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The God of Florida


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Well, TTH...um ... er ... WHOA! ... I don't know quite what to say about all that.

( ..... facepalms forehead .....  )

6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I am conceiving a mission which may lead to my death, just like the priest of The Exoricist.

Well, um.. I don't watch movies that are horror pictures, per se ... so I can only imagine the reference.

I have no objection, however, to a movie like "Schindlers List" which is a real life horror picture of Nazi Germany, or a movie like "Sands of Iwo Jima", etc. It seems we both like Clint Eastwood Films, where there is a LOT of killing.  I thought his "Unforgiven" had some important themes.

6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I HAVE A DREAM! Yes! They will say, as they used to of Paul: "the man who peppered the internet ether with stupid and vicious cartoons has become one of us." Rather than being a basket case, they will lower you in a basket, just like they did Paul when he finally joined the A-Team.

If you think my cartoons are stupid and vicious, you may possibly be right ... they are over the heads of most of the population who do not recognize irony, satire, and poignancy. Most people do NOT understand symbolism when it is nested. Nothing new there ......

My cartoons are only vicious  if there is a TRUTH to them ... otherwise they have a comedic element, most of the time.  I am NOT above blasting a vicious cartoon against deliberate EVIL, disguised as righteousness, if that is what I perceive, or shall I EVER be above doing that.  

Opinions do vary, and since it IS about me (you made it so...), ya gets what ya pays for.

6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I HAVE A DREAM! that there will be a conference in heaven sometime and somewhere: "who will we send to fool the riff raff at the World News Forum?" "Well, we could send JTR." "What, are you out of your mind? He is their grand puba!" But it will be true!! You will no longer be a villain.

If a conference in Heaven concludes I am no longer a villain, that will be OK with me. The lead in to that is somewhat ambiguous.  Are THEY the GGs (Good Guys), or the BGs (Bad Guys)?

6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I HAVE A DREAM! that I will see JTR praise the organizational advances that ensure the displaced brothers of Houston and Florida and Mexico and Barbuda and so forth are promptly cared for materially and spiritually after disaster

Having loaded boxes into the back of Trucks for disaster relief from a Kingdom Hall in Missouri I am well familiar with the relief efforts the Society over the years has initiated.  I was very disappointed about their fibrillating efforts after the Haiti Earthquake, where the only way they could get anything at all done was align themselves under the umbrella of the United Nations and the American Red Cross.  That is why there is almost NOTHING on the JW.ORG website about that Haiti Earthquake relief efforts.  As an aside .. The American Red Cross collected $448 million dollars for that effort, and two years later only spent $120 million in Haiti, and the Clinton Foundation was even worse ( SURPRISE! ).  To be fair, I am an "equal opportuniy lambaster"

6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I HAVE A DREAM! That one day JTR will realize it is not about him! He will praise God at the efficiencies realized when his congregation at the Kingdom Hall he once owned trades in their black leather jackets with congregation names emblazoned on the backs as all the other ones did long ago and realizes how SMART it is to not waste dedicated funds!

I was not aware that the Congregations wasted dedicated funds .... perhaps you can give some examples that were so flagrantly obvious that like children, they had their properties confiscated, both real estate and their savings accounts for "rainy days"?  

We shall NOW SEE how the Society ... from Central Control ... handles the millions ( literally) of details of rebuilding the properties that THEY now own by unilateral confiscation, and the BILLIONS of dollars it is going to take to do it in Florida, Loiusianna, Alabama, and Texas, etc., etc. etc.   

THEY have the moral and financial responsibility, and may have to sell some or all of their multi-billion dollar stock portfolio to do it.  This may bankrupt them. The "Four Hurricanes of the Apocalypse" will bankrupt many insurance companies.

Guess what?  Those future "rainy days" are HERE ... NOW!

I see you mentioned the "A Team",presumably the TV show with George Peppard, to the best of my recollection, they shot tens of thousands of bullets from machine guns ... and NEVER HIT ANYONE.

anyway, lets watch and see what happens with the total relief effort ... it would make a REALLY good book ... IF honest !

6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I HAVE A DREAM! That you will not act on your threat and will put some clothes on - and will even clothe yourself with the tender and mild spirit and manner of Christ, who commanded that we treat even our enemies with respect and mildness, rather than being as taunting and offensive as we possibly can be.

I have it on good authority TTH, that you yourself, under those superficial fabric coverings, are RUNNING AROUND NAKED!

To the best of my knowledge I do not HAVE any living enemies ... so I can treat all adult people with the exact same respect, whether they find it offensive, or not..

Being brutally frank, and brutally honest only works with adult thinking people of integrity.  People with children's minds are easily insulted and take offense at EVERYTHING.

I had someone tell me, MANY years ago that I was "crude, rude, and a bore!"

I looked her straight in the eye and replied "Oh YEAH! ... what's yer point?"

Tom Harley's Penguins.jpg

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You have a far more challenging role on this forum than I, JTR, for you are trying to denigrate something that is undeniably good and that has some breathtaking accomplishments to show for it. True, t

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8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Well, um.. I don't watch movies that are horror pictures, per se ... so I can only imagine the reference.

I have no objection, however, to a movie like "Schindlers List" which is a real life horror picture of Nazi Germany, or a movie like "Sands of Iwo Jima", etc. It seems we both like Clint Eastwood Films, where there is a LOT of killing.  I thought his "Unforgiven" had some important themes.

Just for the record: 

I did see "Unforgiven" and I liked it a lot. I have seen Clint Eastwood's spaghetti Westerns. I have seen the Clint Eastwood WWII film, and his movie "Bloodwork." Also "Million Dollar Baby." I have seen his "Gran Torino" which I would recommend highly were it not sullied with consistently filthy language which could easily be dispensed with and done no harm to the film. Eastwoood is a good director.

But I have never seen a Dirty Harry movie. I have no general principle against them - they have just never caught my interest. I have never seen a horror movie. I learned long ago when walking through cavernous buildings alone at night that it was well not to do that. 

Some themes, however, are repeated so often in popular culture that it is impossible not to hear of them, whether seeing the source or not. 

I rarely see films anymore. I get impatient with them. I can cover the same story in far less time through reading.

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NBC put a reporter in a wind tunnel to tell us what that is like. He said it blows. He said it was not fine to be in a hurricane – you ought to avoid them.

‘okay, now at 70 miles per hour – whoa! – my clothes are flapping and anything not nailed to the ground is coming loose! I can’t even hold on to this pole – my grip is slipping!! There goes the toupee and my glasses! Now – oh no! – the wind is catching my cheeks!...

‘....fluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppafluppa!!!!!.... ‘Whoa! That was close! I almost couldn’t speak!’

Sheesh! Put him in rising flood waters and let him tell us what that is like!

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To JTR (Re: 9/7 - 9/9/17 posts)

No man can know the mind of Jehovah since his “thoughts are higher than” our “thoughts.”

     Jehovah’s perspective of what is going on down here on earth

     is immensely superior to any man’s view of things.

I have personally seen Jehovah answer my prayers more times than I can count…

     not on MY time schedule, or in the exact WAY that I was praying for.

But, since our FATHER in heaven knows so much more about what is best for us,

     he answers prayers in ways that we could not possibly have ever hoped or dreamed

     (more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”).

It is a beautiful gift from Jehovah when we try to look beyond our own personal view

     and try to see and understand things (that is, as best as humanly possible)

     from Jehovah’s higher perspective.

It really can provide us with “the peace of God”

     ...so does gratitude for all of the wonderful gifts he gives us.

May you be able to feel the peace of Jehovah God.

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