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@James Thomas Rook Jr. He is only going to pull another rabbit out of his hat, as well as repeat himself, for everything he will say that goes against scripture, he will only be corrected. A Dishonest man cannot continue to spread dishonesty and think that he can get away with it, he will be corrected, and the people will see the error of his ways, and the dishonest man, now exposed to the public, will be left in a position to make a serious choice: do what is right, or continue to do what is wrong, now with God and what the scriptures inform us on what is to come, a dishonest man, again, is left with 2 choices - 2 paths, for one can do what is right and be subjected to all that is good, or continue to be ignorant, accept falsehood and or do what is bad, and be subjected being brought to nothing - perish.

But the scriptures is very true to say that it the path is very narrow or the fact that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

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Personification is a rhetorical figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with personal qualities.


Personification are found throughout the Scriptures, But in all these examples we know by way of human experience that they are not really persons. Not so with the Holy Spirit for such an idea is assumed. No one can know the Holy Spirit is a thing (and not a person) the way we can know the city of Jerusalem is not a person by human experience.


We can prove something is personification by finding a Bible verse that outright state that it is not a person but a thing. We can do this with blood, rocks, sin, death, hills, wisdom, stars, Jerusalem, etc.


When a passage that ascribes personal characteristics or action to a thing cannot be interpreted literally, then the passage is using personification.


Personification is an example of poetic license: saying something that ordinary logic tells us is impossible. If this ordinary signal is absent, it stands to reason that the passage is not using personification.


For example, death does not literally rule as king, nor does sin literally rule as king, a martyr’s blood does not literally cry out from the ground. Tongues do not literally strut. Rivers do not literally clap their hands. Light and truth are not literal travel guides to a sacred site. Money is not a literal god.


When we turn to the Scriptures that describe the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, however, this ordinary signal is absent. There is nothing in these descriptions of the Holy Spirit that cannot be true of an actual spiritual being.


For example: “If I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you” (John16:7); “The Spirit intercedes for us” (Rom.8:26); “The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God” (1Cor.2:10).


None of these passages states any personal characteristic or action that is impossible for a spiritual entity to possess or to perform. The usual signpost that says “personification” is absent. There is nothing in these passages that puts them into the company of valleys that sing (Ps.65:13) and stones that cry out (Hab.2:11) except the assumed idea.


There is a second principle that also comes into play: does personification fit the context? When we try to interpret the descriptions of the Holy Spirit as mere figures of speech, the attempt fails. The contexts of the passages do not fit the premise that the Holy Spirit is not a Person. <><

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@Cos This is exactly what I stated time and time again, you repeat yourself over and over, yet Paul, Peter, and even John's Testimony speaks more truth than that of Trinitarian perspective, not to mention you throw people who share your own views under the bus.


It still stances, you are, indeed, misguided, for even if truth is put before you like a life saving medicine, you deny it. I already spoke about John 14 and 16, yet you use it again, thus what I said before, you do not know the Greek Language.

You can continue to ramble about with the same thing you have mentioned before, it will not help you and you should know by now there are more out there who can see through the lies the Trinitarians spout, namely things such as the justification of 1 John 5:7 and many more, even 1 Timothy 3:16. People are starting to see the truth.

What you have mentioned had already been addressed in previous responses anyways. If you claim the Holy Spirit is a Person and or a God you have to address the question that was asked of you multiple times, to which you evaded.

And Peter himself makes it clear, John and Paul also, the Father of Jesus Christ is indeed God, who is Their Father, Jesus' Father, My Father, and your Father, for Jesus himself wants us to know who he and take in the word of which God enabled Jesus to speak to the people.

Lastly, I left out a very strong verse from Revelations on purpose because most Trinitarians cannot handle such truth that reveals the many contradictions of their claims. So therefore, you cannot prove the Holy Spirit is a person, and no one called it a "thing", I will repeat myself for like the 4th time, in the other post, the description of what the Holy Spirit is, with literal verses to support such, but like I said, you ignore because you adhere to the mainstream, very strongly.

You mentioned cross-references, start using them, and as for 1 Corinthians 1:20, read that chapter in its entirety because in Order it goes

First Epistle to the Corinthians

  • Greeting (1-3)
  • Apostle Paul thanking God for the Corinthians (4-9)
  • Exhortation, being united (10-17)
  • Christ, the power and wisdom of God (18-25) - verse 20
  • Boasting only in Almighty God YHWH (26-31)
8 hours ago, Cos said:

We can prove something is personification by finding a Bible verse that outright state that it is not a person but a thing. We can do this with blood, rocks, sin, death, hills, wisdom, stars, Jerusalem, etc.

Yet you it was never mentioned by you until it was brought up.

8 hours ago, Cos said:

Personification are found throughout the Scriptures, But in all these examples we know by way of human experience that they are not really persons. Not so with the Holy Spirit for such an idea is assumed. No one can know the Holy Spirit is a thing (and not a person) the way we can know the city of Jerusalem is not a person by human experience.

Hence why Greek knowledge has come into question, for if I had not brought up Greek Language and Gender forms, you would have went on about John 14 and 16 with every response. a Language modifier does not prove something is a being and or person, yet you continue to bring up chapter 14 and 16 as prove, when someone can search up the Greek Language and context of the verse, as to why such forms in the language is applied.

Other languages follow this same example to some extent, French, Spanish, etc.

9 hours ago, Cos said:

When a passage that ascribes personal characteristics or action to a thing cannot be interpreted literally, then the passage is using personification.

Personification is an example of poetic license: saying something that ordinary logic tells us is impossible. If this ordinary signal is absent, it stands to reason that the passage is not using personification.

And that is why, I call to question your knowledge of the Greek Language, and it does not take members here to see it, even the guests see this too. I gave you the links to the basics in this regard, but I know you ignore it because you want to profess something that is not true. You really have to open your eyes because you are keeping them shut, the same case can be made with the last discussion.

9 hours ago, Cos said:

When we turn to the Scriptures that describe the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, however, this ordinary signal is absent. There is nothing in these descriptions of the Holy Spirit that cannot be true of an actual spiritual being.

Yet we have examples like Zechariah, Mary, Samson, etc, even Jesus himself. I' also like to point out that Zechariah and Mary being prime examples, for the both of them have been confronted by an Angel of God, Gabriel, and it is not difficult for one to take into context of both situations, mainly with Mary, who was quite acceptive of her role, the same can be said about Zechariah, the Father of the one who holds a role in being quite the support of the Christ, the very man who he himself made testimony of who the Christ actually is.

9 hours ago, Cos said:

For example: “If I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you” (John16:7); “The Spirit intercedes for us” (Rom.8:26); “The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God” (1Cor.2:10).

Clearly you do not know Greek, as mentioned many times before and you do not know Apostle Paul, the very man who made affirmation of a law from Moses' day. Such as been addressed more than once, yet you continue to use these verses when they hold no merit to your Triune belief. There is a verse that has not been brought up yet that automatically disproves the Triune doctrine, for God has one in-between to men, to mankind, something of which Paul makes very clear of, as well as mentioning such, which alludes to the Law, found in Galatians, which can be traced back to the Old Testament, specifically Exodus.

9 hours ago, Cos said:

None of these passages states any personal characteristic or action that is impossible for a spiritual entity to possess or to perform. The usual signpost that says “personification” is absent. There is nothing in these passages that puts them into the company of valleys that sing (Ps.65:13) and stones that cry out (Hab.2:11) except the assumed idea.

You are still not getting it. When a time comes when you get out of the darkness you are in, then, you will see it. Read your bible and take everything into context instead of picking it apart of by means of man's understanding.

9 hours ago, Cos said:

There is a second principle that also comes into play: does personification fit the context? When we try to interpret the descriptions of the Holy Spirit as mere figures of speech, the attempt fails. The contexts of the passages do not fit the premise that the Holy Spirit is not a Person. <><

The Holy Spirit has been described multiple times with biblical fact, example, being like wind and or a breathe, you ignored this on this thread, and on the other thread, and I believe one months ago. And there has been enough biblical fact of such to which you are obviously ignoring, for it you had read what was mentioned, this response would have been very different, but you hold strongly to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit being a person, even going as far as to throw your own under the bus to push said doctrine.


This is why it can be said, the doctrine of the Trinity is causing the decline in the church, it has been talked about since the late 2014s, now look around you, around the world. It is pretty evident that the Trinitarian camp isn't doing to well, to the point they started to turn some of their churches into bars and or yoga centers in order to gain more converts, in addition to helping out the very ones we are against.

As I said before to you, many, many times in response to your contradictions, errors and the like, you cannot see the forest for its' trees, so I suggest you start opening your eyes, like I said, the more you speak out of context regarding scripture, you will be corrected no matter what.

I'd also like to point out next time, read also 1 Peter chapter 1 in full, clearly you see Peter identify God as the Father, at least you were able to, possibly unaware, able to quote that, probably expecting us to not see that, but it has been seen, the only God is the Father, not Jesus, not the Holy Spirit, just the Father, my Father, your Father, my God, your God, as well as Jesus' God, the one whom Jesus had already made claim of as his God who is in heaven several times in scripture.


John 8:31-32

(31) So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, (32) and you will know

the truth, and the truth will set you free.

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12 hours ago, Cos said:

When a passage that ascribes personal characteristics or action to a thing cannot be interpreted literally, then the passage is using personification.

You are using perfectly rational logic here, but you seem to progress it in a way that loses it's sense.

12 hours ago, Cos said:

There is nothing in these descriptions of the Holy Spirit that cannot be true of an actual spiritual being.

You then assert that the descriptions that  are termed personifications in connection with inanimate or non-human objects are not so in connection with Holy Spirit. That appears to be because you assume that the Holy Spirit is a person, therefore the descriptors cannot be personification. So your conclusion would appear to be flawed here. The descriptors in themselves no more prove the Holy Spirit to be or not to be a person than the they do love, wisdom, fire, tongues or any other object to which they are applied.

Have you noted Isaiah 40:13: "who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord or being his counsellor hath taught him?" AV

I quite like John J. Skinner's comment on this text:

"the spirit of the Lord] denotes here the organ of the Divine intelligence (see 1 Corinthians 2:11). This is more likely than that the spirit is personified and then endowed with intelligence. The idea, however, does not appear to be found elsewhere in the O.T. The Spirit of God is ordinarily mentioned as the life-giving principle emanating from Jehovah, which pervades and sustains the world, and endows select men with extraordinary powers and virtues."

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It becomes quite amusing how a well known Trinitarian, the Reverend John Skinner, is quoted with approval because it is thought he somehow supports the false idea that the Holy Spirit is not a Person.


It would be futile addressing the assertion as we would then again, more likely, get the excuse “we can’t know what Rev. Skinner meant because we can’t ask him as he is dead” or something ridiculously similar.


The fact is those who deny the personhood of the Holy Spirit argue “personification” where it does not exist. They claim that passages that speak of the Holy Spirit as a Person should be understood as personification rather than as indicating that the Holy Spirit is a real Person.


The question is, as I stated, does the personification excuse fit the context?


When we try to interpret the descriptions of the Holy Spirit as mere figures of speech, the attempt fails. The contexts of the passages do not fit the premise that the Holy Spirit is not a Person. Here are a couple of examples.


But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. And you also will bear witness” (John15:26–27).


Note that Jesus says the Spirit will bear witness just as the disciples will bear witness (“you also…”). Jesus clearly regards the Spirit (the Helper) as being just as much a Person as each of the disciples, and speaks of them in the same terms.


If I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you…I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” (John16:7–13)


It would be absurd to ascribe these  personal actions to real persons and to a personification!


Also in Scripture personifications are always localized or limited to a specific passage; they are not elaborated on into a coherent system that extends across a whole span of texts.


Proponents of the personification view want to believe that all of the Bible references to the Holy Spirit are just personifications. This is utterly without precedent in the Bible and even other literature.


If we look at the New Testament passages that deal with the Holy Spirit as a Person, there is nothing to distinguish them from statements that deal with the Father and the Son as Persons.


For example it is evident that in Matthew 28.19, as well as 2 Corinthians 13.14 that the Father is a Person, and so too is the Son - two distinct Persons not to be confused with the other. How then do two Persons share a single name with a non-person (Matt 28.19)?


For Matthew to associate the Holy Spirit with the Father, and Son in such a way is plain evidence of His distinct personality. But some fail to apprehend this.


Another observation of the absurdity of the personification claim can be found in Romans 8:27 where the Holy Spirit “intercedes for the saints” Why is it when the Holy Spirit “intercedes” for the saints this is a mere personification, but just a few verses later in Rom. 8:34, when Jesus “who also intercedes for us,” it is not? <><

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13 hours ago, Cos said:

It becomes quite amusing how a well known Trinitarian, the Reverend John Skinner, is quoted with approval because it is thought he somehow supports the false idea that the Holy Spirit is not a Person.

Okay, but it should be very evident on how Trinitarian scholars, professors, such as David Wood, James White, Jay Smith, as do others today and of old share the same conclusions, that being said, it is no surprise they will speak of such ones before their time, even the ones who defend and accept the TR (Textus Receptus)/JC (Johannine Comma) when the original manuscript evidence says otherwise. As stated before, the truth shall set you free.

As for the rest of your comment, such things have already been addressed, no need for the evident repeat, example, modified neuter Greek forms regarding masculine/feminine, which also applies to John chapter 14 and 16, and examples were also given, so to repeat something is not going to do much to help your case, especially when anyone can go a few pages back, for last it was recalled by you that your Greek was called into question, hence why the response was even made to begin with, I even gave you links to learn the basics of the Greek Language as well as the gender forms and neuter words which can be modified and the like, and such is implied in 14 and 16 due to knowing who the speaker is, Jesus (male) speaks of the Spirit (neutered), since the one is speaking is male, most of the time the neutered word becomes masculine, thus making Spirit (neutered) modified (neutered-masculine), hence why the Spirit is referred to as a He or Him, the same is also applied to places and or things, evident in the four gospel accounts and throughout the Greek New Testament, the Hebrew Old Testament does not show away from this principle of language as well, albeit more complex that the Greek however.

I believe the other verses have also been addressed also, in addition to cross-references. as for verse 34, it would have been wise to check out Hebrews 7:25 and 1 John 2:1. As for verse 27, Jesus told His followers that the Holy Spirit, which the Father would send to them, “will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you”  as seen in John 14:26.

  • But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

It is through God’s Spirit that abides in us that we gain spiritual insight as well as understanding. Therefore, we come to receive  what is stated in 1 Corinthians 2:16, the very “mind of Christ

  • “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

which in itself is a direct reference to as the “mind of the Spirit” as seen in Romans 8:27, which is connected with Romans 15:5.

  • May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,

Clearly, Jesus Christ had this spiritual comprehension in great abundance. For since he is the Messiah, He was prophesied to have such Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord as seen in Isaiah 11:2.

  • And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

Surely everyone here agrees with what Isaiah, a prophet of God, on what he had address about the one who is coming, the prophet of which God had spoken of prior to Adam and Eve's disobedience, the very one who is deemed the Seed, Promised Abrahamic Seed, the very one of which in the Hebrew Test, Torah, that God will put His Word in this prophets, mouth. And we know who this flesh, this man, is and this very same man who is also the prophet, a messenger of God, is the very one to speak the very Words of God, hence why such a man is called the Word.

As stated before, such things have been talked about on this same thread before, pages back, and the response is the same.

It is also worth to mention, as stated before, it is not the best idea to use Paul, Peter or John the Baptist, when they clearly identity the only true God as the Father, or the fact that 1 of the 3 men affirmed a law that even address the Father as being the one True God, the very same one as to where Jesus spoke with the scribes.


Another thing to note is God is the only God and there is no one equal to or above him, for God himself have stated

Book of Isaiah

  • 45:5 - I am the LORD [YHWH], and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me,
  • 46:9 - remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me,

(these are but 2 out of several verses pertaining to such)

We know the Father is the only God, and clearly the Son is not the Father nor the Spirit, for we know in the scriptures itself, the supposedly person, Holy Spirit, never made any claim nor does it know the day or hour, so has the Son, Jesus, has never made any claim of being God, for it is evident in scripture he refers to God as his Father, several times even calling the Father, God, even as a child, young Jesus recognized who his Father is for by Law, every born Jew, regardless of their sex (males were obviously circumcised after sometime and young ones were indeed taken to God's Temple), recite, profess, learn and read of their God in the Old Testament, and recognizes that the God of Israel is their Father.

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14 hours ago, Cos said:

It becomes quite amusing how a well known Trinitarian, the Reverend John Skinner, is quoted with approval because it is thought he somehow supports the false idea that the Holy Spirit is not a Person.

What John Skinner stated is what he stated and it makes perfect sense to me without trying to interpret his meaning to fit a preconceived idea about what he meant. He has used a remarkable clarity in expressing his understanding of Is 40:13, and, despite the amusement the reference seems to afford you, it stands as an eloquent description of the nature of the holy spirit, far more so than some of the views  I have seen elsewhere expressed on this topic.

Not that his efforts in any way exceed or supplant that which is contained in scripture of course. In view of many of his expressions being likely published in the late 19th and very early part of the 20th Centuries, I would see him rather like Apollos in needing the way of God to be explained more accurately to him (Acts 18:26). I would see that as a reason for some of his other views providing apparent contradiction to that expressed in the quoted passage. As you correctly observe, his death rather excludes further discussion with him on the matter of his theology, for the present anyway.  ☺️

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I have a question for Space Merchant.

Why wear that clumsy white Star Wars armor? 

It only seems to make you run like a girl balancing oranges, appears to be no protection whatsoever, even against hand weapons, and impairs  your aim so you cannot hit someone directly in front of you ?

I  mean .....

What with THAT!

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On 6/17/2018 at 11:04 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I have a question for Space Merchant.

Why wear that clumsy white Star Wars armor? 

It only seems to make you run like a girl balancing oranges, appears to be no protection whatsoever, even against hand weapons, and impairs  your aim so you cannot hit someone directly in front of you ?

I  mean .....

What with THAT!

The storm trooper avatar of mine is due to someone I know, was an avid star wars fan when he was alive, he always dressed up as a storm trooper many many times even at random, and my avatars elsewhere is the same thing, it poses as a reminder for all my avatars is storm trooper related. Compared to me, my friend was not as bible savvy, but he always did like learning of what the scriptures say for the both of us were not fans of the badness taking place in the world, moreover, he was not the fastest learner when it came to this stuff, for back then, he wanted me to explain Revelations when he went into it randomly, at the time, I had no idea and was very confused with Revelations, but today, I am well aware of what it means, hence when I began learning the bible even more, I started from Revelations and read to Genesis.

But yeah, as clumsy as storm troopers are, they tend to be a reminder of something for some people, for me, anything related to storm troopers poses as a reminder for me.

Unlike storm troopers though, when I aim with scripture, it always hits, sometimes it hits rather way too well to the point it tends to surprise me and I am not the type of person to be surprised easily either. My laser fire is truth, the truth is the scriptures.

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Watchtower Teaching: The WT claims that the HS is neither a person nor God, but an impersonal ‘active force’ to achieve God’s will, like electricity or radio waves.

Bible Teaching: The Holy Spirit is fully God and has personality as He can be blasphemed.

The Holy Spirit has the three attributes of personality, those being: mind, emotions and will.

An ‘active force’ does not have personal attributes. The WT’s claim of the Holy Spirit being an active force is disproven if the Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit has mind,emotions & will.

1. The Holy Spirit has a mind.

(1) ‘He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit’. (Romans 8:27). The word ‘mind’ means ‘way of thinking’, something which is only true of a person.

(2) ‘The things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.’ (I Corinthians 2:11).

QUESTION: How can the Holy Spirit know the things of God if the Spirit does not have a mind? A force does not know things. To know requires a mind.

(3) The Spirit searcheth all things’ (I Corinthians 2:10). The Greek word for ‘search’ means to thoroughly investigate a matter, something only a mind can do.

2) The Holy Spirit has emotions

(4) The Holy Spirit loves: ‘I beseech you..through the love of the Spirit’.(Rom 15:30 NWT).

(5) ‘Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God’. (Ephesians 4:30) The Holy Spirit is grieved (made sad) when believers sin. Grief is an emotion that one feels. A force can’t be grieved.

3) The Holy Spirit has a will. He performs personal acts.

(6) The Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts ‘to every man severally as he will.’(I Cor.12:11) The phrase ‘he wills’ in Greek means ‘a decision of the will after previous deliberation’. The Holy Spirit chooses which gifts each believer receives. A force has no such will,
nor ability to make decisions.

(7) The Holy Spirit commands: ‘The Spirit bade me go with them’ (Acts 11:12)

(8) The Holy Spirit forbids:‘forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia’.Acts 16:6

(9) The Holy Spirit speaks: ‘The Spirit said to Philip, Go near.’ (Acts 8:29)

‘The Holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabus and Saul’. (Acts 13:2)

‘The Spirit speaketh expressly’. (I Timothy 4:1).

QUESTION: How do you explain the WT view of the Holy Spirit being an impersonal force, with the Bible’s teaching that the Holy Spirit has a mind that can know, emotions that can feel love and grief, and a will to make decisions?

(10) The Holy Spirit testifies: ‘He shall testify of me’. (John 15:26).
The same Greek word for testify (or bear witness) used here, is also used of:

a) The disciples testifying about Christ in John 15:27.
b) John the Baptist bearing witness to the truth in John 5:33.
c) God the Father bore witness to Cornelius’ (and Gentiles’) conversion by giving them the Holy Spirit. (Acts 15:8)

Just as the disciples, John and God the Father (who are all persons) testified or bore witness, so the Holy Spirit bears witness about Christ. A force cannot bear witness, only a person can. (The Holy Spirit bears witness in heaven and on earth - I John 5:7,8)

(11) The Holy Spirit intercedes or prays for believers.‘The Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings’. (Romans 8:26). 

Just as Jesus Christ (a person) intercedes for believers (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25), so the Holy Spirit (as a person) intercedes
(same Greek word) for believers. A force cannot pray for another; only a person can pray.

(12) The Holy Spirit teaches believers. (‘he shall teach you all things’. John 14:26)

(13) The Holy Spirit hears. ‘Whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak.’ (John 16:13)

(14) The Holy Spirit shows us things. ‘he....shall show it unto you’. (John 16:15)

(15) The Holy Spirit restrains sin. ‘My Spirit shall not always strive with man’(Genesis 6:3)

(16) The Holy Spirit can be blasphemed.‘he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost’.Mk3:29

People cannot be blasphemed. We can only be slandered. Only God can be blasphemed.

By Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit being blasphemed means we’ve proved the Trinity.

(a) God the Father can be blasphemed. (Revelation 13:6; 16:9)
(b) God the Son can be blasphemed. (Luke 22:65)
‘And many other things blasphemously they spake against him’.
(c) God the Holy Spirit can be blasphemed. (Matthew 12:31)
‘Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men.’

(17) The Holy Spirit can be lied to (Acts 5:3). Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit.

QUESTION: Have you ever lied to electricity and asked electricity to forgive you?

(18) The Holy Spirit cries in our hearts, Abba, Father. (Galatians 4:6)

(19) The Holy Spirit approves some decisions:
‘It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us’. (Acts 15:28)

(20) The Holy Spirit invites people to be saved:‘The Spirit & the bride say Come’Rev 22:17

(21) The Holy Spirit fills us (Ephesians 5:18) just as God may fill us (Ephesians 3:19).

(22) The Holy Spirit uses personal pronouns to describe Himself: John 15:26; 16:13;(he):

‘The Holy Spirit said, Separate me Barnabus. . .’ (Acts 13:2).

The Holy Spirit considers Himself a person, not a personification.

Watchtower Objection:
The main reason the JWs say that the Holy Spirit is an ‘active force’ is because the Greek word for ‘spirit’ (pneuma) is neuter.

Answer: This is faulty reasoning, because 1)the gender of a word relates to the grammatical form of the word, not to its sex or physical gender. Because a word is grammatically neuter does not mean that the object is an ‘it’ or of neuter sex.
(Source: Elements of NT Greek, J W Wenham, 1979, p.8).

For example, in Greek, ‘children’ is a neuter word, ‘desert’ is a feminine word, etc.and

2) In John 15:26 and 16:13, the neuter noun ‘pneuma’ is referred to by the masculine pronoun ‘ekeinos’ (1565=that one, masculine) recognising the Holy Spirit’s masculine personality. ‘He (ekeinos) shall testify of me’ (15:26); ‘when he (ekeinos), the Spirit of
truth shall come’ (16:13). Note: ‘ekeine’ is feminine ‘that one’, and ‘ekeino’ is neuter).

(23) The Holy Spirit comforts (Gk: parakletos) believers. John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7. This same Greek word ‘parakletos’ (3875) is used of Christ who has personality in John 14:16 and I John 2:1. ‘Another Comforter’ (Gk: allos parakletos, John 14:16) means
‘another of the same kind’ as Christ, in contrast to ‘heteros’ (2087) meaning ‘another of a different kind’. As Christ has Deity and Personality, so does the Holy Spirit. To comfort requires empathy, understanding, love, compassion and concern for another’s
well-being, all being attributes of personality.

Conclusion: Hence,the Holy Spirit is a person because 1) He has mind, emotions,& will. 2) Personal pronouns are used of Him. 3) He performs personal acts.4) He associates with the Father and Son in the Baptism formula, Apostolic benediction and as Church
Administrator (I Cor. 12:4-6). 5) He can be personally mistreated (tempted, lied to, grieved, resisted, insulted and blasphemed). The New Testament clearly shows the Holy Spirit to have a personality and to be God. (‘Jehovah is the Spirit’ II Cor. 3:17 NWT).

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@Jesus.defender Everything you have said, has already been confuted, addressed, explained, reinforced, and placed with bibical facts and solidified information that cannot be broken by falsehood. The thing is, this discussion has little to do with the Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses, it is more Trinitarian false ideas and theology being corrected with what the bible really says, for you can use all the WT information you want, it is nothing more than throwing snowballs into a roaring furnace, 0% chance of success to put out a fire that represents truth and nothing but. If you want to defend his claims, you surely could do a better job than that, but clearly, you have not proven anything.

Other than that, you've proven yourself to be as equally misguided as the Trinitarian, Bob the Builder (I have confronted and corrected him, IRL before).


??? Not this one ???



??? This one ???



Therefore, your lack of faith in what the Bible says, is very disturbing.

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