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One Day of Divine Education is Worth a Thousand Years of College


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It could not have been a better fit. The water flowed from the throne of Ezekiel's temple, which could not have had literal fulfillment because they would have had to build it on a spring and they didn't.

Later during the same meeting, the Bible Study covered all the schools held throughout the organization. Comments thinned out as the study progressed because nobody had gone to the latter schools so they had nothing to say off the top of their heads.

Okay? The water is the 'life-giving' spiritual food. And where is it more manifest in the schools, some available to all and some more specialized? Yet the schedule for the Bible Study is months old. The schedule for the Bible reading? Maybe a century, as it is 'wash, rinse, and repeat.'

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Quite true! In fact, I am sometimes reluctant to get into a car driven by the average very theocratic Pioneer. But I would look for more than an aeronautical designer to explain John 3:16 to me.

It could not have been a better fit. The water flowed from the throne of Ezekiel's temple, which could not have had literal fulfillment because they would have had to build it on a spring and they did

Would you want to get on an airplane designed by the average very theocratic Pioneer? NOT ME!

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If the Aeronautical Engineer that designed the airplane you rode on did not have a college education, it is a safe bet you WOULD be getting a Divine Education, right now.

This comment, as usual, has nothing to do with anything and is just you building a platform on which to bellow. I never said college was worthless. I said a day of divine education is worth 1000 years of it.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This comment, as usual, has nothing to do with anything and is just you building a platform on which to bellow. I never said college was worthless. I said a day of divine education is worth 1000 years of it.

This comment, as usual, has nothing to do with anything and is just you building a platform on which to bellow.

I never said a day of divine education  was worthless. I said If the Aeronautical Engineer that designed the airplane you rode on did not have a college education, it is a safe bet you WOULD be getting a Divine Education, right now.

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

to bellow.

There was a study - it was not specifically about Witnesses - that concluded the topic studied has much to do with whether students leave the religion of their youth or not. Students in business and engineering do it less.

If you combine that with a scenario where you are living at home and not on campus....

If you combine that with a scenario where you do not take on massive debt, thus ensuring you will HAVE to work full time for many years to come, then you maximize your chances of coming out with a net gain.

On the other hand, many courses of study amount to little more than unscrewing your head and inviting someone to pour in all the ideas that Paul dismissed as refuse.

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One Day of Divine Education is Worth a Thousand Years of College. @TrueTomHarley

This is the topic I think. 

There is no disputing this statement from a Christian perspective, simply because the result of divine education is described here:

Proverbs 22:4:  "The result of humility [and] the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life."

Jesus made a choice between putting his considerable ingenuity, energy, and effort into secular (one antonym of divine) education when he answered the proposal of Satan the Devil. The exchange is recorded at Luke 4:5:9:

"So he brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time; and the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and the glory of them, because it has been delivered to me, and to whomever I wish I give it. You, therefore, if you do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’ "

Alongside the response of Jesus in citing (possibly) De. 6:13, we must also place the words of wise (at the time) king Solomon who said at Proverbs 14:12: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."

Men have accomplished simply amazing feats in any discipline one cares to mention within the framework of a "system of things" which is ruled by Satan the Devil and is a product of his rebellion against the express sovereignty of the Creator, Jehovah God.

But, regardless of the stupendous compexity of human endeavour within that framework, none of it, even at this late stage, has moved the majority of mankind under the influence of Satan, to give one iota of the credit for human achievement in discovering, harnessing, manipulating the forces of "nature", to the actual Creator of this extraordinary balance of physical, chemical, biological, (and any other "-al" you care to mention) laws within which we find ourselves. In fact, the opposite is often true, in that human arrogance in acheivement leads them to the inexcusable conclusion that there is no God. Rom 1:20.

On that basis, it is true to say that "One Day of Divine Education (with the potential for evelasting life: John 17:3) is Worth a Thousand Years of College" if "in the end it leads to death."


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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Would you want to get on an airplane designed by the average very theocratic Pioneer?


Quite true! In fact, I am sometimes reluctant to get into a car driven by the average very theocratic Pioneer.

But I would look for more than an aeronautical designer to explain John 3:16 to me.

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"Divine Education is Worth a Thousand Years of College"

I can agree only if we make public consensus that "divine" have nothing against all  other "education" that people not consider as "divine". 

But, all what it is in fact "education" can not be cut to pieces, with our personal inclinations to make distinction between two main level of "education", that JW member head thinks exist; religious, spiritual (in fact WT) education, and  on other side all earthly, worldly, scientifically, materialy education (in other name (fanatical expressed ) "satanic" education").

If god create universe and life as most of us believe, then he have not only "divine" but also "college" degree education :)))))    

Divine education is all sort of educations,and  not just "knowing" few verses from bible, hehe.

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