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JW's mistaken claim...


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Ding Ding Ding Ding, I take "what we are allowed to read and what is forbidden" for three hundred Alex.    Hey, isn't that why the WT pulled the Trinity book in the first place? Something

but it is a practice that the jws/bible students participated in prior to 1935 or so. So what this means is, your claim  "they are the ones who did not follow the false teachings........" cannot be tr

Hi! Last explanation in WT magazine say how GB and FDS are the same. FDS task is to spread "spiritual food". GB spreading food, so GB is FDS. FDS have its beginning in 1 century in form of apostl

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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

A lot of people think that Weird Al went too far in asking or permission before making his parodies. The law would likely have been on his side if he had not requested permission, but that doesn't mean he wanted the legal hassles. The best treatment I found regarding the copyright issues with respect to the Weird Al parodies is here:

I agree   .  he got permission ... but he did not have to.

My theory is it is easier to ask forgiveness ... than to ask permission.

.... and when the sue me ... they get a well-worn 2003 Hyundai Sonata with a worn off steering wheel cover.

"Don''t do the crime ...if you can't do the time"  only applies to the timid, and the impatient.

Contemporary Justice, depends on the mood  and sense of humor (or lack thereof) of the ones doing the judging.

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Then you and I agree completely. I don't think anyone should make a habit of advocating that someone abuse copyright material. And I agree that many people abuse "fair use" guidelines, or don't understand them. It's fairly easy to comply, although it requires a bit more work than a lot of people want to put into their posts. It's easy to get lazy or in a hurry, and I've done this too. I've seen whole articles posted many times. A good rule of thumb is to keep quotes under 3 lines at a time from any article, and keep excerpts down to less than a paragraph or two from longer works. If anyone thinks I have advocated for abuse of the law, they are mistaken either about what I said, or about the law.

Hopefully, opposers are paying attention to your “wisdom” of 2-3 lines of copyrighted material to debate and criticize. Unfortunately, this also put owners, with none compliance, for allowing it, happen in their forums. Remember, copyright is part of intellectual property.

Take it from people like Charlie Chaplin that successfully defended his intellectual property from people like Charles Amador a.k.a. (Charlie Aplin), and Ben Blue (Benjamin Bernstein) Also, Windows with Lindows, to name a few.

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19 hours ago, JW Insider said:

This is NOT an academic site

:))))) but we all consider ourselves as Academic citizens, and by that we constitute this Forum to be in such shape :))))) Academic....because we all have something important and very  scholarly to say about almost all issue. Group as such forming quality or not quality in thoughts that was expressed. And this level of conversations constitute or not would be this site academic or not :)))


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What does misrepresenting scripture have to do with ACADEMIA?

Academia is an aggregate for learning and teaching. Critics of the Watchtower have NO value in teaching other than to distort what the Watchtower teaching is by whining like 6-year-old, little girls.

For once, be honest with its definition other than to impose hypothetical, speculative, conjectural, impractical, and unrealistic views to the lies (John 8:44,) perpetrated by unscrupulous people.


1. Of or relating to a college, academy, school, or other educational institution, especially one for higher education: academic requirements.

2. Pertaining to areas of study that are not primarily vocational or applied, as the humanities or pure mathematics.

3. Theoretical or hypothetical; not practical, realistic, or directly useful: an academic question; an academic discussion of a matter already decided.

4. Learned or scholarly but lacking in worldliness, common sense, or practicality.

5. Conforming to set rules, standards, or traditions; conventional: academic painting.

6. Acquired by formal education, especially at a college or university: academic preparation for the ministry.

7. (initial capital letter) of or relating to Academe or to the Platonic school of philosophy.


8. A student or teacher at a college or university.

9. A person who is academic in background, attitudes, methods, etc.: He was by temperament an academic, concerned with books and the arts.

10. (Initial capital letter) a person who supports or advocates the Platonic school of philosophy.

11. Academics, the scholarly activities of a school or university, as classroom studies or research projects: more emphasis on academics and less on athletics.


So, NO! There is NOTHING academic about this portion of the forum. It’s fool’s gold to think otherwise. That’s just an excuse to toe the party line, nothing more.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

There is more examples on that in regards to that video. The internet is full of em.

The Video being specifically referenced had NOTHING to do with Jehovah's Witnesses .....It was embarrassing because the guy looked like me when I was younger, acted like me, dressed like me, and was as goofy as me.   That is why I referred to it as a possible documentary.

I even had the plastic pocket protector full of pens, all of which were necessary.


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4 hours ago, Foreigner said:

So, NO! There is NOTHING academic about this portion of the forum.

yeah, perhaps you are absolutely right. WT are very openly said to their members - do not look for higher education. Do not be "academic" in this way or another. Stick with what we have authorized and you will be safe. Well, what  is for Am Haarets left to do but to downsize their standards from middle level to level of "criticized", not only those who are "academic" but their own religious leaders who are "blind leaders of blind". Not my words, It is written in a one very known Academic book aka Bible. :))

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2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

yeah, perhaps you are absolutely right. WT are very openly said to their members - do not look for higher education. Do not be "academic" in this way or another.

If you mean, stick to bible principle and the teachings of Christ? Then you are correct. Other than that, its people like you that dumbfound the prospect. Did anyone see Jesus on an Arabian horse or a donkey? You’re nothing more than an enabler of false narratives and propaganda. What kind of Academia is that? And whats your excuse?

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15 hours ago, Foreigner said:

stick to bible principle and the teachings of Christ?

"love your enemy" ...  "treat people the same way you want them to treat you" - very good bible principles, highly academically said :))))

15 hours ago, Foreigner said:

Other than that, its people like you that dumbfound the prospect.

"Other than that, its people like you that dumbfound the prospect.""  - also sort of academically  explained reasoning

15 hours ago, Foreigner said:

Did anyone see Jesus on an Arabian horse or a donkey?

Did anyone see Jesus incorporated his "movement"? and with 12 apostles established Board of Directors?

15 hours ago, Foreigner said:

You’re nothing more than an enabler of false narratives and propaganda. What kind of Academia is that? And whats your excuse?

sorry for not respond on this... i have lack of inspiration at a moment :))) ...and please, not be confused with my choice of colour :))))))))

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19 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

the congregation, which is his body.

...it is not organized religion in form of Jehovah's Witnesses global congregation that running Watchtower and all sister Companies worldwide.  

Or vice versa ....it is not Watchtower and all sister companies that running Jehovah's Witnesses religion.


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