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Drinking from the Saucer ?

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Drinking from the Saucer ?


I've never made a fortune, 
and I'll never make one now.
It really doesn't matter
because I'm happy anyhow.
As I go along my journey, 
I'm reaping better than I've sowed.
I'm drinking from the saucer
'cause my cup has overflowed.

I don't have a lot of riches, 
and sometimes the going's tough, 
but with kin and friends to love me
I think I'm rich enough.
I thank God for the blessings
that His mercy has bestowed.
I'm drinking from the saucer
'cause my cup has overflowed.

He gives me strength and courage
when the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings
for I'm already blessed enough.
May we never be too busy
to help bear another load.
Then we'll all be drinking from the
saucer when our cups have overflowed.

Ps 144:13-15  Our garners full, furnishing products of one sort after another,
Our flocks multiplying by thousands, ten thousand to one, in our streets,
14 Our cattle loaded down, without any rupture and with no abortion,
And with no outcry in our public squares.
15 Happy is the people for whom it is just like [that]!”
Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!

Enjoy the Blessings from Jehovah! 



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Drinking from the Saucer ? ??????????? I've never made a fortune,  and I'll never make one now. It really doesn't matter because I'm happy anyhow. As I go along my journey,  I'm r

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