a baby pull it.    Well it's as high as I light switch and is a simple pull down action, it's bright red.  If someone was holding the baby in just the right position, it would be natural for them to reach for it.   I'm sure when they built the building they didn't anticipate a baby pulling the alarm but they had the best intentions since the alarm did work.

Keep an eye on that baby. I foresee great things for it. 

When it grows up, it will comment here and its brilliance will silence all lips.

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Then why did the Watchtower ever change anything if everything was directly from scripture? Obviously you are saying that this might not have been true last year, because some things have already chan

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9 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

Dear, SuziQ1513

With all sincerity, I have to ask why YOU! are here at this site knowing that deception exists? This post has more wind than Chicago and Wyoming with all of Canada put together.

Perhaps you should direct your bitter insulting statement to one that is truly deserving of it. I can count many that fit your bill here. Perhaps reading the Watchtower literature will aid your confusion of 1975 as many witnesses were, with their own private expectation, and now draws modern criticism by many calling themselves witnesses but are liken to worldly views, making them NOT part of GODS plan for his new kingdom. Generally, I would expect troubling answers from young witnesses that weren't part of that generation. The Watchtower ended, having to explain the erred expectation that some witnesses perceived, NO  different from any other expectation perceived by enthusiastic people. I believe, some of that expectation can be found with some surrounding Jesus that wanted him to establish an earthly kingdom, even though, that was never his intent.

So, perhaps it will make more sense, once you rely on GOD to aid your confusion, as it has not helped the regular commentators here, with their off-putting humor, such as the one rendered by you and reading past post, you appear to be one. I can understand "Pete" not having full control of his own, but, the truth is the truth.


I would venture to say the same with the kind of response you advocate. My association first and foremost is the allegiance to GOD himself. The association I can proudly say is decades in service to GOD through the Watchtower. I can say with sincerity that I am a witness free of defamation and slander with no derogatory content toward the Watchtower. So, that "love" you speak of is lacking, simply by your own comment. However, you might ask one of your own JTR, what he is doing here since you asked me. I ex

On August 12, 2017 at 3:33 PM, J.R. Ewing said:

  " GOD, love, Watchtower, JTR....it's called honesty." --- compilation

pect the same sarcasm directed to him in your response to love. You should look for something further, it's called honesty.



Dear Mr Ewing,

Thank you for your reply.   I really don't want to go verbal fisticuffs, so let me apologize for sounding and acting less than loving.   To explain myself, I come to this site to learn and be challenged by other's insights and knowledge plus the bantering about of ideas.  I like to learn from a variety of sources.   I appreciate the intellectual contributions from JWI, Ann, Anna, Melinda,etc  and the kindness I feel from Bible Speaks, Queen Esther,etc.. JTR clarified his position (I did ask him the same question I asked you sometime ago), I "get" him now and he makes me laugh and shake my head and makes me spill my coffee on my keyboard at times.   He's a character but doesn't take himself so serious (see my post regarding "happy pants").  He's a grumpy but likable guy and he loves dogs (which says a lot). 

That being said, I would love to know you and "get" where you are coming from.  You did explain your loyalties to GOD but I'm not sure which GOD ( the Jewish, Catholic, Mormon, etc) since you didn't use His name.  You mention the Watchtower, but I'm confused, are you for or against?  Is your position to draw people towards or away from the JW org using flaws in dating ( did I misinterpret what you were trying to do?). 

To be honest, fighting over dating  ( like the unrelenting prairie winds)  gives me a headache, can't see the point when the fruits of the JW organization are beautifully evident.   Producing good fruit is what Jesus taught and learned from his Father, Jehovah.    So if I came across as irritated ( not bitter) I was but I do apologize for that.   I just wanted to know YOUR honest intentions (it's still not clear to me).   If I'm in the wrong place, show me where I should be to find greater treasures than I now have.

May you have peace, joy and happiness in a world falling apart. Most sincerely -- SuziQ

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I would not want you at my side in field service. You do not preach the same message of the Kingdom that Jehovah's Witnesses teach. Your last post shows me that you are a preterist. Your message that you preach here does not cohere with the Scriptures. You say that you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses? No, you are not; in your heart you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses.



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There were "several people" at Bethel and elsewhere who were aligned with Ray Franz, but when they were exposed . . . well, you know or should know their history.

You preach on this forum that Revelation does not show us that it would be sometime future to the apostle John's writing of Revelation that Jesus would became enthroned over mankind. Since that event, he has power by holy spirit for building up and protecting true Christians for their continued existence in these last days as an international brotherhood, despite Satan's increased activities for bringing about great woe for the earth, and bringing about persecutions designed to crush the international brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses. Existence of the only international brotherhood is a miracle of holy spirit, and only in these last days has it become of sufficient strength and organization for giving a worldwide witness to Jehovah's satisfaction. But all of that is owing to the Lord's last-days enthronement. One of his first acts following 1914 when he was made the specially empowered King over mankind was the casting of the Devil and his angels out of Heaven. You cannot preach such things in good conscience, can you? Then you do not belong among us Jehovah's Witnesses. Just bring the preachments you have posted on this forum and lay all of them before the eyes of the elders in your congregation, and see if they agree with you that you deserve recognition as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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So, JWI,

Why don't you take your theories, very heavily tinged with preterism as they are, and communicate them to the Governing Body? Well, if we are to believe you, all you need to add in your submissions of your theories is that some of them are somewhat like Ray Franz' theories, and like other responsible, not-disfellowshipped Bethelite brothers' theories, but who were not disfellowshipped because they did not promulgate them. Oh, but here your situation is not quite like those other brothers' situation, because you do promulgate what you feel are theories that have greater merit than what are currently identified as the doctrines that are preached by Jehovah's Witnesses, preached with Jehovah's blessings! 


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Yes @JW Insider please refrain from spreading your light in public.

Keep it hidden from us simple folks like @TiagoBelager and me.....

Let our clergy class in New York do all the bible research for us..... preferably only speaking in Latin from a pulpit.

Please stop preaching about your truths.....

I personally am heading over to a non-latin bible burning now so I'll check in later.

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Took a family to the meeting for the first time a few years ago.  The little boy ran to the back and I followed.... but too late!   He saw a switch and reached up and switched off the hall lights... all were in pitch darkness!

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  Is the interpretation of Matthew 24 based on less likely, special definitions of Jehovah's Witnesses {minority view} Invisible parousia, Jesus King in 1914, God is not a Trinity, No immortal soul, Jehovah in NT...

OR on more likely common definitions of Christendom {Majority view} Visible parousia, Jesus King in 33 C.E or at birth, God is a Trinity, Soul is immortal, Jehovah not in NT...

What do you think?

  Would the true religion believe as the majority do on Mt. 24 or would they stand out as a minority interpretation - Does the Governing Body have the authority to interpret MT. 24 to us if what they say is at odds with Christendoms educated scholars and bloggers and the poster who says he has "special interpretation" !!! {see 7 posts down from this one if you don't believe me} yet his teachings are exactly as Christendom is O.o ? Mt. 7:13-23. Rev. 12:9. {Just because someone has studied flying does not mean he is authorized to fly the plane}. Heb. 13:17!!!

We are suppose to "get out of her my people" not go back to her my people. Rev 18:4.




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Guest J.R. Ewing

Proverbs 12:26New King James Version (NKJV)

26 The righteous should choose his friends carefully,
For the way of the wicked leads them astray

Proverbs 13:20English Standard Version (ESV)

20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
    but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Proverbs 14:6-7English Standard Version (ESV)

A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding.Leave the presence of a fool,
    for there you do not meet words of knowledge.


Proverbs 27:5-6English Standard Version (ESV)

Better is open rebuke than hidden love.Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

2 Corinthians 6:14English Standard Version (ESV)

The Temple of the Living God

14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Acts 19:8-17English Standard Version (ESV)

And he entered the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God. But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus.[a]10 This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.

The Sons of Sceva

11 And God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. 13 Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.” 14 Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. 15 But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” 16 And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all[b] of them and

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1 minute ago, JW Insider said:

This was already covered previously in this thread, but I'll be happy to answer this again, too. Although I know that Ann also knows the Bible's answer to this topic, and would be happy for anyone to take the side of the Bible's advocate, here.



It is covered on Jw.org  that I quoted from. Jehovah's Witnesses interpretation is correct until JEHOVAH changes it. Not through a blogger but through the Governing Body.  No need for another interpretation but thanks anyway.

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