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Christians in U.S. Military ‘Serve Satan’ If They Tolerate Other Religions, Air Force Chaplain Says

The Librarian

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A U.S. Air Force chaplain who ministers to thousands of men and women at an Ohio base is asserting that Christians in the U.S. Armed Forces “serve Satan” and are “grossly in error” if they support service members' right to practice other faiths.


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This is from an Air Force Chaplain, who is REQUIRED to give Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim, Jewish, and "Christian", etc., etc. religious services to warriors as needed. ... and whose allegiance has been sworn to a political entity that kills people and breaks their stuff for political reasons.

This is a requirement of all military Chaplains. The U.S. Army currently recognizes 115 different "faiths", equally.

Chaplains are expected to serve all without discrimination and hold "services" in their faith, when that "brand"  Chaplain is not available.

Their slang for this is "switch-hitting", usually a baseball term.

What's wrong with THAT picture?

I'm with Stupid.jpg

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