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Should JW's punish, disfellowship, or shun members who disagree with certain teachings?

Albert Michelson

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9 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

I don't get what you mean

If you don't get what I mean it is because I did not take enough time to read you. It is my fault. Sorry.


9 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

The WT keeps spinning new stories to maintain credibility and give people a sense of urgency.

They are not 'new stories' when initially 'spun.' It's the insinuation of deceit that disturbs me and the expectation of silky smoothness that strikes me as naive.  I see no reason to think they are not peering ahead absolutely the best they can, and that God allows it. The errors of those who took the lead in the first century would certainly suggest he does.

9 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

So, I believe the GB is more focused on preserving its credibility than Biblical truth.

To some extent they are the same thing. If God is worth his salt, he provides capable human leadership. How would you feel if the cockpit door swung open and the pilot shouted: "Hey, anybody here know how to fly this thing?"

The other way to look at everything here is to suggest that the nervous nellies ought to get a grip on themselves. When the plane encounters choppy weather and the flight attendants retreat with their refreshment carts so Coke does not splash all over everyone, I fasten my belt as advised and ride out the turbulence without undue concern. I don't reach for the flotation seat cover.

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That's really the crux of all the problems with the organization. Rank-and-file JWs do not have the right to question any doctrines--even with Biblical support. Only the GB can correctly interpret the

I do get warm feelies here. I don't think that's a bad thing. (I don't mean here, with @The Librarianand all; I mean in Jehovah's organization) I am like most Witnesses who do not have to have ev

Like I really should watch CNN to learn the truth about Trump or Breitbart to learn the truth about Obama? I'll choose what I choose to see in proper context, neither cherry-picked nor skewed.

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22 minutes ago, Nana Fofana said:

Therefore, just as the holy spirit says, “Today if you listen to his voice, 8 do not harden your hearts as on the occasion of provoking to bitter anger, as in the day of testing in the wilderness, 9 where your forefathers put me to the test and tried me, despite seeing my works for 40 years. 

Nana, there are some here attempting to divorce the murmurings of Moses from the murmurings of the Christian congregation headship. This verse will not let them get away with it. Thanks.

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@Nana Fofana was that an attack of my character? I am seeking spiritual truth just like you all. I read my Bible and pray everyday. I'm trying to sort out the nuggets of truth. I don't think anyone on earth has all the answers at this time. My questioning is with the goal of finding spiritual truth. When I look at history of this religion's leadership and the missteps, it shows me that there's no basis to follow this organization without question.

Is the GB comparable to Moses? Did Moses repeatedly mislead the Hebrews with incorrect direction? And what evidence do we that the GB is divinely appointed? Moses face shone with divine light. He parted the Red Sea with God's holy spirit. He erected a bronze serpent that healed the sick.

We could go on and on about Biblical parallels to the modern era. You used the example of the wicked Hebrews in the wilderness. I already used the wicked Kings in Israel as an example. It seems we can all use a Biblical reference point to defend our viewpoint.

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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

To some extent they are the same thing. If God is worth his salt, he provides capable human leadership. How would you feel if the cockpit door swung open and the pilot shouted: "Hey, anybody here know how to fly this thing?"

At least ..... when the pilot opens the door and asks "Hey, anybody here know how to fly this thing?", he is admitting he does not, or cannot,  "fly this thing?"

TEST: Where is the scriptural basis for overlapping generations?

How about ONE example?


far side mountian goat   700.jpg

Copilot Frozen up   700.jpg

fifi at the controls   700  .jpg

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6 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

Edwin A. Fisher (1847-1948): A civil engineer and native of Massachusetts, he built railroads before going to work for the city of Rochester in the 1890s. There he was given the task of supervising the construction of a second gravity-flow conduit that would bring additional water from Hemlock Lake to the city. As city engineer, he also oversaw the construction of the Cobbs Hill Reservoir and other projects. Though he retired in 1926, he served as a consultant to the city without pay with the title of Engineer Emeritus until his death at age 101.

Yes. That is great grandpa. And I am like him in one notable regard. sigh...

I also serve without pay.

He was not in the truth, though. None of my family is. To find one that is, you must go all the way back to Noah.

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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

TEST: Where is the scriptural basis for overlapping generations?

How about ONE example

James! James! James! James! Hold the ladder steady.

You hammered the exact same taunt repeatedly in a previous thread that addressed it at length, with answers that you did not like. But that does not mean they were not answers.

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4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

You hammered the exact same taunt repeatedly in a previous thread that addressed it at length, with answers that you did not like. But that does not mean they were not answers.


So, not a single scripture that shows Jesus understood a "generation" to be as currently defined by the Governing Body.  

... surprise! (NOT!)

Anything that is not THAT, is looking into an empty basket, and seeing it overflowing with wisdom ... a self induced FANTASY.

I got news for you kiddo,  Jesus understood a generation to be the EXACT same way that EVERYBODY in his time understood it ... The time between one statistically average persons' birth and his death. 

That is the way it has ALWAYS been understood ... since civilization began and they started counting years, AND counting children.


That is the way EVERYBODY, and I do mean EVERYBODY that is not delusional and trying to CYA with a fantasy explanation understands it now.


You can have overlapping generations between peoples ... BUT THAT IS NOT THE SAME GENERATION..

ONE sentence explains it ALL!

" A generation is the time between ONE statistically average persons'  birth and his death. ". 

That's IT ... one simple sentence explains it all.

Every life Insurance company in the world will pay you the policy benefits specified when you reach 100 years of age, even though you have not actually died.

If you are alive at 100 years old, you get the money ... yourself!

Yes, previous threads did answer those concerns, and yes, I did not like them, because ....



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7 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

He was nearly 80 when he began "serving without pay", i.e. retired, and -NOBLY- still kept an eye on things.  I'm very sorry that you don't appreciate him properly like I do

I have the most information on him than any living person. Yet even I can say almost nothing as to his personality. A few deeds remain, that is all.

To me it indicates the futility of this system. When one dies, they are very soon forgotten.

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