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Another international blow to the Russian government Oppressor of Jehovah's Witnesses

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Another international blow to the Russian government oppressor of Jehovah's Witnesses

The organization of human rights without borders has presented a speech in the OSCE (organization for security and cooperation in Europe), raising the issue of the persecution of Jehovah's witnesses in Russia at the conference and called it " the most heinous violation Of religious freedom in the euro-Atlantic region after the fall of the USSR."

They have also denounced the unjust prison that is enduring our brother Dennis Christensen

The Russian government and its lover the orthodox sect are doing what they want, but the entire planet is knowing what they've tried to hide.

The video is in English and collects the more than 2 minutes of the time we quoted.



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Another international blow to the Russian government oppressor of Jehovah's Witnesses The organization of human rights without borders has presented a speech in the OSCE (organization for securit

Words will mean something to Russia when it's the voice of Jehovah speaking on behalf of his people.

Of course ... evidence of THAT will be unmistakable .... no need at all for any interpretation or explanation. It will be instantly self-evident. Until then ... they are having a grand old

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You think the ruling Russians care one iota about any speeches of denunciation that don't topple their leadership positions, put mushroom clouds over their cities and military installations, or have tanks and infantry roll across their borders?

HahahHAHAHahahaha !

That's what happens when you live in a fantasy world of a million words where words CAN destroy you.

Even questions can get you put on "The List".

You need to get out more ... read more, and talk to intelligent, informed people in the REAL world more.

The reason the Russians CAN do what they do ... is because words mean NOTHING to them.

Only bayonets.

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Of course ... evidence of THAT will be unmistakable .... no need at all for any interpretation or explanation.

It will be instantly self-evident.

Until then ... they are having a grand old time spending the 56 MILLION DOLLARS they were forwarded by the Universal Postal Union as their share of the  80 MILLION DOLLARS in international postage spent to send them letters to help with prayers to achieve religious liberty for the Brotherhood in Russia, recently.

  ( The terminal duty for Russian International postage ... the amount they get for delivering mail from other countries to addresses in Russia is 70% of the face value of the postage affixed...).

And the 11 boxcars filled with mail ... sitting on a railroad siding somewhere in Russia, will keep a LOT of Russians in "fuel at the proper time" in their cast-iron pot bellied stoves this winter.

If they DO send a thank-you letter to the governing Body in Warwick, they can send it by diplomatic mail franking, and not spend a single kopeck (1/100 of a Ruble ... their equivalent of a penny) for postage.

They may have to spend SOME of the money the Brotherhood gave them for meds to stop the uncontrollable laughter.

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On 9/18/2017 at 8:20 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Of course ... evidence of THAT will be unmistakable .... no need at all for any interpretation or explanation.

It will be instantly self-evident.

Until then ... they are having a grand old time spending the 56 MILLION DOLLARS they were forwarded by the Universal Postal Union as their share of the  80 MILLION DOLLARS in international postage spent to send them letters to help with prayers to achieve religious liberty for the Brotherhood in Russia, recently.

  ( The terminal duty for Russian International postage ... the amount they get for delivering mail from other countries to addresses in Russia is 70% of the face value of the postage affixed...).

And the 11 boxcars filled with mail ... sitting on a railroad siding somewhere in Russia, will keep a LOT of Russians in "fuel at the proper time" in their cast-iron pot bellied stoves this winter.

If they DO send a thank-you letter to the governing Body in Warwick, they can send it by diplomatic mail franking, and not spend a single kopeck (1/100 of a Ruble ... their equivalent of a penny) for postage.

They may have to spend SOME of the money the Brotherhood gave them for meds to stop the uncontrollable laughter.

Come on JTR, get with the spirit of solidarity. How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel when they knew every one of their friends outside of Russia sent a personal letter to their country's leaders in protest?

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1 hour ago, Anna said:

Come on JTR, get with the spirit of solidarity. How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel when they knew every one of their friends outside of Russia sent a personal letter to their country's leaders in protest?

How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel when they knew every one of their 8 MILLION or so friends outside of Russia sent an average of five letters each, and sent perhaps 100 million heartfelt prayers to Jehovah for the Russian courts to allow religious freedom for them in Russia, and NONE of it was effective?

How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel if they knew every one of their 8 MILLION or so friends outside of Russia sent 56 MILLION DOLLARS  to the Russian Government, and that their mail was NOT delivered, or even read, but sits somewhere on a railroad siding in Russia to be burned as fuel for Russian furnaces this winter, or taken to a landfill somewhere and thrown away?

How do you think it made the friends in Russia feel when they realized that their earnest and heartfelt prayers and the prayers of 8 million or so Jehovah's Witnesses for their religious freedom in Russia was NOT ANSWERED?

Spin THAT one!

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On 9/18/2017 at 8:20 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

They may have to spend SOME of the money the Brotherhood gave them for meds to stop the uncontrollable laughter.

And even more on blood pressure meds to help them when they noticed traffic to jw.org leapt and did not recede both after the trial and after the appeal - as people went to see if the website is truly extremist, and, of course, saw that it is not.

If it is all about us, then your spin has real merit. If it about making known Jehovah's name and purposes, then mine does. 

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You have any REAL statistics to support that statement TTH, or are you just guessing, and hoping?

I did notice that after my asking THREE incredibly important open questions, you did NOT address any of them.


Be a sport ... give it a go!

I will wait while you stop spinning.

If you pray for your wife to not die, and she DOES die ... but you get more junk mail ...

..that does NOT count.

I must admit, however, ... it is entertaining to watch you paddle a canoe up a dirt road into the woods.

Perhaps you have a Spindizzy?

(... and yes, it is a legitimate word)

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