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The Holy Spirit


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18 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

Yes! Isn’t it, it can be frustrating with people that actually know scripture, not just quote it. With all the intelligence here, I have yet to feel “The love of the spirit” with the consensus on “one” simple word, Pneumatology?




Mr. Smith


Have you read Gordon Fee’s book “God’s Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul”? Or is it just the cover that you like?


Unless you didn’t know Gordon D. Fee is a Trinitarian, in fact throughout his book Gordon makes reference to the personality of the Holy Spirit. On page 827 he says “'Paul expresses his experience of God in a fundamentally Trinitarian way…” and on page 830 he goes on to say that the personhood of the Spirit is confirmed implicitly by the scarcity of impersonal images and in a number of passages where the Spirit is presented as personal subject e.g. searching, knowing, teaching, dwelling, crying out, leading, bearing witness, desiring, interceding, helping, strengthening, grieving. <><

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Some like to blame Trinitarians for all that is wrong in the world. They will ignore the continual rise of false political idealism to blame Trinitarians for wars and such. But this kind of self-righteous attitude does not disprove that God is Triune. <><

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We have already covered the scriptural evidence of a triune God and it is laughably small.

The reason I shy from these type of discussions is that always participants have been convinced by revelation of some sort. How does one counter that?

Truth revealed through revelation is fine until you find someone else who has also received truth by revelation and it differs from yours.

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12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

We have already covered the scriptural evidence of a triune God and it is laughably small.

Mr. Harley,


First you made the comment that the only evidence for supported of the Trinity was 1 John 5:7, but now you say the Scriptural evidence “is laughably small”. First it was only one, now it is a small amount, how much Scriptural evidence is require?

12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

you find someone else who has also received truth by revelation and it differs from yours.

What, the twisted “truth” from a magazine!? That would explain why you probably “shy” away from meaningful dialogue as there is no Scriptural truth that comes from that peddled magazine. <><

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2 hours ago, Cos said:

First you made the comment that the only evidence for supported of the Trinity was 1 John 5:7, but now you say the Scriptural evidence “is laughably small”. First it was only one, now it is a small amount, how much Scriptural evidence is require?

I was being charitable and allowing the silly stuff you brought up to be included as 'evidence.'

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On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 10:12 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

I was being charitable and allowing the silly stuff you brought up to be included as 'evidence.'

Mr. Harley,


If you ever want to know the truth of Scripture (what you refer to as “silly stuff”) I’d be more than happy to engage your queries. <><

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Many places in the Bible the Holy Spirit is said to speak.


In Acts 21, Paul is on his way to Jerusalem, but the prophet Agabus bound Paul’s feet and hands with his own belt, saying, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘This is how the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles’” (Acts 21:11).


Notice, in this instance that the Spirit is speaking and Agabus is the prophetic messenger. <><

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19 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

As do the heavens. This is an observation, and is only a proof of what the Bible "says". Nothing more.

Gone fishing,


Thus says the Holy Spirit” (Acts 21:11), “thus says” is a phrase found throughout the Scriptures and the phrase is always attributed to actual persons.


And here is another observation, the fact that in Acts 21:11 this was a prophetic message given to Agabus is sure proof of the foreknowledge of the Person from who the message came. <><

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18 hours ago, Cos said:

And here is another observation, the fact that in Acts 21:11 this was a prophetic message given to Agabus is sure proof of the foreknowledge of the Person from who the message came.

Can't see a contention with this? After all Isaiah 46:9-10 makes it clear that: "I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, ‘My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do’;"

18 hours ago, Cos said:

Thus says the Holy Spirit” (Acts 21:11), “thus says” is a phrase found throughout the Scriptures and the phrase is always attributed to actual persons.

Can't be.

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14 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Can't be.

Gone fishing,


Denial won’t make this truth go away, the phrase “thus says” is found throughout the Scriptures and is always attributed to actual persons; “Thus says the Holy Spirit” (Acts 21:11).


The Holy Spirit is a Person; He is not an impersonal force or power; remember from that simple exercise of substituting your idea in passages where the Holy Spirit is mentioned, how exegetically problematic that is to your whole position. <><

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