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Hi! All of you who are or have been member of JW church for longer period are  very well aware of fact that every explanation on "the generation" issue through long decades that passed, was been "logic" and supported with "logical reasoning", "reasonable explanation", and in some of them, as in this last one, WT GB told people that "Jesus referred", "Jesus was thought". So by such sort of claiming in using Jesus authority, as GB often doing using JHVH name too, when want to strengthen, to boost, to support own idea,  ordinary, uninspired, imperfect and error human, earthly ideas and theories from WT "bible scholars" - nothing good can come from that. Only another seduction and deception.        

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I'm not speaking for any of the other persons who have questioned it, but the only scripture that was used is this: (Exodus 1:6) 6 Joseph eventually died, and also all his brothers and all that

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On 9/6/2017 at 10:12 AM, Otto said:

I think the example of the scripture David gave about the generation in Joshua I forget which one seem convincing and gave the idea of what a generation men from the Bible point of view but really other than knowing the biblical perspective of generation what else is there that can you reference .

I think the brother is assuming that you know what he is talking about by reference to the great tribulation in Matthew and revelation etc.. and brother David splane is assuming that you don't need to be spoon fed on every single thing you know ...that you actually know what he's referring to

There is no consistent meaning to a generation in the Bible, so which one do you pick to apply to Matthew 24:34?  Exodus 1:6 doesn't support a two group theory, because there is no mention in the scripture of two groups living at similar times. The scripture is actually very vague.

Is this really the GB using the Bible accurately or cherry picking a vague scripture to validate a questionable theory?  

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There is no consistent meaning to a generation in the Bible?

Of course there is!

It's the same consistent meaning everyone has EVER used .. no matter what time or place they lived in since humanity started counting its years ... and counting its children.

" A generation is the time between ONE statistically average persons'  birth, and his death. ".

Except the Society's Governing Body ...  to TRY and validate a failed "prophesy" of "Millions Now Living Will Never Die", starting in 1914 .... which is 103 YEARS AGO.

..... and keep the money rolling in.


There is NO scripture to support their idea.

Reality does NOT support their idea.

The common experience and definitions of the entire human race ... for all time ... and everywhere .. does NOT support their idea.

The overlapping generations idea is made up from THIN AIR.

It is supported by NOTHING except arrogance, and the desire not to have to get a REAL job of tedium and drudgery, or as old unemployable old men, push grocery carts with all their earthly possessions piled high, in the rain, on the streets of New York City.

It's NOT about TRUTH.

It's about MONEY!

Severed after 26 years.jpg

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9 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

" A generation is the time between ONE statistically average persons'  birth, and his death. ".

This is a suggestion, but is a bit variable in that it relates to time and place. Can we be more specific on how Jesus words can be applied?

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On 06/09/2017 at 16:09, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


So, not a single scripture that shows Jesus understood a "generation" to be as currently defined by the Governing Body.  


Anything that is not THAT, is looking into an empty basket, and seeing it overflowing with wisdom ... a self induced FANTASY


NEWSFLASH !,  Jesus understood a generation to be the EXACT same way that EVERYBODY in HIS time understood it ... All civilization marks he time between one statistically average persons' birth and his death .. ONE GENERATION. 


That is the way it has ALWAYS been understood ... since civilization began and they started counting years, AND counting children.




That is the way EVERYBODY, and I do mean EVERYBODY that is not delusional and trying to CYA with a fantasy explanation understands it now.




You can have overlapping generations between peoples, sure ... BUT THAT IS NOT THE SAME GENERATION..


It only takes ONE sentence and plain old common sense to understand this !


" A generation is the time between ONE statistically average persons'  birth and his death. ".


That's IT ... one simple sentence explains it all.


Every life Insurance company in the world will pay you the policy benefits specified when you reach 100 years of age, even though you have not actually died.


If you are alive at 100 years old, you get the money ... yourself!


Previous threads did answer those concerns, and yes, I did not like them, because ....




If you listen to the video with the society explanation shows you the scripture they reasoned it out on...why is it wrong in your opinion?


You seem to want scripturpal proof of what a generation was in the bible...where is yours to show what jesus thought a generation was?

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