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The God of Florida


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What is this confidence you have placed in the god of Florida? Have the gods of Barbuda, St Martin, and the island where that nutty atheist lives, been able to deliver those trusting in them so that you should say “the god of Florida will deliver me?” And in case you should say ‘Donald Trump will deliver me,’ have I not flattened the hotels of Donald Trump?

Now, is it without authorization from Donald Trump that I come? Donald Trump himself spoke to me, saying “grab them by …” well – you know what he said.

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You have a far more challenging role on this forum than I, JTR, for you are trying to denigrate something that is undeniably good and that has some breathtaking accomplishments to show for it. True, t

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Actually, in modern time there is no evidence ... none at all ...  ZERO, ZIP, NADA, GOOSE EGGS ! ... that Jehovah God has answered ANYBODY's prayers for safety, temporal  salvation, or sustenance.

No evidence whatsoever.

When I pray , I thank Jehovah God for the circumstances that I live in the time and place that somehow I have survived, and that circumstances infinite and random have not yet (yet!) managed to kill me. 

Perhaps .. .PERHAPS ... Jehovah had something to do with it, but to thank him for actually SAVING ME ... when so many Brothers and Sisters, much better in every way, more theocratic and innocent than I am died ... ASSUMES HE KILLED THEM.  or at the very  least just LET them die !


4,100 brothers and Sisters in the Houston area are reportedly now homeless and facing terrible hardship. 

Perhaps some since the report one, several, or many have died of hardship, or exposure,  or other circumstances related to hurricane Harvey, but Jehovah had exactly NOTHING to do with who lived, who died, or who was injured.

Chance and circumstances befall us all.

If this was NOT true, then FREEDOM would be a meaningless concept, and not really exist unless you had an "in" with that "cosmic butler in the sky", and God's sovereignty would be subject to a "vote".


Get used to it.

Remember: Real EVIDENCE ( remember EVIDENCE?), evidence has to be based on FACTS, not speculation or wishful thinking.

Prayer for our Brothers and Sisters is a very fine thing to do ... for MANY sound reasons ... but that is another topic.

This is a RANT.

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But for all you ranted about, the only personage who could change the circumstance of any who has or will have such things befalll them in this system of things is not the government, but Jehovah. That is a fact. Only he could can return those dead from the grave and restore better living conditions than now to this planet. No government in power can. That is a fact! When these things come about, like Jesus himself said only the Father knows, so we are told to keep alert, stay awake, endure til the end. Tell others of what real hope there is, not living under these conditions. 

So again rant on, my friend!

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I trust no one takes this thread as encouragement to trust in God, ignore warnings, and tough it out. The thread is a joke. Does Donald Trump talk to hurricanes? Have his hotels even been flattened? He lost a shingle or two somewhere - i don't know the damage, but nothing is flattened.

As for Branson the Atheist - well, that's another story.

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Eight Million Witnesses prayed to God for there to be religious freedom for them in Russia, and a mighty effort in accordance with those prayers, amounting to about 7 ( ... or was it 11 .. I forget...) railroad boxcars full of mail sent to the Russian Government.

The international postage amounted to EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS, or so, and the Russian Federation was given FIFTY FOUR MILLION of that 80 million dollars to deliver it at their end, by the Universal Postal Union covenants in place with all nations.

For all we know, all that mail is sitting on a railroad siding outside Moscow, waiting for winter, when the paper will be burned in stoves to keep somebody warm ... fuel at the proper time, courtesy of the Governing Body.

If I was a Russian Government Official, I would be laughing my head off ... and wondering to what good use I could make of FIFTY FOUR MILLION DOLLARS of "free money", courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Other than that... week long and more prayers by eight million Jehovah's Witnesses. AND 80 million dollars in postage ......produced ZERO observable results.


Chance and circumstances befall us all. 

There is no real FREEDOM ... unless it is actually that way.

If this was NOT true, then FREEDOM would be a meaningless concept, and not really exist unless you had an "in" with that "cosmic butler in the sky" .....

..... and God's sovereignty would be subject to a "vote".




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53 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If I was a Russian Government Official, I would be laughing my head off ... and wondering to what good use I could make of FIFTY FOUR MILLION DOLLARS of "free money", courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Other than that... week long and more prayers by eight million Jehovah's Witnesses. AND 80 million dollars in postage ......produced ZERO observable results.

On the contrary, it has driven massive, lasting, and measureable traffic to jw.org as persons go to check whether or not it is extremist as reported. Of course, they see that it is not. How will they resolve that bit of cognitive dissonance?

It is our loyal Russian brothers bringing their gift to the altar among much duress. Any funds spent thereby have proven well worth it. The idea that each Witness worldwide could have a share is invaluable.

It is a little mean but richly deserved to point out the value of your blast seeking to denigrate that significant accomplishment: 

53 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:



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If you pray for religious freedom in Russia ... and DON'T get it ... your prayers were not answered.

The fact that traffic increased on your (edited) the Society's New York based website for two weeks following IS NOT a significant accomplishment ... and NOT what you prayed, and spent 20 million HOURS and 80 million DOLLARS for .... except in a fantasy world, agenda driven projection of the delusional.

My guess is that 98% of these hits were Witnesses looking for an official JW.ORG response.

If you pray for a car, and get a banana ... that doesn't count.

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3 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:



That's why they call him God. He can make lemonade out of lemons.


4 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The fact that traffic increased on your New York based website for two weeks

It did? On mine? 

On tomsheepandgoats.com? Wow. I'll take it.

How's THAT for making lemonade out of lemons?

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7 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If you pray for a car, and get a banana ... that doesn't count.

You have a far more challenging role on this forum than I, JTR, for you are trying to denigrate something that is undeniably good and that has some breathtaking accomplishments to show for it. True, they are human and thus they may misstep here and there. Seizing upon such missteps, for reasons i know not, have become your lifeblood.

You can invariably be made to look very small by harping on things, even when true, of an organization going places and doing things that no one has gone to or done before. Anybody with any ability to express thought through words via keyboard can do this. I even believe there are more here who could easily do it but they feel sorry for you somehow and refrain. I try to pick up the slack.

For crying out loud, come in from the cold, will you? Call a truce and bring your considerable talents - for you are a Mickey Spillane and who cannot love a Mickey Spillane? - to bear on a cause that will make you friends in high places, just like he did. He was a raucous, bigger than life, no-nonsense character with great humor and humility (and I see that all in you)  that undoubtedly locked horns with 'bureaucrats,' and I can so easily see the two of you as interchangeable, if only you would straighten out and fly right - as he did after a few choppy runs.

Whatever things have blown up in your face, as things have blown up in mine, count it as discipline from God that he permits - if doesn't cause - and let it mold you into a better person. Run with what you can and keep low-key about what you cannot, since you probably do that in your private person. You seem to have family and friends that care for you, unless you are writing of the past. Mend fences with them if you are & focus on them if you are not.

Remember, JTR, you no longer own the Hall that you built with the sweat of your brow. If you do not shape up, I will send an LDC brother to shut it down, sell it to a tomato distribution company,  and make you drive 30 minutes to another one.

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I am not trying to denegrate ANYTHING, TTH , all I am pointing out is that the "Emporer has no clothes!", to those who want to remain un-punished,  who see clothes when none are there!

On 9/8/2017 at 2:47 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

I even believe there are more here who could easily do it but they feel sorry for you somehow and refrain. I try to pick up the slack.

You are living in a delusional fantasy world of your own creation, TTH, and projecting what is happening to YOU ... to others. In DOZENS of posts I have pointed this out to you ... but the blinders you wear will not let you see anything but your poppin-fresh Pillsbury Dough Boy, agenda.

I do not think Mickey Spillane had any friends in high places, and I certainly don't want any.  His good friend was John Wayne, and he straightened out a script for the Duke, and the Duke gave him a car, but that's about it, to my knowledge.

And I never did own my Kingdom Hall, or any part of it, it belonged to the local congregation until it was unilaterally confiscated by the Governing Body, as was every Kingdom Hall in the World.

In tyrannical countries they call that "Nationalization", and the Governments keep the profits, and the citizens get to keep from being thrown in jail, or banished.

Your entire post, from beginning to end, is based on a delusional fantasy and its projection.

If my three Superman Suits were not being cleaned in some very large sunspots, I would fly over and straighten you out.

Perhaps you could pretend to see MY clothes instead of my glorious naked super body.



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The friends in high places for Spillane are the friends in high places of Jesus illustration, on another thread. They are the heavenly high places. Mickey Spillane kissed up to nobody, most likely,

I am conceiving a mission which may lead to my death, just like the priest of The Exoricist. I will see you retract like a volcano turned inside out, sucking back in all the scalding crap it spewed upon decent people. Yes! You will shape up like Mickey himself and if you do not, he will come back in the resurrection and blow you to smithereens and submit the descriptive account for inclusion in the next Watchtower magazine. 

I HAVE A DREAM! Yes! They will say, as they used to of Paul: "the man who peppered the internet ether with stupid and vicious cartoons has become one of us." Rather than being a basket case, they will lower you in a basket, just like they did Paul when he finally joined the A-Team.

I HAVE A DREAM! that there will be a conference in heaven sometime and somewhere: "who will we send to fool the riff raff at the World News Forum?" "Well, we could send JTR." "What, are you out of your mind? He is their grand puba!" But it will be true!! You will no longer be a villain.

I HAVE A DREAM! that I will see JTR praise the organizational advances that ensure the displaced brothers of Houston and Florida and Mexico and Barbuda and so forth are promptly cared for materially and spiritually after disaster - a godsend of an improvement over the old days when people wanted to help and did to an extent, but were simply not organized enough to cope with disasters so massive.

I HAVE A DREAM! That one day JTR will realize it is not about him! He will praise God at the efficiencies realized when his congregation at the Kingdom Hall he once owned trades in their black leather jackets with congregation names emblazoned on the backs as all the other ones did long ago and realizes how SMART it is to not waste dedicated funds!

I HAVE A DREAM! That you will not act on your threat and will put some clothes on - and will even clothe yourself with the tender and mild spirit and manner of Christ, who commanded that we treat even our enemies with respect and mildness, rather than being as taunting and offensive as we possibly can be.

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