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Nephilim: Children of the Fallen Angels

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The Best Scripts Available For Future Televison Series and Movies


Outstanding Ideas for a New Television Series and Films

It is vital that my twin sister Paulette and I attempt to protect our writings due to previous experiences of theft, greed and #bullying. Our book,Nephilim: Children of the Fallen Angels, received copyrights July 5, 1994. Numerous top rated films appeared after our manuscript was released. These movies with major actors had similar themes and characters from our book. During the year of April 1999 our script Kenya's Girl, received copyrights. After this script was sent out numerous top rated movies were also made with similar themes and characters as well. We felt bullied by the industry and were positive the focus was pure #greed and selfishness. We decided as writers, rather than continue to depend on agents and government officials to protect or introduce our writings to others, for a certain fee; we would just present our loglines and themes ourselves. We refuse to be bullied to the point where we have to remain silent because we fear those who steal and are greedy bullies.

The recent events of #bombings in Brussels, is a clear example of bullies being used by Satan. Presidential Candidate #Ted Cruz explained, "Direct your resources to where the terror is coming from." How appropriate this comment is. This continues to be a spiritual battle that Jesus spoke about while on earth, "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, . . ." Chapter 24 of the book of Matthew, goes on to describe, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and mislead many." (Matthew 24:7-11) Not one person can deny, we are living in these times that Jesus foretold. We must rely upon our Heavenly Father Jehovah's answer which Jesus taught us to pray for which is God's Kingdom at Matthew 6:9-15. These scripts are realistic for the times we are living in and teach individuals how to realistically deal with bullies.

Steve Harvey, along with Dr. Drew Pinsky, featured a recent television segment on #BullyingEndsHere. Steve Harvey explained, "The moment you turn around and faces the bully, he shrinks. A bully is only big as long as he keeps you in a cowering position." This information applies not only to young people but every human that exist. Each of us experience some source of bullying when another person takes advantage of you without your permission. We must avoid being overly concerned about two things stated nineteen year old Ryan, who was one of #Steve Harvey's guest, "I had a fear of rejection and a desire of acceptance." Young Ryan, also went on to express, " . . .it's so important to be that one person that rises up. When one rises up and stand for what they believe in, that is huge and that's when a true change happens." All of our scripts feature major characters that focus on standing up against those who try to take advantage of us. Our characters also focus on the unity of all races and how that can and will be accomplished. Join me as you read the loglines of these compelling scripts. Each one is based on true, heart warming stories. These scripts are available for purchase. If you have a genuine interest contact me by email claudettecarter83@yahoo.com

Seeds of Determination, is a compelling script based on a true story

#Seeds of Determination, is an awe-inspiring script where John, a black man fled the south after his wife and children were killed. Upon his arrival in the north, he marries and has children. John's oldest son Alexander, was mentally challenged and made national news when he was falsely accused of murdering a white woman. Alexander, was later put to death by execution in the electric chair at the age of 16. He was the youngest to be executed in the state of Pennsylvania. Through faith and determination, John, the father of Alexander worked diligently and purchased major real estate surrounded by tremendous historical value which became a family inheritance even today. John's family continue to reside and prosper in the same area that Alexander was falsely convicted and put to death. They are determined to stand up against bullies and individuals who attempt to take advantage of others. This family and families like them with remarkable faith in God and determination to succeed regardless of the odds against them, is the type of #television and films needed to inspire others to do their very best and become the best persons they can be.

Origin and End of Bullying, Can Be An Outstanding Television Series

A fourteen year old girl named Christine is bullied at school and she must now reveal this terrifying experience to her mother for the first time. The discovery and origin of bullying, is explained Christine, by her mother. This could change the young woman's life forever. Together they stood up for themselves and became victorious against all bullies.



Five feet, fourteen year old Christine, is being chased by five other girls. She runs into a fence as Valerie, a taller girl starts to pull Christine's hair and punch her in the face. The four other girls start to gather around screaming and cheering Valerie on. She throws Christine to the ground and starts to kick her. Suddenly, a stranger approaches as Valerie and her friends turn and run away. With tears in her eyes Christine, gets up slowly. Her thoughts were focused not only on the pain but how she would talk to her mother about this experience.

My Mentor the Virtuous Queen Esther - An Ingenious Concept for Television or Film - Based On a true story.

A twelve year old girl is thrown into a German concentration camp, after her family is caught with literature that was banned by Hitler and his regime. Death was inevitable for her and others who worshipped Jehovah God. The young girl decides to take a stand after remembering the virtuous acts of Queen Esther and what she did to save her life and the life of her people. Will twelve year old survive prison and be used as a tool for the salvation of her people?


RENATA, serves as the narrator and main character. She does a voice over by stating: In 1933, at twelve years of age, my life changed forever. I lived in Germany with my parents, who were Jehovah's Witnesses. #Adolf Hitler declared, "Those so-called Earnest Bible Students are troublemakers." He then explained how, "I do not tolerate that the German Catholics shall be besmirched in such a manner by this American Judge Rutherford; I dissolve [Jehovah's Witnesses] in Germany." These words affected the lives of millions, who endured barbaric torture and murder, along with their Jewish brothers and sisters, simply because of the God they served. Yet, their stories remain untold in the #television and movie industry.These individuals must be remembered for their bravery, determination and choice of religious freedom.

Today, millions of Christians all over the world are concerned about the religious persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses because their mothers, fathers, sisters or brothers belong to this organization. Persecution is being illegally carried out in such countries as Russia, South Korea, Palestinian Territory and Eritrea, Africa. "There are currently 54 of Jehovah's Witnesses imprisoned in Eritrea, 3 of whom have been detained for over 21 years. None have been charged or brought to trial," explained a newsroom official on jw.org. They are treated as less than human through violence and torture in some of these lands because of their love for others and their desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. One Jehovah's Witness stated, "Thus, we obey the law, pay our taxes, and cooperate with the government's efforts to provide for the public welfare." It is their desire, "They would thus form an international brotherhood in which no member would ever wage war against his brother or sister." 1John3:10-12

Kenya's Girl, is an original screenplay based on the terrorist bombing in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania, August 7th, 1998. This script is based on a true story as well which was told by a young Kenyan girl.


AFRICAN MUSIC PLAYS. . .a cheetah moves slowly toward her next victim in order to feed her young. Herds of cape buffalo, elephants and zebras remain alert as they graze. Majestically in the distance Mount Kilimanjaro looms, with its snowcapped peaks. A few miles away downtown Tanzania, a truck dives directly into the American Embassy. Horror and death surrounds what was once a source of refuge. A few miles away in Nairobi, Kenya a terrorist drives a truck with explosives into the American embassy. The telephone conversation of a husband and wife is suddenly cut off. He calls out to his wife but there is no answer. More than two hundred and fifty were killed and thousands injured between these two terrorists attacks. A teenager named Jennifer, also referred to as Kenya's Girl, loses her mother in the Nairobi attack. Jennifer, lives with her father in the United States. Now she must go to Kenya, to bury her mother. Jennifer's determination and faith inspires her as well as their family and friends to unite against terroristic bullies. How will they accomplish this?

This variety of scripts are an inspiration for television and film. How do individuals consistently face trials of #bullying and unjust hatred. We are in desperate need of real life experiences in television and film that represent reality and teach us how to survive during these critical times. 

The lack of diversity on television and the movie industry is quite apparent. The Atlantic in an online article entitled, The Missing Piece of the Oscars' Diversity Conversation stated, "No Asian or Latina actress has won as Oscar in over 50 years." The article also went on to explain, "Meanwhile, the financial incentives for movies to cast more women and people of color are more pressing than ever-a new report from #UCLA found that Hollywood's diversity issues could be costing the industry billions of dollars." #OscarsSoWhite is regretfully, only part of the problem. True love and respect for people of all races will and can eliminate this problem of racism within the television and film industry.

We must be determined to only view movies or television programs that expand beyond the limitations of race, violence, sex and bullying. It is vital that we learn to be a united people through the true love we are taught based on God's word the Bible. Imagine, if we stopped the criticism of each other and just applied the principle of #love. Such things as racism, bullying and hatred would be completely eliminated. "#Love, covers a multitude of sins," is what Jesus taught while on earth. If we practice love and not just preached it, all of our lives could change for the better. Even the type of television and films we watch would improve tremendously because television and film are an imitation of our lives.

To find out more information regarding how love can be applied and not just preached, go to the website below.


Source: Angelladywriter


Scripts that Focus on Racism, Bullying and how Individuals Defeated these Issues.

Susie Carter, is the sister of Alexander Williams, the youngest person to be executed in Pennsylvania's history for a murder many believe he did not commit. She is joined by her daughter Osceola Williams, both are working to have Alexander exonerated
Susie Carter, is the sister of Alexander Williams, the youngest person to be executed in Pennsylvania's history for a murder many believe he did not commit. She is joined by her daughter Osceola Williams, both are working to have Alexander exonerated
The Script, "Seeds of Determination" is based on this powerful true story of Susie's brother Alexander, who was executed at the age of 16, based on corruption and deceit. Susie's family, fought this struggle of racism and bullying and in the end won.
The Script, "Seeds of Determination" is based on this powerful true story of Susie's brother Alexander, who was executed at the age of 16, based on corruption and deceit. Susie's family, fought this struggle of racism and bullying and in the end won.
On the front page of "Sunday Times" An 85-Year Hunt For Justice where Alexander Williams was wrongly executed. Delaware County author Sam Lemons, discussed how a 16 year old boy was executed although innocent.
On the front page of "Sunday Times" An 85-Year Hunt For Justice where Alexander Williams was wrongly executed. Delaware County author Sam Lemons, discussed how a 16 year old boy was executed although innocent.
A compelling script entitled, "Seeds of Determination" focuses on how a father of Alexander Williams flees from the south and later becomes successful after the wrongful execution of his son Alexander, due to racism and bullying.
A compelling script entitled, "Seeds of Determination" focuses on how a father of Alexander Williams flees from the south and later becomes successful after the wrongful execution of his son Alexander, due to racism and bullying.
A copy of the death certificate was featured in the article by Patti Mengers, concerning the wrongful execution of Alexander Williams, on the front page of the "Sunday Times"
A copy of the death certificate was featured in the article by Patti Mengers, concerning the wrongful execution of Alexander Williams, on the front page of the "Sunday Times"
Logline: A fourteen year old girl is being bullied at school and she must now reveal this terrifying experience to her mother for the first time. Her discovery of the origin of bullying, changed this young woman's life forever.
Logline: A fourteen year old girl is being bullied at school and she must now reveal this terrifying experience to her mother for the first time. Her discovery of the origin of bullying, changed this young woman's life forever.
Logline: Renata, a twelve year old girl is thrown into a German concentration camp, after her family is caught with literature that was banned by Hitler and his regime. Even in the face of death Renata, remembers the biblical acts of Queen Esther.
Logline: Renata, a twelve year old girl is thrown into a German concentration camp, after her family is caught with literature that was banned by Hitler and his regime. Even in the face of death Renata, remembers the biblical acts of Queen Esther.
A true story based on the continuation of the television or movie series entitled, "The Origin and End of Bullying" where outstanding examples are featured about real people who defeated bullying and racism.
A true story based on the continuation of the television or movie series entitled, "The Origin and End of Bullying" where outstanding examples are featured about real people who defeated bullying and racism. | Source
The publication stated, "The KGB knew those who were Witnesses, and they asked Stalin for permission to exile 8,576 people from six republics of the Soviet Union to Siberia. The permission was granted." What happened after this was miraculous.
The publication stated, "The KGB knew those who were Witnesses, and they asked Stalin for permission to exile 8,576 people from six republics of the Soviet Union to Siberia. The permission was granted." What happened after this was miraculous. |Source
A time line is featured on pages 228-229 of this 2008 publication which proved the years of cruelty Jehovah's Witnesses experienced from 1890-1990 due to racism and bullying. Portions of this true story is Included in the script.
A time line is featured on pages 228-229 of this 2008 publication which proved the years of cruelty Jehovah's Witnesses experienced from 1890-1990 due to racism and bullying. Portions of this true story is Included in the script. | Source
Witnesses, were sought out by the Nazi regime so they could be persecuted due to their religious beliefs. This is a story that must be told due to the deaths and sufferings of so many people, Today, they are one of the largest religious groups.
Witnesses, were sought out by the Nazi regime so they could be persecuted due to their religious beliefs. This is a story that must be told due to the deaths and sufferings of so many people, Today, they are one of the largest religious groups. |Source

An Outstanding Script that Unites All Races Regardless of Their Religious Beliefs

"Kenya's Girl," is a powerful screenplay based on the true story of terrorist bombing in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania, August 7th, 1998. Jennifer's, mother is killed during this horrific event and yet she defeats and unites people of all races.
"Kenya's Girl," is a powerful screenplay based on the true story of terrorist bombing in Nairobi, Kenya and Tanzania, August 7th, 1998. Jennifer's, mother is killed during this horrific event and yet she defeats and unites people of all races.
Photos from Wikipedia, based on this deadly terrorist event where hundreds of people were killed.
Photos from Wikipedia, based on this deadly terrorist event where hundreds of people were killed. | Source
A map of the locations featured in the script "Kenya's Girl" where the main character Jennifer united people from all races on Mount Kilimanjaro.
A map of the locations featured in the script "Kenya's Girl" where the main character Jennifer united people from all races on Mount Kilimanjaro. | Source
Photo of one of the victims that experienced injuries during this terrorist attack.
Photo of one of the victims that experienced injuries during this terrorist attack. | Source
Hundreds were killed, including 11 U.S. citizens. The main character Jennifer, gives a personal experience about how she dealt with this loss in her country.
Hundreds were killed, including 11 U.S. citizens. The main character Jennifer, gives a personal experience about how she dealt with this loss in her country. | Source
A memorial was established for the victims of this catastrophe.
A memorial was established for the victims of this catastrophe. | Source
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