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What does not passing the collection plate really mean anyway?


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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

And please do not quote this cognitive dissonance nonsense, for it is no more than:

'You do not agree with me. Therefore you must be suffering massive cognitive dissonance.'

actually it is not, it is your inability to see with your eyes open that what you say and what the wt says is nowhere near the actual truth

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Anna you have answer before eyes :))))  

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3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

they say they do not ask for money, I have just shown you that they DO in fact ask for money.

So what? Money was asked for by Moses, David, Paul, Jesus had money given in support of his work. It was always genorosity in imitation of Jehovah that was emphasised as now. No need  to "beg or petition" is the phrase actually used. We don't have bingo, lotteries, Punch and Judy shows, book sales etc. nor accept money to atone for sins.

By the way, There ain't no DOs no mo'

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3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

what you are failing to grasp is that while YOU say, and they say they do not ask for money, I have just shown you that they DO in fact ask for money

Moreover, the confidential letter that you quote as though experiencing sexual climax does no more than expand on the consideration already announced publicly. Witnesses are well used to hearing about how that this or that circuit expense will be met if everyone contributes such and such an amount. This is always followed by the clarification that it is not suggested each member pony up that amount, but rather that the congregation in aggregate do so.

What your 'secret letter' reveals is that even that fair policy is not held fast to. Elders know their flock. A poor congregation can lessen their share. A well-off congregation can increase it. Ours increases it regularly because @The Librariantells them I make a bundle off my books, the meddling hen. But others lessen theirs.

Any Witness stumbling across your coup de grace will come away with increased respect for Bethel's consideration. They will also not be surprised. For decades they have heard about their surpluses benefiting other lands with deficits. They know it is hopelessly out of the reach of many third world congregations to afford their own Kingdom Hall, and they are thrilled to know their funds are spent thereby. Even @James Thomas Rook Jr., who rails about giving up local control of his money, probably does not begrudge that. 

You consistently try to advance the notion that Witnesses are being fleeced by their organization. You consistently have your ears pasted back. In the end you are reduced to saying 'well - you have your opinion. I have mine.' It gets old.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Any Witness stumbling across your coup de grace will come away with increased respect for Bethel's consideration. They will also not be surprised. For decades they have heard about their surpluses benefiting other lands with deficits. They know it is hopelessly out of the reach of many third world congregations to afford their own Kingdom Hall, and they are thrilled to know their funds are spent thereby. Even @James Thomas Rook Jr., who rails about giving up local control of his money, probably does not begrudge that.

Of course not ... I do not begrudge that, as some Bethel Branch offices are 100% subsidized, although it has never been explained or accounted for above the level of the "Circuit Assembly".

IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING that there the money disappears INTO THE SYSTEM, and no downward accounting for is made.

.... to anybody.

... EVER.

Have YOU ever seen a detailed World Wide Work financial report?


It is my understanding that the billions of dollars the Society has in stocks and other investments was for the "rainy day" of catastrophic emergencies, and I have no reason at the present time to doubt that, that is to say... NO FACTS that the money is being overtly siphoned off for personal profit.

My Mother was as close to a "saint" as you can actually get ... her motives were as pure as the wind driven snow ... but her actual competency in certain areas left a lot to be desired, by contemporary standards. 

I did not trust my own mother.

But guess what ? ... with the recent multiple Earthquake's and Hurricane's devastations .... soon enough ... we will all know.

That "Rainy Day" of widespread catastrophe is HERE, NOW!

About a year from now ... WE WILL ALL KNOW.

This only applies to those who are good at detective work.

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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:
6 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

quit making excuses, your cognitive dissonance is showing. 

And please do not quote this cognitive dissonance nonsense, for it is no more than:

'You do not agree with me. Therefore you must be suffering massive cognitive dissonance.'

Good thing I was not drinking milk when I read this, TTH, or I would have laughed the milk through my nose!

Not that any more examples were necessary, but ..... You just proved Shiwiii's point!


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I remember about 11 years ago that one of the Society's investments in the armamants industry was financing the development of "hive mind" swarm of military drones that could be dropped from a plane, and each could pick a target, and tell the others not to hit that same target.

I wonder whatever happened to that program?

I should have been horrified, but I was not .. I was fascinated with the technology.

The Society should have been horrified, but they were not ... they were fascinated with the money.

I understand that.

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On 9/20/2017 at 9:14 AM, Anna said:

What are you getting all all upset about. Surely there is nothing wrong with information for anyone who wants to contribute on ways how to do it?

Regarding earthly riches Jesus taught just the opposite of what the Watchtower practices. 

He carried a money bag to give to the poor.  He turned over the money tables on the temple steps, shouting, “stop turning my father’s house into a marketplace!”  John 2:16

He said, “sell your belongings and give to the poor”.  As the Wt. sells KHs, do they “give back” to those in need?  Or…do they invest in more shady stocks, like those in the the link I provided?  The GB reside in comfort, their physical needs are met.  Why are they any more worthy than anyone else, to receive physical comfort?  Jesus, who had nowhere to lay his head, said “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”  Luke 18:25 

The leaders will tell you with apparent sincerity that the example of Jesus is what you, as a sheep should display.  So, you give to what you think is the true need – the organization.   Along with you, are thousands digging into their pockets and who will not be eating three meals a day as the GB does, or sleeping in plush surroundings as the GB does.  These poor ones will save from their want to serve the needs of the organization. 

The Wt leaders are to be walking in Jesus’ footsteps, even to the point of denying oneself. Matt 16:24   Clearly, they have left that path and desire all that the world’s riches can provide them; including power and prestige.   Didn’t Jesus say to love one’s neighbor as yourself?  By doing so, wouldn’t the needs of the other person become paramount?

“Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over—will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”  Luke 6:38

The flock is fleeced not only monetarily, but spiritually.  Rev 3:17,18


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