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Demonism and the Watchtower

Alessandro Corona

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On 9/15/2017 at 4:09 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Since jw.org is translated into 900 languages, it seems clear that the prestigious universities that teach language ought to come crawling to us, and not the reverse.

For general concepts and ideas ... that is good enough ... but if they were translating Aircraft Maintenance Manuals ... I would take the bus.

Murder Confession for the file.jpg

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In order NOT to be labeled a liar and a slanderer, Alessandro Corona ... and justifiably so ... you are going to have to PROVE EVERY ASPECT of those statements you just made.  YOU PERSONALLY ...

Every once in awhile ... even a blind pig finds an acorn.

I rest my case ....

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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I would like to hear what you have to say about that specific investigation ... your hard data would of course trump my guessing what the outcome of YOUR actual experiment was. 

Remember however, if you use my qualifying criteria,  the qualifier was that my experiment basis was that  the Greek speaking person person had to be educated enough to understand the uses of Greek predicate positions, etc., specifically the anarthrous predicate as it was used in context of the complete sentence being considered.

Please provide as much detail of your experiment as you can remember ... I wallow in enjoying long detail accounts.



Mr. Rook,


Originally when you said “native Greek educated person” there was no mention of a “qualifying criteria”. He told me how he understood the verse when he reads it, which is exactly the way I do. <><


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4 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

Just like you erred with the assumption about JTR, that, in all regards sites with nonsense, your judgment is actually irrational, since I was only referring to the “mental” state.


Mr. Ewing,


At least I acknowledge to Mr. Rook my reason and apologized…you on the other hand make excuses and change the allegation to “I was only referring to the ‘mental’ state”.


Wow I would have to be a mind reader to have known that that was what you meant, since you specifically said “you or your alter ego Shiwiii”.

4 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

They can only be fake if you are blind, and can’t comprehend a simple example of publisher’s deception by adding a simple period at the “end” to get the results they wish. That’s “factual” your argument isn’t. Or are you implying I hacked every Latin-English online dictionary to make the results go my way>< Now that would be absurd!!!


Google and others, according to you, are in cahoots with “publisher’s” (who are these “publisher’s” you refer to, and who you claim “get the results they wish”?). Now if that were even true, and it’s not, then they could have programmed translate to do both, that is with, and without the period, wow maybe these “publishers” never thought of that! That by the way is me being sarcastic to the claims you make.


And you know why this wild theory of yours fails? Because of those of us who have taken the time to learn Latin, maybe that is something you should do.

4 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

Your Bias!!! You only include those ideologies that affirm your claim of “oneness”.

And you not bias?


By the way, I do not adhere to “oneness” theology. So you got that wrong as well!

4 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

Why didn’t you bring up the Coptic Version if it fails with its rendering? Why hide something that opposers have known for over 70 years now. Why the mystery? Why the deception?



As I showed the Sahidic indefinite article is used with nouns. When translated to English this article is not required. You JW’s want to ignore the linguistic of the Coptic so that it fits in with your erroneous rendering, that’s not “sound judgment” now is it? Why didn’t I bring up the Coptic version, because there is no problem with it, only the wild misconception some have!


The rest of what you say is a mix of disjointed sentences which would require me to use my powers of mind reading to know what you even mean, the only bit that is a bit coherent  is the quotes you use at the end which mean absolutely zilch! <><

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:
On 9/15/2017 at 4:09 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Since jw.org is translated into 900 languages, it seems clear that the prestigious universities that teach language ought to come crawling to us, and not the reverse.

For general concepts and ideas ... that is good enough ... but if they were translating Aircraft Maintenance Manuals ... I would take the bus.

The other way to look at this that is (for once) not intended as a put-down is the saying I think you have cited yourself:

If you can do something, do it. If you can't do it, critique it. If you REALLY can't do it, teach it

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You are trying to shift the burden to me, because it is YOU that lacks reading comprehension, and do not THINK about what is actually being said

On 9/15/2017 at 8:35 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

ACID TEST: Get a Bible written IN GREEK, their equivalent of the KJV, whatever that is ... and ask a native Greek educated person to explain John 1:1 to you.

Probably some regular folks at any Greek Orthodox Church. Might be a good experiment on a Sunday morning, after breakfast.

To find out who knows what ... ask him (or her) if they understand what a greek anarthrous predicate is. If they do ... show them the scripture.

All else is fibrillation for delusion.

For your convenience, I quote my original post you take umbrage with ... I don't know if you even understand what a "qualifying statement" IS, now. The only alternative I see is that you have a complete lack of reading comprehension skills so I will isolate it for you, thusly ..... (ahem!) ... and highlighted in RED, from your quote of my post.

On 9/16/2017 at 3:22 AM, Cos said:

... ask him (or her) if they understand what a greek anarthrous predicate is. If they do ... show them the scripture.

You could ask the Greek speaking village idiot, and that would have no value whatsoever.

Without evidence to the contrary, it appears that you LIED about having asked anyone at all from the Greek speaking community about this.

You avoided the actual issue.

I look forward to your complete, rational and comprehensive details of the experiment YOU ALLEGEDLY ran, if you really did .... which I currently doubt almost to the point of certainty ... and I am being generous.


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The other way to look at this that is (for once) not intended as a put-down is the saying I think you have cited yourself:

If you can do something, do it. If you can't do it, critique it. If you REALLY can't do it, teach it

I often cite myself for convenience to bring ideas into the pool the eyes are swimming in at the time, and not having to have someone scroll up , say, 15 posts to try and FIND the basis for my current reply, or idea. 

As has been demonstrated many many, many times over the past months when you attack something I have said, it is based on the fact that you did not even understand what I had said to begin with, and were ranting against your projected mis-interpretation of what you THINK I said.

I expect to be challenged on EVERY WORD I say, as  I disagree with almost everyone on almost everything ... so no problem with THAT ...

... but mashup false premises attributed to me can sometimes be avoided if I "use hand puppets and crayons" for that great majority of people who cannot visualize sentences, and therefore have low reading comprehension skills.

In grammer, as in real life, often  .. "Quod est necessarium, est licitum"

"That which is necessary, is legal".


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6 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If you can do something, do it. If you can't do it, critique it. If you REALLY can't do it, teach it

... that is a mashup of a famous quote:

"Those that can ... do.

Those that can't ... teach."


My observations amend that.

"Those that can ... do.

Those that can't ... teach.

Those that can't teach, teach Gym.

Those that can't teach Gym, sell real estate.

Those that can't sell real estate, disappear."



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Guest J.R. Ewing
7 hours ago, Cos said:

Google and others, according to you, are in cahoots with “publisherÂ’s” (who are these “publisherÂ’s” you refer to, and who you claim “get the results they wish”?). Now if that were even true, and itÂ’s not, then they could have programmed translate to do both, that is with, and without the period, wow maybe these “publishers” never thought of that! That by the way is me being sarcastic to the claims you make.


And you know why this wild theory of yours fails? Because of those of us who have taken the time to learn Latin, maybe that is something you should do.


Well, the good thing people can decide and see for themselves how disingenuous your argument is. The “facts” speak for themselves. Your arrogance has become your Achilles' heel, therefore rendering your experiment meaningless.

Did I suggest using a simple tool like google translate to come up with a deception publisher of the “Bible” have been using for decades? Yes! Don’t start twisting my word!

As for knowing Latin, keep studying junior, you have ways to go. Include Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic before making a pompous retort.

As you stated, your observation is irrational and incoherent for a scholarly review. To them, it means as you project, zilch! B|



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On 9/15/2017 at 4:53 PM, Shiwiii said:
On 9/15/2017 at 4:09 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

Who can say how much of the NWT translation was farmed out to experts

who can say ANY of it was? There is a reason why the translators remained anonymous, so they didn't get laughed at. This is a classic attempt at humble-bragging by the wt. 

The Watchtower Study today was on the themes from Psalm 147. I was so happy. I'd wanted to talk about those themes for some time. 

But then paragraph 2 or 3 said that the author of Psalm 147 is unknown. I slammed my iPad down in disgust and stalked out of the auditorium. Anonymous? They're wasting my time with an anonymous Bible writer? How do I know he is qualified?

He just remained anonymous so he wouldn't get laughed at. What possible other motive could there be?

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

But then paragraph 2 or 3 said that the author of Psalm 147 is unknown. I slammed my iPad down in disgust and stalked out of the auditorium. Anonymous? They're wasting my time with an anonymous Bible writer? How do I know he is qualified?

He just remained anonymous so he wouldn't get laughed at. What possible other motive could there be?

Turns out that all 4 of the gospel writers are also anonymous. There is absolutely no Biblical evidence that a man or apostle named Matthew wrote the gospel that came to be known as Matthew. There is not even a hint within the book itself. It's from a later tradition that decided that there should be only four gospels, and would assign an author to each of the four. (Luke says there were many gospels in his day.) Of course, the book of Luke does not ever say it was written by a person named Luke. The book of Acts, which was obviously written by the same person who wrote the book we call Luke, also never says it was written by Luke. Same goes for Mark, of course. The traditions that matched authors to each of these books comes from a later generation or two (or three) from a different part of the world outside the places they were written. The Gospel of John also never claims to be by an author named John. Instead, it teases us with its anonymity. It only says it was written by the disciple that Jesus loved.

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5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Turns out that all 4 of the gospel writers are also anonymous.

All anonymous! None of it's any good! No one was qualified!

I'm quitting this religious gig and enrolling in college! There everyone is qualified. I know they are because they all went to college themselves.

I just hope that idiot dropout Bill Gates doesn't come around or the ghost of Steve Jobs. They are not qualified either and I just trashed my iPad and my laptop on that account. If my wife can prove she has a Home Economics degree, I'll ask her to make me coffee.

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