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David Splane explains the overlapping generation again via JW Broadcasting September 2015 

The cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that Fred Franz died. Therefore now is not the time to become weary - the end is right around the corner.

sources below:

We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year.

w14 1/15 p. 31 par. 15

16 The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years.

w14 1/15 p. 31 par. 16

See previous explanations on the page for Matthew 24.  ( @JW Insider)

Here is a more detailed chart


Overlapping Generation Mathematical Formula

This was sent to me in an email by a brother from Germany. Has anyone tried plugging in different dates to see the results? Is it a fair representation of what David Splane explained? 

It is now literally possible to explain the potential length of the “overlapping generation” with a formula like the following one where X? and X? represent two different (overlapping) groups of anointed persons.

Generation (X?+X?) <= 1914+?[A?]-?[A?]+?[A?]-?[A?]-x

This formula is applicable where A? and A? are symbols referring to anointed persons qualified to be in group one and two, respectively. ?[A?] (lambda of A?) refers to the lifespan of the person in the first group, and ?[A?] (alpha of A?) refers to the age at which A? is said to have been anointed. A person qualifying for inclusion in the second group (A?), must not only be born, but must already be anointed, in or before the year A? dies. We must also consider the following two limiting factors: First, the maximum length of a lifespan (?) usually put in a range from 99 to 119 years. Second, the minimum age at which one may be considered to be anointed (?), put in a range from 10 to 20 years. And, finally, we must subtract x, the number of full years that the lifespan of A? overlapped with A?. If A? happened to be born in the same year that A? died, then this x=0.




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I'm not speaking for any of the other persons who have questioned it, but the only scripture that was used is this: (Exodus 1:6) 6 Joseph eventually died, and also all his brothers and all that

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Looking at those charts, graphs and formulas ... they made no sense to me WHATSOEVER, and I made my living doing math for about 40 years, but not this complicated. ( I could have done better if wearing open-toed sandals..).

While we were out in Service, I asked the smartest brother (seriously) at the Kingdom Hall I go to,  if he could explain the new and improved "this generation..." to me.

He was thoughtful for  several moments, and said: "I think they are trying to do the best they can...".

I thought about showing this post to my wife, Susan, who is a high school math teacher, to see if she could decipher them ... but I suspect her reply would be similar to Albert Einstein's reply when asked if he understood the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Tax Code ... " I am a mathematician .. NOT a philosopher".

By the way .... I have included a Feynman Diagram  that stumped Sheldon Cooper on the Season 1, episode 13 of the TV comedy "The Big Bang Theory", which is a LOT EASIER TO FIGURE OUT.  The answer is reported to be " minus 8 pi alpha" .

You can see almost instantly see they they misinterpreted some of the variables.

( For those in Rio Linda, That was a JOKE! )

UPDATE:  Susan just walked in and saw the "equation" and got upset and said it was all "Mush".

That reminded me of the famous "Drake Equation" ( go ahead.. look it up.. it's worth the effort )  that will accurately predict how many intelligent civilizations currently exist in the Milky Way Galaxy, or the Universe.

IF ( if! ) you plug into the equation the correct set of values.

That is the same problem that exists with EVERYTHING previous to this post.

Since there is no evidence ANYONE has the correct values ... to either philosophy .. and that is what they are ... philosophy ... it's all a wild-assed guess (WAG). 

No more.






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Am I missing something?

The 2 groups overlap in the middle somewhere, like 2 circle intersecting each other, in order to know for certain the details, JWs as members would need to know when the last of the 1st group died and who claimed to be anointed in the 2nd group at the time of the 1st groups deaths. These 2 pieces of data would give an approximate range for the great tribulation to begin, no one would know exactly as those who claim to be anointed may contain some who were not anointed in reality, but an approximation would be ascertained... no one knows the day or hour..true...but maybe a window can be guessed at. The idea that those who became anointed much later and had no contact with the 1st group, gives a get out clause if the idea is wrong, if the tribulation has not come when the 2nd overlapping group dies out, then the remaining anointed who became such later can be said to be part of the 2nd group despite having no contact with the 1st group. In the end the WTBATS is searching for the solution...no one else is.

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If you watch the video by David splane it explains it very clearly I don't see the problem no need for hand puppets no supposedly complex calculations there is nothing complex about it... it's simple example of a generation from the bibles record makes it easier to understand I suggest you watch it again if you have a problem with the concept

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I think the example of the scripture David gave about the generation in Joshua I forget which one seem convincing and gave the idea of what a generation men from the Bible point of view but really other than knowing the biblical perspective of generation what else is there that can you reference .

I think the brother is assuming that you know what he is talking about by reference to the great tribulation in Matthew and revelation etc.. and brother David splane is assuming that you don't need to be spoon fed on every single thing you know ...that you actually know what he's referring to

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17 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

The theory isn't difficult to understand, but where's the Biblical evidence? Br. Flodeen gave the concluding talk at the convention and discussed the new theory--not one scripture was referenced! Very strange...


So, not a single scripture that shows Jesus understood a "generation" to be as currently defined by the Governing Body.  


Anything that is not THAT, is looking into an empty basket, and seeing it overflowing with wisdom ... a self induced FANTASY


NEWSFLASH !,  Jesus understood a generation to be the EXACT same way that EVERYBODY in HIS time understood it ... All civilization marks he time between one statistically average persons' birth and his death .. ONE GENERATION. 


That is the way it has ALWAYS been understood ... since civilization began and they started counting years, AND counting children.




That is the way EVERYBODY, and I do mean EVERYBODY that is not delusional and trying to CYA with a fantasy explanation understands it now.




You can have overlapping generations between peoples, sure ... BUT THAT IS NOT THE SAME GENERATION..


It only takes ONE sentence and plain old common sense to understand this !


" A generation is the time between ONE statistically average persons'  birth and his death. ".


That's IT ... one simple sentence explains it all.


Every life Insurance company in the world will pay you the policy benefits specified when you reach 100 years of age, even though you have not actually died.


If you are alive at 100 years old, you get the money ... yourself!


Previous threads did answer those concerns, and yes, I did not like them, because ....




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On 9/3/2017 at 5:01 PM, The Librarian said:

The cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992

Isn't this just an example for the sake of the argument? Most Jehovah's Witnesses should have heard of Freddie Franz. (Those with sufficient interest in what the generation could be referring to anyway).

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The type of mathematics used to "explain" the overlapping generations can ONLY be explained with a chart with pictures, circles and arrows.    This is called "TAXI CAB MATH", and was made famous in the old Radio Program "Amos and Andy", to wit:


Overlapping Generations Taxi Cab Math example .mp3


... be sure your speakers are on.



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On 9/6/2017 at 8:09 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

So, not a single scripture that shows Jesus understood a "generation" to be as currently defined by the Governing Body.  

“An evil anadulterous generation demands a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Then He left them and went away.”  Matt 16:4

On 9/6/2017 at 8:09 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Anything that is not THAT, is looking into an empty basket, and seeing it overflowing with wisdom ... a self induced FANTASY

“Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elemental forces of the world, and not based on Christ.” Col 2:8

"...wisdom is proved righteous by her children"   Matt 11:19

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