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JW - News Newsletter – Today New! 

Last minute news | the first reports on the effects of hurricane Maria are received

On Wednesday, 20 September 2017, Hurricane Maria, the fifth largest hit by the United States, caused great havoc in Puerto Rico. At Present, the entire island is without electricity and the government has decreed a curfew from six o'clock in the afternoon.

So far, there is no known brother who has lost his life or injury due to the hurricane. Relief work will begin very soon. A Kingdom Hall will be used which has not suffered damage as a shelter and distribution centre.

The home facilities of San Juan suffered some minor damage. But the brothers who live there are fine and none have been hurt. Right now, there's no internet connection at the facility and an emergency generator provides them with electricity.

We are certain that the brothers are comforted to see that the organization strives to help as many as possible. (2 Corinthians 1:3).


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JW - News Newsletter – Today New!  Last minute news | the first reports on the effects of hurricane Maria are received On Wednesday, 20 September 2017, Hurricane Maria, the fifth largest hi

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