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Women Being Used To Do Roving Microphones ?

Bible Speaks

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In a foreign language group I know of the sisters are used to read the Watchtower, control the sound equipment etc because there are not enough qualified brothers. I don't see why sisters should

Doing microphones as a sister in our English group in Slovenia! We just moved there because the need is great, so not enough brothers to cover all duties.” Many Sisters rejoice to be used in this

As Muppet Ralph the Dog sez: "Can't live with 'em ... can't live without 'em ..."

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11 hours ago, Sonita said:

When I was young I remember a few ocassions I had to lead the service group and read for the Bible Book study. 

It was good to be helpful but my personal opinion, it was not pleasant to see that there were no any man able or present  to do these tasks. 


What can a woman do? Sometimes it is needed. The women telling the Good News are a large army! Jehovah will use us women to further is purpose if no men are available. Many accounts in the Bible where women were used by Jehovah and were blessed! We are all unified to Our Heavenly Father and Our Lord Christ Jesus. 

Be Blessed,


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34 minutes ago, Sonita said:

@Bible Speaks I am not saying the opposite, as I said it is good to be helpful. I served as a full time minister, also in construction work,  literature organizer and other aspects, I get the same feeling of satisfaction I get when I preach someone formal or informal, teach a bible student  or when I help children with cancer of with cleft lip, (which  is not my job) helping others is  awesome, but as I said before in my personal opinion,  is not pleasant to be reading in the Bible Book meeting when there are one or two men who are not able to do it because they don't want to, or lead a service group because is Sunday and men want to rest, in a congregation of 60 publishers by that time where there were women and men, if you have been in this same situation and it has been pleasant for you...Congratulations, felicitaciones!!! Also even when there is not any more capable men to do these tasks in a small group or congregation, it is tiring for women, my female friends is constantly inviting some brothers to go and help the only one elder at that group. Jehovah has answered their prayers and eventually in the year they receive visits from other congregations,  even brothers from outside our country :) 


Just keep the pace, in time more will come! Trying times everywhere. Put our trust in Jehovah he will provide what we need. Thank you for your support! 

Jehovah Bless!


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SORRY  -  I  HAD  AN  INTERNET  ERROR.....   HERE  NOW  MY  FULL  COMMENT !  Thank  you :)

I  know  Congregations  in  different  Countries....  and  I  realized  always  some  little  differences !

Also  by  exercises  on  the  stage.  In  some  countries  very  little  kiddies  allowed  -  but  in  Germany  its  not  allowed !  Never  3 - 4  years  old  little  boys  alone  with  a  talk,  ONLY  together  with  the  Mom  at  the  stage - table....   Our  youngest  boys / brothers  alone  on  the  stage  ca. 8  years.

The  new  idea  with  a  sister - microphne - service,  I  will  next  time  ask  in my  cong.  -

I  know,  we've  many  elders  and   'service - helper'....    Never  did  a sister  this  job !

But  in  some  countries  maybe  NO  other  possibilities....

Jehovah  always  wanted  a  man  as  teacher,  bec. the  head  over  the  woman ;-)

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In times past, the sisters were left to look after the congregations as the men were imprisoned. Sisters took the roles of the then "congregation servant" until the roles could be filled by a brother. During the Tribulation it may be that the brothers are incarcerated leaving the sisters to fill those roles until some younger brothers are able to fill those roles.

Here sisters may act as attendants of the contribution boxes, or they have at times been used on the roving microphones.

In a local sign language group, the interpreters are sisters. The direction from the brothers shows some things need a head covering while other things do not, but it may be more practical to wear one right through a meeting. There they will normally have one sister sign each half of the meeting, rather than have several smaller parts. These ones sign all the talks by the brothers, but these are not considered teaching roles but translation.

Some difficulties they can face are talks about sexual matters, as sign language is explicit, or the memorial talk. Prayers may also be a difficulty for some sisters, but they are filling a need, a role, where no capable brothers are able to fill them. There are fewer brothers learning sign language than sisters. But for a time, it's nice to see the sisters filling a vital need for deaf.

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