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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Nobody ever said

heehe, now you speak as GB in WT magazine; "Jesus never told that FDS will produce perfect food"

Do you aware what a nonsense is to using such logic and argumentation?? "Jesus never told...." this or that. Who was been with Jesus all the time while on Earth that would be able to CLAIM TODAY - Jesus never told (this/that) ...??? 

WT publications and public talks using this  auxiliary sentence, buzzword, phrase to support what is impossible to support. It is not possible to support two things; 1) human error doctrine and 2) reality of what Jesus told or not told.

Please, please, standing for such idea is blasphemy. Imagine what Jesus would feel and tell for people who dare to claim (in his name) that they know what HE was told and what He was not told. Imagine if you have spirit (i guess you have). :)))

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Thank You so VERY much Sereko Sostar: I have been looking for a rational explanation for this for many years, and was not able to discern it. The concept of NATURAL and ARTIFICIAL conscience

The context was use of the Internet. What he said was: "Be careful on the Internet...I don't know how many times we have to tell you, be careful!...We're just warning you. That's all we can do is admo

I think you interpret holding a different opinion as yourself as being 'brainwashed. At 2/2 with total 4 hours per week, all the rest of the time carrying on as normal? You're joking!   Ye

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21 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

But one should leave for the right reasons

From GB standpoint, leaving JW it is not impossible with "right reasons". Because according GB theology leaving JW = leaving God. So, who can have good reasons to leaving God?? :))))))

Please Tom, asking questions is crucial, and there is no WRONG questions, but please ....you made STATEMENT - "But one should leave for the right reasons." With this no one can go anywhere. :))    


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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

From GB standpoint, leaving JW it is not impossible with "right reasons". Because according GB theology leaving JW = leaving God

When I say 'right reasons' I am not speaking biblically. I am simply speaking of reasons that are not hypocritical. Things you have flagged are not the right reasons, imo. The GB has done flip-flops on doctrinal things? They've never said otherwise. What is 'the light gets brighter' or 'tacking' if not an admission that positions are being revised? 

But they are all on superfluous things. They are all trimmings on the tree, and not the tree itself. The essential doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses that distinguish us from anyone else have been bedrock for over 100 years - teachings that the Trinity is false, for example, and that the soul does not live on after death. These are the the important points that one should focus on. No one else figured it out. You didn't. I didn't. The GB did. We should cut them slack for that reason. If they have all become villains, as some people here seem to think, then God will make them all drop in their tracks. He's God. He can do things like that.

2 Timothy 4:10 tells us that Demas left Christianity because he 'loved the present system of things' One may not agree with his decision, but it is not hypocritical. That's what I meant by the 'right reasons.'

John wrote (1 John 2:19) that many had left because 'they were not of our sort.' Again, one may think their actions unwise, but they are not hypocritical.

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14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I am not speaking biblically. I am simply speaking of reasons that are not hypocritical.

Tom i do not know you, are you JW, JW in good standing, fading JW, sleeping JW, weak faith JW .... or whatever/whoever else.

I just wrongly expected that all words you using would be "biblical" or as some NT verse said "seasoned with the salt" aka biblical salt. My fault :)))).

So may i said that you are not fully honest - i will not call you as, hypocritical for the sake of polite conversation :)))) That is something we must check for ourselves. 

Right reasons for you must not be right reasons for me and vice versa. It is unpleasant surprise, but not unexpected, that you talking about so called "essential doctrines", and named two or three as genius, original and essential, but forget all doctrines and instructions that ones was The Truth and constitute doctrines and teachings that was, and this new today are, specific, special, or as publications said with this specific term unique to JW religion. If you go to religion history many of those unique doctrines and teachings are not so new and specific only to WTJWorg. You can find it in other religions and religious groups too. Some of them existing, some are history.  

I left because i love the truth, but not your truth or WT truth. So, would you put this reason to right or wrong, it is not something that must make me worried. :))      

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16 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Tom i do not know you, are you JW, JW in good standing, fading JW, sleeping JW, weak faith JW .... or whatever/whoever else.


I was a sleeping JW for the last 8 hours or so, but now I have awaken.

I don't believe in answering questions like this because there is no way for you to check. I could tell you I am a circuit overseer. I could tell you I am disfellowshipped. How would you know?

To the extent you are interested, judge for yourself by what I have written. Seriously. That is your best guide. You may say that you are not that interested to do it. That's okay, too.

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31 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If you go to religion history many of those unique doctrines and teachings are not so new and specific only to WTJWorg. You can find it in other religions and religious groups too. Some of them existing, some are history.  

This is ridiculous. Yes, of course you can find some who have espoused the same, but given where we are in the stream of time, it's a bit late to be still meeting in a Quonset hut under the direction of a pork chop preacher. It's a bit late not to have made serious headway in preaching the Matt 24:14 good news, and nobody else is doing that. You don't have to go to the archives and search the journals of religion. You just have to look around you.

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44 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

don't believe in....

WTJWorg said that JW people are most honest people in a world, the most truthful and all superlatives. The way you talk to me in this last respond, all that what your church claim is/are - you mocking now and doing grotesque and burlesque of your Faith and yourself. Sorry, but if is so with you, I do not see purpose to communicate with you in this way.

Stay well. 

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You need to lighten up .. here in the USA among men of integrity, honest opinions are incredibly important, and ridicule and excoriating satire are important teaching tools.

There is the old story about the farmer who had a talking mule, and he was telling his friends about it.

They did not believe him, so he invited them to go to his farm and see (and hear) for themselves, and he would be there a bit later.

So his friends went to the farm, and tried to get the mule to talk, with no success. 

They were about ready to leave when the farmer arrived, and expressed their disappointment that the mule did not talk ... AND they called him a liar.

The farmer said "Come with me and I will prove to you my mule can talk ...". So the four of them went back, and on the way, the farmer picked up a baseball bat leaning against the barn, and gave the mule a solid hit on the side of the head.

The mule IMMEDIATELY started talking, about all kinds of things, to the surprise of the farmer's three friends.

The farmer explained:

"FIRST .... you have to get his ATTENTION".

With a flip of your mental switch, you can, if you want ... become un-insultable ... and that is where strength and power begins.

AND ... it avoids getting hit in the head with hard sticks.

Sometimes we are the farmer.

Sometimes we are his friends.

Sometimes we are the mule.

Death comes all too soon for all of us ... to cut off communications.

Only fools do that.

I have found that "seasoning" a conversation with salt is not NEARLY as effective as pouring salt in an open wound.




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56 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You need to lighten up

Thanks for lighten details. I can accept some humorous, even in serious things. So Tom show some sense of humor on what i was smiled. But only on one part. On other part can not.

But if it is so in USA (not meaning nothing bad with this) than i can now finally understand all about WT organization. US citizen who are founders of that corporation/religion is all that what you tell me in your little story.    

Guys, now i must go, you know .. i have new task in my To do List - to find some talking mule in nearby area :)))))))))

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( General population of the United States ( WT Organization ) )

They are NOT the same.

1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

..... here in the USA among men of integrity, honest opinions are incredibly important, and ridicule and excoriating satire are important teaching tools.

We do not even NEED a conscience ... EVERYTHING not prohibited ... is required.

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