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The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain

Bible Speaks

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The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain The Bishops, hundreds of priests and some "Christian" entities ask the central government to respect the self-government of catalonia and to a

if I'm freely commenting, I think that link between religion and politics has existed since ancient times and it is not strange or forbidden. If you are reading Bible reports, like events related to S

@James Thomas Rook Jr. So much history here! Hitler himself was a Catholic, I have pictures of him a little boy going to Catholic school. Many pictures also of men and chaplains blessing the guns

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9 hours ago, Bible Speaks said:

The Pagan Catholic Sect, gets into Politics in Spain

The Bishops, hundreds of priests and some "Christian" entities ask the central government to respect the self-government of catalonia and to allow the vote



if I'm freely commenting, I think that link between religion and politics has existed since ancient times and it is not strange or forbidden. If you are reading Bible reports, like events related to Saul, David, and the priests and prophets, you will see that even then there were links and interests between spiritual and secular. There were spiritual leaders of the people and political leaders of the people. (priests and kings) They sometimes worked harmoniously and sometimes were on opposite sides.
Priests and prophets had the authority to set up a king, but the people could have set the king too, more precisely to say, the elders of the people. That is very clear from 2. Samuel 5:3.
The duty and obligation of the prophet, the priest is to care for the interests of the people, to be their shepherd. A similar role exists for the king. Therefore, it is not possible to completely separate religion from politics. If some bible verses can be interpreted how god forbid or condemn  relationship, bonds between church and state  other bible reports gave us other view on the same issue.  
After all, does not the Book of Revelation describe the rulers of the heavenly kingdom with two opposing titles in one - kings and priests?

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You have probably seen the movie "Full Metal Jacket", but if not ... it is on the "MUST SEE" film list.

There are perhaps several dozen moral lessons in that movie of what NOT to do, and how NOT to think .... and to see why TRUE religion should NEVER be aligned with politics.

...and to see why all Military Chaplains ... even those with the highest motives, are whores.

They give moral support to that terror and carnage.



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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


You have probably seen the movie "Full Metal Jacket", but if not ... it is on the "MUST SEE" film list.

There are perhaps several dozen moral lessons in that movie of what NOT to do, and how NOT to think .... and to see why TRUE religion should NEVER be aligned with politics.

...and to see why all Military Chaplains ... even those with the highest motives, are whores.

They give moral support to that terror and carnage.



@James Thomas Rook Jr.

So much history here! Hitler himself was a Catholic, I have pictures of him a little boy going to Catholic school. Many pictures also of men and chaplains blessing the guns to war and kissing them even to bless them to go kill other Christians in the of Jesus Christ? History is still proof it continues until its Jehovah's time to bring to ruin false religion, political nations that oppose His Rulership!! In the book ? of Revelation it says they are so blood guilty the blood is up to the bridle of horses ? we know it's symbolic of disgusting in God's sight, no matter how much blood is  spilt. 

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