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JW's mistaken claim...


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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

 in the book of Isaiah (according to WT, words in Isaiah are about Jesus, he is Everlasting Father and as i recall in WT book Prince of peace,

The tittles in Isaiah 9:6 are also used by the Roman Catholic religion to refer to Jesus, so it is not only a WT book that interprets these words as referring to Jesus:

"For a child has been born to us,

A son has been given to us;

And the rulership will rest on his shoulder.

His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."

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8 minutes ago, DeeDee said:

The tittles in Isaiah 9:6 are also used by the Roman Catholic religion to refer to Jesus, so it is not only a WT book that interprets these words as referring to Jesus:

Thanks for information. But Catholic church is not "only true religion" and their interpretation on Bible are not guided by JHVH :)))))))

But what if both religion are in wrong about Isaiah?

JW members can not take for granted any of Catholic teachings. Because they are part of Babylon according to WT.

On other hand JW members can not be 100% sure in WT explanation also because WT history prove how their interpreting on Bible goes to extremes too.  For example. More than 50 years FDS assured members (domestic) how Jesus choose and appointed them in 1919. But they are not, after new "clarification" :)))) So can we trust GB? They teaching cross and Christmas as Bible truth for decades, but not any more. How can such "representative of god" be trustfull? They teached  "1914 generation" for decades as "bible based truth" but WHERE is this TRUTH today? 

:)))) Do not put your trust in earthly man! Even if he has appointed by god! :))

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15 minutes ago, Nana Fofana said:

everlasting father" instead of Adam for any of Adam's offspring who will "present his life.."  Isaiah  53

Yea, Adam is quilty as charged :)))

Isaiah 53: 1

"Who has believed our message
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"

On first part of this question we can tell very confidently -- many are believers. (in various messages, hehe)

On second ... that is not easy one :))

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17 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Thanks for information. But Catholic church is not "only true religion" and their interpretation on Bible are not guided by JHVH :)))))))

From my personal observations, the Catholic church is NOT the TRUE religion. I was born into it, but am now a JW and am happy to see the truth for myself as I am studying the Bible.

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1 hour ago, DeeDee said:

Isaiah 9:6...:

"For a child has been born to us,

A SON has been given to us;

And the rulership will rest on his shoulder.

There are tons of references in Jesus' prayer (John 17) where Jesus makes clear that he (Jesus) is NOT the "FATHER."

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

On other hand JW members can not be 100% sure in WT explanation also because WT history prove how their interpreting on Bible goes to extremes too. 

Yes, the interpretations change as Jehovah chooses to reveal information to us "young children."

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32 minutes ago, DeeDee said:

On other hand JW members can not be 100% sure in WT explanation

...But we (JW's) completely "TRUST in JEHOVAH"...that he will reveal things as we are in need of or ready to learn them. You do not teach a five-year-old child in the same way you would teach a sixteen-year-old. Obviously, Jehovah will not reveal deeper truths until he has decided that it is "the proper time" for ALL of us to know that "explanation." Proverbs 3:5; Matthew 24:45

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48 minutes ago, DeeDee said:

What Scriptural claim are you referring to?

Is 9:6  For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


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19 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

And he will be called...Everlasting Father...

Adam is the first physical father of all who were born after him. So we have "Life" but also "Death" because of Adam. But now because of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus' life, we will be able to have "Everlasting LIFE" with "NO death." In that respect, Jesus could be referred to as our "Everlasting Father" (in that he will never die again) who gave us "Everlasting LIFE."

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31 minutes ago, DeeDee said:

You do not teach a five-year-old child in the same way you would teach a sixteen-year-old.

yes you are right. But 5 year old and 16 year old KNOW who is his /her  FATHER.

Mother and Father not need to wait older age of child to explain who is his Father. They teach him that from first days. And this parents not calling someone else as his Father too, as father to own children. Some other is father for his children and can not be father to child from first parents, only by adoption :))

Well, ... why Isaiah calls (God's Son,Jesus) as Everlasting Father when Jesus teaching apostles that Father is someone else?  Who the children of Jesus are? 

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