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JW's mistaken claim...


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19 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

“The spirit of the truth . . . will guide you into all the truth.”* (John 16:13

According to one reference work, the Greek word for “guide” in that verse means “to show the road.”

BUT your WT study edition said that FDS or GB is not INSPIRED BY HOLY SPIRIT..............

IN  SIMPLIFIED  EDITION WORDING that in fact means that Spirit of the truth NOT GUIDING FDS aka GB and not "shows the road" for WT and JW... as Bible quotation and meaning of that verse you provide would suppose to be. Because GB rejects so called "inspiration from Holy Spirit" as they publicly declared few times in their magazines.   

Thanks for revealing this facets of The Truth about the "Truth". :))

Read please, what you writing as a prove. Because by proving in this manner you proves opposite of your intention. :)    

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Ding Ding Ding Ding, I take "what we are allowed to read and what is forbidden" for three hundred Alex.    Hey, isn't that why the WT pulled the Trinity book in the first place? Something

but it is a practice that the jws/bible students participated in prior to 1935 or so. So what this means is, your claim  "they are the ones who did not follow the false teachings........" cannot be tr

Hi! Last explanation in WT magazine say how GB and FDS are the same. FDS task is to spread "spiritual food". GB spreading food, so GB is FDS. FDS have its beginning in 1 century in form of apostl

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On 2/9/2018 at 11:33 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

...it is not organized religion in form of Jehovah's Witnesses global congregation that running Watchtower and all sister Companies worldwide.  

Or vice versa ....it is not Watchtower and all sister companies that running Jehovah's Witnesses religion.


In Christendom, the Church and or Congregation is consider the body of the Christ (not literal), the Christ is also the head of the church. See it that JWs are still Restorationist Christians, they will say it as such, as do many still present Restorationist Church, who function to do God's will or or pushing out said message; organized religion of said churches, judging by what is taught regarding the Great Commission (Church Movement).

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2 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

It's this running joke , that only I think is funny, and even I don't think it's that funny, where I theoretically have  a  Slavic accent and limited English

I will have to get Dr. Adhominem on this one. He's good at theories. He's even better at outright making stuff up.

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First, even an unscholarly website, committed to biblical learning, runs a gambit of truthful research, NOT critical personal opinions. What do personal opinions advance, in academia?

What is your opinion based on and Why? Manipulating, distorting, and misrepresenting the Watchtower literature for one's personal gain, is a meaningless endeavor. The same opinions, RECYCLED by millions of ex-witnesses and HATERS of the truth? Jesus went through that, and it got him killed. By who, the same people that were waiting for the Messiah, with an earthly Kingdom, instead of accepting the Son of God with a heavenly Kingdom. What’s the difference between the two, exploits, against the truth?

The rest is up to interpretation. Once again, what is the criticism of the Watchtower, that is REFLECTIVE, and based on scripture?

The contribution then falls in the interpretation of scripture, yet the HATRED of the Watchtower, just like Jesus, takes center stage, just as in the past. So, who are the Critics of the Watchtower, if not, the same kind of people that were critical of Christ. Aside from that, everything just goes around in circles, and everyone that personally criticizes, just to criticize, is no better than the people that got Jesus killed. GREAT JOB!!!

YouÂ’re really having a positive influence on HATRED!! But then again, so did Hitler LOL!!!! xD

Exodus 23:1       

"You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.

Leviticus 19:16  

'You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people, and you are not to act against the life of your neighbor; I am the LORD.

2 Timothy 3:3

Unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,

1 Peter 4:14

If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

1 Peter 3:16

And keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.

Matthew 5:11

"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.


Now ask yourself? what does your Christianity or NON-Christian conduct and interpretation, have to offer, if you are committed as the Pharisees were?


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On 2/12/2018 at 1:18 PM, Nana Fofana said:

Well, I know that is a German  word that's probably in the wrong tense, as I think maybe it's past tense singular -"gave"?  But what I wanted was future tense, or maybe there are even fancier  forms like 'conditional' -or something, and that's what I should have used?  I somehow doubt you were asking if I'm German, as I'm sure it is clear I am not.  It's this running joke , that only I think is funny, and even I don't think it's that funny, where I theoretically have  a  Slavic accent and limited English.  'Seddly' though, the limited English [my only language] is no joke at all really, but more like, only too truly the actual fact of the matter, as regard word-wielding ability of oneself, which [this is, itself] compounding seddness....

Oh alright, understood.

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2 hours ago, Witness said:

Since when are JWs reviled in the name of Christ?  Please tell.  

It apply them to since in turn it applied to the Restorationist Movement, which they bible Students originated from, in turn, becoming the Jehovah's Witnesses.

All Christians are persecuted, which is an obvious fact, however, among those persecuted, there are those who are close to truth and those who far from the truth, in addition to that, the Anti-Religious groups will target any group that speaks of God the Father or of Jesus or entice religious infighting (Christian infighting being the most obvious and prominent ones).


That being said, I have witnessed such via experience.

This is the reason why symbols like "The inverted Cross" exist and those who carry the black flag who represent it.


Bottom-line: 1 Peter 4:12-14, or (1 Peter 4:12-19) main focus is regarding "Suffering as a Christian" solely. For the other portions of 1 Peter 4 is in regard to:

Stewards of God's Grace (1 Peter 4:1-11)

  • [1] Live for God’s will, as Christ did (1-6)
  • [2] End of all things has drawn close (7-11) 
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14 hours ago, Foreigner said:

First, even an unscholarly website, committed to biblical learning, runs a gambit of truthful research, NOT critical personal opinions. What do personal opinions advance, in academia?

What is your opinion based on and Why? Manipulating, distorting, and misrepresenting the Watchtower literature for one's personal gain, is a meaningless endeavor. The same opinions, RECYCLED by millions of ex-witnesses and HATERS of the truth? Jesus went through that, and it got him killed. By who, the same people that were waiting for the Messiah, with an earthly Kingdom, instead of accepting the Son of God with a heavenly Kingdom. What’s the difference between the two, exploits, against the truth?

The rest is up to interpretation. Once again, what is the criticism of the Watchtower, that is REFLECTIVE, and based on scripture?

The contribution then falls in the interpretation of scripture, yet the HATRED of the Watchtower, just like Jesus, takes center stage, just as in the past. So, who are the Critics of the Watchtower, if not, the same kind of people that were critical of Christ. Aside from that, everything just goes around in circles, and everyone that personally criticizes, just to criticize, is no better than the people that got Jesus killed. GREAT JOB!!!

YouÂ’re really having a positive influence on HATRED!! But then again, so did Hitler LOL!!!! xD

Exodus 23:1       

"You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.

Leviticus 19:16  

'You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people, and you are not to act against the life of your neighbor; I am the LORD.

2 Timothy 3:3

Unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,

1 Peter 4:14

If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

1 Peter 3:16

And keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.

Matthew 5:11

"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.


Now ask yourself? what does your Christianity or NON-Christian conduct and interpretation, have to offer, if you are committed as the Pharisees were?


The thing is some people like to target those due to their disdain for said persons or groups, assuming one's experience is their one and only view and reflection of said person and or groups whereas to others it is different, those who were led to scripture because of their religious denomination of their choice, as for others, they understand where said person and or group is coming from, thus being neutral with them or having somewhat things in common with the other person or group.

In a normal sense, all Christians differ from each other, regardless of their denomination. What it comes down to is regardless of their faith, if said Christian applies the bible and take into account with all seriousness of what the scriptures say.

In addition to how some Christians react to true falsehood. The other day I had to deal with a Christian who said the following: "God told the people to worship Jesus in Matthew 3:17." Let's just say things didn't go well for him regarding his claim whereas he was easily refuted by people who weren't even bible savvy, thus making us look like the fools for the error of others. At times, some Christians don't know any better, and are mislead by those who don't even know scripture. Despite the falsehood being spoken by the unwise and blind or those who are unaware, they too are persecuted, for some Christians can be spared for being ignorant of scripture and what is to be taught and what shouldn't be taught.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

In addition to how some Christians react to true falsehood. The other day I had to deal with a Christian who said the following: "God told the people to worship Jesus in Matthew 3:17." Let's just say things didn't go well for him regarding his claim whereas he was easily refuted by people who weren't even bible savvy, thus making us look like the fools for the error of others. At times, some Christians don't know any better, and are mislead by those who don't even know scripture. Despite the falsehood being spoken by the unwise and blind or those who are unaware, they too are persecuted, for some Christians can be spared for being ignorant of scripture and what is to be taught and what shouldn't be taught.

Then, A true Christain should take the initiative to CORRECT a WRONG, for starters. However, misleading, misrepresentation, manipulation, and wrongful interpretation of scripture to win a point doesn’t apply. There is NO scholarly benefit involved, by hearing people whine with their personal opinions. And as you stated, there are plenty of OTHER CHRISTAIN sects, yet, instead of spreading that disdain you speak of, to OTHER religions, and THEIR websites? They chose and single out ONE. The irony and hypocrisy of attempting to reach people by citing Christ message, if those opposed continue to BREAK every law Jesus spoke of as well, by acting like the Pharisees. Therefore, how do you, right a wrong, if you allow false statement flourish. You have SAVVY people? Satan was also SAVVY and knew how to use it. How, savvy is a person coming to this website, with no prior knowledge of the Watchtower, other than all the falsehoods found in websites, like this? And you have commenters, here, professing to be Witnesses that agree with opposers views? Then what's the message from these WITNESSES? Ecclesiastes 9:10. 2 Timothy 4:7, Ephesians 6:12, James 1:12.

Here’s an Example:

The group is not the mouthpiece of any religion, confession or ideology. Biblical studies are a discipline in which representatives of various religions, religions and generally non-religious people participate (atheists, agnostics, etc.). Each member of the group determines for himself the value of these or other materials. 

Books, articles, quotes and other materials in our group are not related to the consent or disagreement of the moderators with the views expressed in them. The group of scientific and personal religious views of moderators is their own business.

The goal of the group is educational and enlightening, therefore we publish a variety of things and introduce readers to a wide variety of views.

Subscribers are NOT allowed to post books or articles in the group's comments. If subscribers wish to exchange books, then this exchange can be made in a personal message. The administration of the group will delete all the added materials of the participants. The need for such measures was that lost the feasibility of the administration works on adding books and articles in a group when you add your comments.”

Then the question remains to those that continue to be a “stumbling” block, and make an attempt to tear down Christ Body, block by block, by THEIR OWN WORDS AND ACTIONS. Isaiah 59:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22.

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20 minutes ago, Foreigner said:

Then, A true Christain should take the initiative to CORRECT a WRONG, for starters. However, misleading, misrepresentation, manipulation, and wrongful interpretation of scripture to win a point doesn’t apply. There is NO scholarly benefit involved, by hearing people whine with their personal opinions. And as you stated, there are plenty of OTHER CHRISTAIN sects, yet, instead of spreading that disdain you speak of, to OTHER religions, and THEIR websites? They chose and single out ONE. The irony and hypocrisy of attempting to reach people by citing Christ message, if those opposed continue to BREAK every law Jesus spoke of as well, by acting like the Pharisees. Therefore, how do you, right a wrong, if you allow false statement flourish. You have SAVVY people? Satan was also SAVVY and knew how to use it. How, savvy is a person coming to this website, with no prior knowledge of the Watchtower, other than all the falsehoods found in websites, like this? And you have commenters, here, professing to be Witnesses that agree with opposers views? Then what's the message from these WITNESSES? Ecclesiastes 9:10. 2 Timothy 4:7, Ephesians 6:12, James 1:12.


HereÂ’s an Example:


“The group is not the mouthpiece of any religion, confession or ideology. Biblical studies are a discipline in which representatives of various religions, religions and generally non-religious people participate (atheists, agnostics, etc.). Each member of the group determines for himself the value of these or other materials. 

Books, articles, quotes and other materials in our group are not related to the consent or disagreement of the moderators with the views expressed in them. The group of scientific and personal religious views of moderators is their own business.

The goal of the group is educational and enlightening, therefore we publish a variety of things and introduce readers to a wide variety of views.

Subscribers are NOT allowed to post books or articles in the group's comments. If subscribers wish to exchange books, then this exchange can be made in a personal message. The administration of the group will delete all the added materials of the participants. The need for such measures was that lost the feasibility of the administration works on adding books and articles in a group when you add your comments.”



Then the question remains to those that continue to be a “stumbling” block, and make an attempt to tear down Christ Body, block by block, by THEIR OWN WORDS AND ACTIONS. Isaiah 59:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22.


The rabbit hole goes deeper too, especially when it comes to media and online, gonna be a bit off topic about it too.

There are Muslims who debate with Christians time and time again, always go head-to-head with Christians, however, a majority of these Christians, in the Europe, are Trinitarians, who teach a whole different gospel entirely, which results in people either ignoring Christianity or being against it as a whole, especially when it comes to the 3 Gods in 1 belief that angers such persons. This lead Muslims to assume that "all" Christians have the same faith, which is false, for not all Christians believe in the Trinity. You'd be surprised that some of the JWs I had seen who were caught in these debates didn't know they were being targeted as Trinitarians, when it is known that JWs or any Non-Trinitarians don't believe in the Trinity or any teachings that derive from it.

What makes it even more damaging is what these Christians were taught (the videos as evidence), which I use as an example to show how majority of Christians stem far from truth, resulting in Muslims has to correct them or attempt to convert/evangelizing them, these are just 2 debates that I came across a while back 2 months ago. The ironic part was there was one debate, I wish I could find it, a JW opponent, a guy who hates JWs and most Non-Trinitarian groups, just showed the the community how well he didn't know the bible or the scriptures., in addition to that, the assumption of his so called faith is throw at those who are Non-Trinitarians.

Long story short, such actions from mainstream Christianity (teachings that do not reflect scripture) it puts actual Christians (who take scriptures seriously) in the same category of those who preach falsehood. 

Here are 2 video examples of Muslims/Christians debates solely on the bible, as well as statistics on Christianity in European/Asia countries:

For we see that even those the Muslims debated against do not really know the scriptures quite well, and I can say this now, there is dozens and dozens of debates like this, even Non-Trinitarian Christians vs Trinitarian Christians, which consist of major players who will do whatever it takes to bring down or try to refute Non-Trinitarian Christians, even belittling them.

Also it is said in Europe that Christianity, for the church isn't living up to what the scriptures say, and isn't putting focus or any interest in what it offers, resulting in a slowly, but sure decline in Europe: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/05/christians-remain-worlds-largest-religious-group-but-they-are-declining-in-europe/

As well as Asia, specifically South Korea: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/01/christian-churches-sharp-decline-south-korea-180101095855604.html

For Christianity is also on a decline in South Korea among organized mainstream Christianity.



The United States (among millennial/young people): http://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2016/may/what-latest-bible-research-reveals-about-millennials.html

There are those who are close to the truth to do what is necessary to stick to the truth, while others are just not putting the effort are far from it. Some take into account of what is not biblical or bible canon results in the disinterest, the decline and one and off debates seen throughout the web and media.

Christians will always correct the wrong, even those who are not even Christians who know the bible, but at the end, falsehood is so great it is tough to get your word across. That being said, there is A LOT of people being mislead, that leads to a decline, not being interested in the bible, and so forth. Those who take the scripture seriously are the ones who tend to be steadfast in truth. But yeah, the Christian forums I come from tend to speak of such time and time again.

3 verses I like to bring up:

Deuteronomy 4:2 - You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.

Matthew 28:19 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

John 10:35 - If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken—

So yes, e should fight falsehood within Christendom, however, you will have to realize, also with everyone here, the spread of falsehood is so great in Christianity, it tends to show others outside of the faith that we are all false and believe what the Trinitarians believe, as well as a change and contradictory to scripture, mind you, this was also talked about by a Christian who was right about videos like this popped up left and right, sooner or later, and here we are now.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

The rabbit hole goes deeper too, especially when it comes to media and online, gonna be a bit off topic about it too.

It’s was the foundation set by the early church fathers and the papacy, after the death of the last APOSTLE. In that sense, there is a difference when it comes to deciding, by what authority, scripture should be accepted. Unfortunately, that power struggle still exists today, and the majority of Christians continue a fruitless endeavor, through misinterpretation.

A true debate would entail such “false” applications, as the Trinity, Justified Murder through combat, immorality, Hellfire, literal Kingdom of Heaven, on earth, the Physical return of Christ, etc.

For that, not only do we direct ourselves to scripture, for wisdom? We can also, include those that believe in other religions, and those that honestly believe, GOD is SCIENCE with their interpretation of such wisdom. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 5:5.

Ephesians 5 World English Bible (WEB)

5 Be therefore imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 Walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling fragrance. 3 But sexual immorality, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not even be mentioned among you, as becomes saints; 4 nor filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not appropriate; but rather giving of thanks.

The very embodiment of verse 4 that has become the norm in the NAME of ACADEMIA? Where do you go from here? If, only to a path of destruction by GOD’s Standards, NOT the Watchtower’s.


When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. –Dresden James

When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease being honest. –Unknown

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth–not starting, and not going all the way.–Buddha

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