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Does Jesus now know the timing of Armageddon?

Jack Ryan

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*** w96 8/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***

Questions From Readers Does Jesus now know the timing of Armageddon? It seems quite reasonable to believe that he does. Hence, Jesus’ own words show that on earth he did not know the date for ‘the end of the world.’ Has he learned it since? Revelation 6:2 describes Jesus as seated on a white horse and going forth “conquering and to complete his conquest.” Next comes horsemen representing wars, famines, and plagues, such as we have experienced since World War I began in 1914. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that in 1914, Jesus was enthroned as King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, the one to lead in the coming battle against wickedness on earth. (Revelation 6:3-8; 19:11-16) Since Jesus has now been empowered as the one to conquer in God’s name, it seems reasonable that his Father has told him when the end will come, when he will “complete his conquest.” We on earth have not been told that date, so Jesus’ words still apply to us: “Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. . . . What I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch.”—Mark 13:33-37.


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Since Jesus is the executive king for the earth since 1914, it is likely that he knows. Agree with the Article above.

Just enlarging on above: When we catch a train, a bus or a plane, to go somewhere, we usually know fairly precisely when the vehicle will arrive.   Though no one will wish to be dogmatic, we know it is reasonable that if someone is given an assignment and he has to complete all segments of that assignment, he will usually know when the end part is coming up.  Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth (Matt 28:18-20). He would know when to initiate, how long he has to wait for results and when to wrap things up.  Jesus has set out on his triumphant rise of world conquest since 1914; surely he is nearing the wrapping up session. And he should know this precisely.  Once we do what we are told we will be all right.








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