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The Holy Spirit


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13 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

in view of the tone of your responses, I will leave you to surmise on what that might be. 


Gone fishing

Why is it that every time the truth is mentioned you JW’s get all defensive and evasive?  

13 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

"It would not be quite accurate to say that the holy spirit is God’s power. This is because power can be latent, or inactively resident, in someone or something, such as power stored in a charged but unused battery. The Scriptures, however, present God’s spirit in the context of being in motion, somewhat like the electric current that flows from a battery in use. (Genesis 1:2) Hence, God’s holy spirit is his projected energy, his active force."


I’m sorry but it amuses me how you said, when I asked you to explain your idea on the Holy Spirit, you alleged that you didn’t have one, and in so doing, brushed my question aside. But that seems to have all changed. Now it appears that you are “towing the party line” so to speak.


That aside, all I’d like to know is, are you asserting that there is no contradiction when in one place the Watchtower say that the Holy Spirit “is not Jehovah’s ‘power’”, yet elsewhere they say that the Holy Spirit “is identified as God’s power”? <><

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Cos: What you have stated is OPINION.  You have proved NOTHING, except that you can type. Both God and Christ have a personal name ... what is the Holy Spirit's name .... Casper? If so,

The quote referenced above reads: "In the Bible, God’s holy spirit is identified as God’s power in action. Hence, an accurate translation of the Bible’s Hebrew text refers to God’s spirit as “God’s ac

Claims of irrationality have always been levelled against witnesses who have experienced Gods great gift. "And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to thos

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This is SILLY .....

you are both arguing about someone's OPINION.

It is like arguing that Jesus' mother, Mary, looks like Catholic Statuary, or a female Danny DiVito.

Why not approach the problem from what makes common sense ... then see if your theological theory agrees with what is rational, and makes sense.

To paraphrase "Opinions are like posterior body orifices, everybody has some".

May the FORCE be with you!

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16 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This is SILLY .....

you are both arguing about someone's OPINION.

It is like arguing that Jesus' mother, Mary, looks like Catholic Statuary, or a female Danny DiVito.

Why not approach the problem from what makes common sense ... then see if your theological theory agrees with what is rational, and makes sense.

To paraphrase "Opinions are like posterior body orifices, everybody has some".

May the FORCE be with you!

Mr. Rook,


There is nothing wrong in gauging a person perspective. I remember that you at the start of this thread put forward your own quite readily. <><

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1 hour ago, Cos said:
18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This is SILLY .....

you are both arguing about someone's OPINION.

It is like arguing that Jesus' mother, Mary, looks like Catholic Statuary, or a female Danny DiVito.

Why not approach the problem from what makes common sense ... then see if your theological theory agrees with what is rational, and makes sense.

To paraphrase "Opinions are like posterior body orifices, everybody has some".

May the FORCE be with you!

Mr. Rook,


There is nothing wrong in gauging a person perspective. I remember that you at the start of this thread put forward your own quite readily. <><

I agree.

That should have been clear ... because that is exactly what I just did.

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Jehovah’s Witnesses deny that the Holy Spirit is a person and don’t like it when they are shown how their reasoning is wrong. I once had a JW contend that because the noun for “spirit” in the Greek Scriptures is “pneuma” which is neuter so the Spirit is rendered as “it” instead of “he”.


Let me point out that in Koine Greek there is no necessary connection between grammatical gender and personal gender so it is simply false to say that since the Greek noun “pneuma” is neuter the Spirit must be an “it.”


There abound many lines of evidence in the Bible which prove that the Holy Spirit is a person. For example, Jesus said he would send “another” in His place (John 14:16). The word for another is “allos” in Greek and refers to another just like Jesus. It is therefore logical to conclude from this that the Spirit is a person since Jesus is clearly a person. Further, Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as “Parakletos” which requires that He be a person since the functions of “Parakletos” are personal (Jesus is also referred to as “Parakletos” in 1 john 2:1). <><

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1 hour ago, Cos said:

Jehovah’s Witnesses deny that the Holy Spirit is a person and don’t like it when they are shown how their reasoning is wrong. I once had a JW contend that because the noun for “spirit” in the Greek Scriptures is “pneuma” which is neuter so the Spirit is rendered as “it” instead of “he”.

Most people are wrong about almost everything they believe.

You may find one of Jehovah's Witnesses somewhere,  that believes the Holy Spirit is a giant tree frog, and expound on that at length, so your reference proves NOTHING.

I once met a very fine, theocratic Sister, who believed that demons came into her house over the cable TV line, into her television set.

Infinite variety among all humans ... most are NOT troubled by insanity ... they rather ENJOY it.

I agree that "pneuma means wind ... irregardless of gender. ( The song from the movie "Paint your Wagon: "They Call The Wind Mariah", comes to mind.).

I would expound more, but I have bronchitis, which may become PNEUMONIA, and I have to re-inflate one of the PNEUMATIC tires in the hand truck I carry concrete in.

In case you missed it ... that was a common sense HINT.


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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 9:02 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Most people are wrong about almost everything they believe.

You may find one of Jehovah's Witnesses somewhere,  that believes the Holy Spirit is a giant tree frog, and expound on that at length, so your reference proves NOTHING.

I once met a very fine, theocratic Sister, who believed that demons came into her house over the cable TV line, into her television set.

Infinite variety among all humans ... most are NOT troubled by insanity ... they rather ENJOY it.

I agree that "pneuma means wind ... irregardless of gender. ( The song from the movie "Paint your Wagon: "They Call The Wind Mariah", comes to mind.).

I would expound more, but I have bronchitis, which may become PNEUMONIA, and I have to re-inflate one of the PNEUMATIC tires in the hand truck I carry concrete in.

In case you missed it ... that was a common sense HINT.


Mr. Rook,


In John 4:24 God is referred to as “pneuma” using your tunnel vision logic this would mean that God is wind.


But let’s apply this “wind” idea into practice using the Scriptures and see if it stand the test;


“…baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy [wind].” (Matt. 28:19)


“David himself said by the Holy [wind]. (Mark 12:36)


“And the [wind] said to Philip, ‘Approach and join this chariot.’” (Acts 8:24)


“And while they were serving the Lord and fasting, the Holy [wind] said,…” (Acts 13;2)


“For it seemed best to the Holy [wind] and to us to place on you no greater burden except these necessary things” (Acts 15:28)


“He who searches the heart knows what is in the mind of the [wind], since the [wind] pleads before God for the saints.” (Romans 8:27)


“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy [wind] be with all of you” (2 Cor. 13:13)


I could go on, but this should be enough to show the absurdity of your position. It is clear that only someone completely unacquainted with Scripture would constantly apply worldly terminology to try and support a faulty idea! So many differing ideas just to avoid the most obvious. <><

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Just as I previously referenced  the song  "They Call The Wind Mariah", from the movie "Paint Your Wagon" ...  the wind does not wear a dress, and cook up a big ol' plate of fried chicken on Sunday.

Some things are LIKENED to other things and that is expressed differently in different languages.

All of your scriptures quoted have no applicability to the idea that sometimes things and characteristics to other things can be intermingled.  

My wife is the English expert that knows the names for that literary device ... I will ask her.

Whatever the name for that literary device is, the spoken Hebrew language probably had the same thing, although nuanced differently.

It is my understanding that parallelism of ideas was what they considered poetry.

THE FACT IS .... the Holy Spirit does NOT have a personal name, like God, and Christ do .... and I have had pet Hamsters that did.

To illustrate that to the absurd, for those in Rio Linda, I hereby declare that The Holy Spirit's personal name is Casper ! ... sometimes symbolized by a Dove.

Casper the holy spirit is  a "friendly" holy spirit, a real comforter and parakeet.

Dove ... parakeet ... GET IT?

(parallelism of ideas)


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Mr. Rook,


The absurdity of your comments is a farce; you read back into Scriptural words using modern worldly terminology in an effort to try and explicate what you can’t even explain rationally, and then you try to justify that ridiculous nonsense by liken your efforts to Hebrew parallelism. In fact you would do well to learn Scripture instead of relying on a Hollywood musical to support your wacky ideas. Better hope that your ridicule of the Holy Spirit is not considered blasphemy (Matt. 12:31)…good luck with that. <><

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The first resort of the incompetent is to threaten.

Your threat of my having blasphemed the Holy Spirit is exactly what YOU have done, by subverting common sense truth.

The reason I use movie references is that it is quite common for EVERYBODY to bend scripture to support whatever agenda they are promoting, and movie references are USUALLY quite clear and unambiguous. ... so I try to appeal to reason, logic, and common sense to define concepts, ideas and principles.

If you don't understand ... It cannot be explained to you, and you will NEVER understand it.

Not really.

Movies often have commonly understood frames of references that few people can mess up with their agendas.

If Scripture is interpreted to NOT be reasonable, logical, and be common sensical, the fault lies in the interpretation ... not the Scripture.

To the best of all available knowledge, there are no three-in-one life forms in the known Universe.

And for any work to be done at a distance, there HAS to be a force carrying directed field of energy.

YOUR ideas are the wacky ones ... as among the BILLIONS of life forms swarming the Earth, there are NO examples of  three-in-one life forms in the known Universe. ...

... and we are made in God's image.

...and your arguments completely fail on their own ... because in English, Jehovah is God's name ...  Jesus is his Son's and Christ's name, and the Holy Spirit's name is NOT Casper.

The Holy Spirit is a FORCE of some kind, and has no name.



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