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Would You Get Baptized Here? - Philip Got Baptized In Just A Body of Water He Saw? ??????

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Later, after speaking of Jesus as “the Chief Agent of life,” Peter said to Jews at the temple: “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the person of Jehovah.” (Ac 3:15, 19) 

Philip found it easy to strike up a conversation, since the Ethiopian official was reading aloud, as was the custom in those days. Hence, Philip was able to hear that he was reading from the scroll of Isaiah.

One simple question from Philip aroused the man’s interest: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” This led to a discussion of Isaiah 53:7, 8.

Finally, Philip “declared to him the good news about Jesus.”—Acts 8:29-35. “What prevents me from getting baptized?” he asked Philip upon sighting a convenient body of water. Of course, these were special circumstances.

Here was a man of faith who already worshipped God as a Jewish proselyte. He would probably not have another opportunity to get baptized for a long time.

More important, this man understood what God required of him, and he wanted to respond unreservedly. Philip happily consented to his request, and the Ethiopian, after being baptized, “kept going on his way rejoicing.” He doubtless became an enthusiastic preacher of the good news in his home country.—Acts 8:36-39. 


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(Heading is incorrect. Phillip did not get baptized  - the Ethiopian eunuch/government official did.) Once the water is clean and the person can be immersed, it does not matter.  

Later, after speaking of Jesus as “the Chief Agent of life,” Peter said to Jews at the temple: “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may co

@Melinda Mills Yes correct! That was a typo! 

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