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* Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️

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* Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️

* Christians willingly subject themselves to government authorities “in their relative positions ⚖️?⚖️

"For the Lord’s sake subject yourselves to every human creation: whether to a king as being superior or to governors."—1 Pet. 2:13, 14.



An expression at Romans 13:1 designating human governmental authorities. That scripture has been variously rendered: “Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.” (NW) “Let every subject be obedient to the ruling authorities, for there is no authority not under God’s control, and under His control the existing authorities have been constituted.” (We) “Everyone must obey the state authorities, for no authority exists without God’s permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God.”—TEV.


Jehovah God, though not originating them (compare Mt 4:8, 9; 1Jo 5:19; Re 13:1, 2), has allowed man’s governmental authorities to come into existence, and they continue to exist by his permission. However, when he chooses to do so, Jehovah can remove, direct, or control such authorities in order to accomplish his will. The prophet Daniel declared regarding Jehovah: “He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings.” (Da 2:21) And Proverbs 21:1 says: “A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it.”—Compare Ne 2:3-6;Es 6:1-11.


Reasons for Christian Subjection. There being no reason for Christians to set themselves in opposition to an arrangement that God has permitted, they have good reason to be in subjection to the superior authorities. Governmental rulers, though they may be corrupt personally, would not normally punish others for doing good, that is, for adhering to the law of the land. But a person who engages in thievery, murder, or other lawless acts could expect an adverse judgment from the ruling authority. One guilty of deliberate murder, for instance, might be executed for his crime. Since Jehovah God authorized capital punishment for murderers after the Flood (Ge 9:6), the human authority, by executing the lawbreaker, would be acting as “God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad.”—Ro 13:2-4; Tit 3:1;1Pe 2:11-17.


Christian subjection to the superior authorities is not based merely on their ability to punish evildoers. With a Christian, it becomes a matter of conscience. He is submissive to human authorities because he recognizes that this is in harmony with God’s will. (Ro 13:5; 1Pe 2:13-15) Therefore, subjection to the superior authorities—to worldly political authorities—could never be absolute. It would be impossible for a Christian to preserve a good conscience and do the divine will if he broke God’s law because that is what the political authority demanded. For this reason, subjection to superior authorities must always be viewed in the light of the apostles’ statement to the Jewish Sanhedrin: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Ac 5:29.


Since the governmental authorities render valuable services to ensure the safety, security, and welfare of their subjects, they are entitled to taxes and tribute in compensation for their services. The governmental authorities can be termed “God’s public servants” in the sense that they provide beneficial services. (Ro 13:6, 7) At times such services have directly assisted God’s servants, as when King Cyrus made it possible for the Jews to return to Judah and Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. (2Ch 36:22, 23; Ezr 1:1-4) Often the benefits are those shared by all from the proper functioning of the authorities. These would include the maintenance of a legal system to which persons can appeal for justice, protection from criminals and from illegal mobs, and so forth.—Php 1:7; Ac 21:30-32;23:12-32.


Of course, a ruler who misuses his authority is accountable to God. Wrote the apostle Paul: “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah.’”—Ro 12:19; Ec 5:8.




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* Jehovah’s Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. ⚖️?⚖️ * Christians willingly subject themselves to government authorities “in their relative positions ⚖️?⚖️ "For the Lord’s sake sub

I am pretty sure, Bible Speaks is not interested to your weird comments....  similar you write comments to me,  @Srecko Sostar  I not have the time, reading that all and answer detailed. I hope, you c

I know these people since many years,  also from my first FB time. Often they were apostates. We have alot of these, sorry 

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just one example from JW involving in OSCE conferences (NO 17 and 146 on page 42, 57) look with what other various NGO groups they chat. This is Warsaw conference in 2014. But list go up and down in time. 


Read this below carefully also and see how WT share the same principles as UN Charter, WT hypocrites.  



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OSCE 2015 (NGO No. 21,168,169,318)


OSCE 2016 (NGO No. 15, 146,147,286)


OSCE 2010 (NGO 2010 No 2,28)


OSCE 2009 (NGO No. 2,6,42,79)


If you interested search alone :)

http://www.osce.org/gsearch?qr=jehovah's witnesses participant 

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I am pretty sure, Bible Speaks is not interested to your weird comments....  similar you write comments to me,  @Srecko Sostar  I not have the time, reading that all and answer detailed. I hope, you can understand. We reply not to all comments, only on and off.

No offense :)  Best wishes !

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financial involvements in hedge funds and other funds, 


Schedule 6: Detailed financial information — Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada 


Rand Cam Engine Corp. is a privately held company whose stock is reportedly owned 50% by The Watchtower Society, a religious organization, 34% by James McCann and the balance by several other shareholders. Mr. McCann has indicated that he donated the shares held by The Watchtower Society to that organization but has retained a voting proxy for those shares.


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People who have so much time on their hands, they must hunt obscure misinformation and post it as fact with the only purpose to sow seeds of doubt.

Jehovah's people never envolve themselves with politics, however, sometimes a seeming political support of issues involving Kingdom interest are made available and whether or not these are used are no indication of God's people taking sides.

There is a huge difference between respectful submission and active support.

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51 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:


Definition of apostate

:one who commits apostasy

Definition of apostasy

plural apostasies

1:an act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith

2:abandonment of a previous loyalty :defection


Yes Esther, i was done that after 40 years in JW church :)) and because that i have more informations and more insight. An that have nothing with a claim or assumption about my time.:) 

1. To Society Watch Tower, Watchtower and corporations

2. To Jehovah's Witnesses and all assemblies

3. To all whom this concern


Declaration on termination of membership to a religious community of Jehovah's Witnesses


            I was baptized in 1977 at the age of 17, then a minor. But, in good faith I answered the following two questions just before baptism, which is symbolized my dedication to God in terms of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses religion.

At that time (before the change of June 1 1985) questions have read as follows;

A)    Have you repented of your sins and converted, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ?

B)     On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?


            Since I have over decades closely followed the changes in various aspects of activity of this religion, I noticed some frequent collisions (1 John 4:1; 1 Th 5:21). It is visible in: a) the content of the various interpretations; b) in the theory and practice of action in everyday life issues. Overview of many historical aspects of the spiritual heritage, which the organization has, since its inception in the 19th century, left to its members-followers, and wants to cover it up, revise and incorrect display, is astounding. Who wants to drink a water from a cup in which there is a single drop of dangerous substances?

            The purpose of my statement is not to explain doctrine and practices of society and the board of directors, who are disturbed my conscience and reasoning within the love, faith, knowledge and understanding that I feel and I have to God and Jesus Christ and to the people, so I will taxatively single out only a few of them (Rom 14:4). These are obvious example, on the one hand, theological acrobatics from the main church body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and on the other hand, their dishonesty and practice in which one they are learns, and other they are works;

1) Confusing conceptions about their own identity (Who shared spiritual food? One servant, all 144 000, a composite body or the governing body ...,)

2) Pragmatism in changing dogmatic interpretations before the change was "firmly biblical established", such as a series of explanations about the "generation" ...,

3) Speculation about the meaning of biblical statements and how they should be understood. More than once the revised interpretation were in style of YES-NO-YES-NO; then this year's "changed approach to the interpretation of reports from the Word of God" ...,

4) Switching of responsibility from the governing body and their representatives on the ordinary believers in respect of the decisions and attitudes that members should be carried out, when it becomes apparent that they were endangered spiritually, mentally and literally health of fellow believers  (eg, multiple expectations of Armageddon, Malawi and Mexico of the 1970s, questions about blood, juvenile members / Bulgaria /, neutrality ...,)

5) Co-operation and association with political organizations such as the UN and the OSCE.

6) Increasingly open calls for financial donations and contributions to the funds of the corporation.

7) Careless and unkind treatment of victims of pedophilia within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses


            Regardless of how, as collective or personal, members of the Jehovah's Witnesses will treat me after this letter of resignation, considering the worldwide-known practice of ignoring and avoiding (shunning) that Jehovah's Witnesses apply to all who are outside of their religion ("worldly" people, dissociated and disfellowshipped) - I with fully conscious and reason declare still this; My relationship with the people / persons in the Jehovah's Witness religion and those who are not, is based on the words of Jesus; "Love your neighbor as yourself"; "Love those who hate you"; "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them."


I expecting from you, that any kind of information which is stored anywhere, in connection with me and has my full name, such as personal files, or any other files you immediately destroy!


Zagreb, July 27/2015                                          Srećko Šoštar -------------

                                   Verified by notary public


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You can always spot an apostate. How? It is so easy, and it is not rocket science either! Jesus address this kind of apostate attitude in anyone, but especially the hipocritical thinking of the Scribes and Pharasees of his day at Matthew 23:13 which reads:

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut up the Kingdom of the heavens before men; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in."

"They" (the apostates") are not interested in the truth nor in teaching others the truth. "They" only want to spread misinformation in order to confuse, distract, take away, sow seeds of doubt, waste people's time, impose, and promote their agenda. And what is "their" agenda? Get people to care less about Christ's brothers. Make people think that there is no difference between Christ's brothers and any other religious organization. Justify any mistreatment of Christ's brothers. They could care less about Christ's brothers, from the least of them upwards. They fault-find any imperfection Christ's brothers have to the extreme of being ridiculous, even stupid, like the NGO's decades ago even though it was for a short period, and who knows why or any details thereof.

The bottom line and purpose of apostate thinking is simply to keep people indifferent. "They" point to something better ... NEVER.

DID I SAY "NEVER"? HOW ABOUT "NEVER EVER"! Any follower of Christ should simply ask himself: "If I leave, Should I go back to believing in the immortality of the soul?" "Should I join a religion that is doing a BETTER job of fulfilling Matthew 24:14?" "Should I join a religion that has more that a thousand DIFFERENT languages on their website that surpasses JW.org?" "Should I join a religion that makes more sense to a person born deaf, or even born blind and deaf, or that even makes sense to an atheist with no nonsense attached to it?"

As an ex-atheist myself, when I was presented the good news in 1968, a week after Robert F. Kennedy was killed, I was amazed that there was a religion that gave logical explations of every question and argument I presented.


When apostates come vomiting filth on message boards that witnesses use to share information and then post links, just spot these and view it the same a ponography. It is just there and we just don't click on it nor would we bother ourselves in trying to witness to the male, female or transvestite prostitue that wants to get a few clicks for financial gain or to get us the lust after naked pictures of them in graphic pop-ups that would be difficult to get out of our heads.

There is no difference between pornagraphy and apostasy. At least prostatudes and be shamed, apostates can't be shamed. "They" are shameless and disgusting in their spiritual prostition and proud of it. Why give any of them the time of day?

I am not giving any of them nor the apostate who posted garbage on this link my time of day with this message. I am just giving my thoughts about how I view anyone who has traded 24-Karate gold for human dung and encourage others to trade in their gold for their dung. And dung is a very Scriptural graphic corresponding ilustration with hundreds of reference to dungy idols and apostasy with the nation of Israel.

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2 hours ago, Stephen D. Robinson said:

You can always spot an apostate. How? It is so easy, and it is not rocket science either! Jesus address this kind of apostate attitude in anyone, but especially the hipocritical thinking of the Scribes and Pharasees of his day at Matthew 23:13 which reads:

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut up the Kingdom of the heavens before men; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in."

"They" (the apostates") are not interested in the truth nor in teaching others the truth. "They" only want to spread misinformation in order to confuse, distract, take away, sow seeds of doubt, waste people's time, impose, and promote their agenda. And what is "their" agenda? Get people to care less about Christ's brothers. Make people think that there is no difference between Christ's brothers and any other religious organization. Justify any mistreatment of Christ's brothers. They could care less about Christ's brothers, from the least of them upwards. They fault-find any imperfection Christ's brothers have to the extreme of being ridiculous, even stupid, like the NGO's decades ago even though it was for a short period, and who knows why or any details thereof.

The bottom line and purpose of apostate thinking is simply to keep people indifferent. "They" point to something better ... NEVER.

DID I SAY "NEVER"? HOW ABOUT "NEVER EVER"! Any follower of Christ should simply ask himself: "If I leave, Should I go back to believing in the immortality of the soul?" "Should I join a religion that is doing a BETTER job of fulfilling Matthew 24:14?" "Should I join a religion that has more that a thousand DIFFERENT languages on their website that surpasses JW.org?" "Should I join a religion that makes more sense to a person born deaf, or even born blind and deaf, or that even makes sense to an atheist with no nonsense attached to it?"

As an ex-atheist myself, when I was presented the good news in 1968, a week after Robert F. Kennedy was killed, I was amazed that there was a religion that gave logical explations of every question and argument I presented.


When apostates come vomiting filth on message boards that witnesses use to share information and then post links, just spot these and view it the same a ponography. It is just there and we just don't click on it nor would we bother ourselves in trying to witness to the male, female or transvestite prostitue that wants to get a few clicks for financial gain or to get us the lust after naked pictures of them in graphic pop-ups that would be difficult to get out of our heads.

There is no difference between pornagraphy and apostasy. At least prostatudes and be shamed, apostates can't be shamed. "They" are shameless and disgusting in their spiritual prostition and proud of it. Why give any of them the time of day?

I am not giving any of them nor the apostate who posted garbage on this link my time of day with this message. I am just giving my thoughts about how I view anyone who has traded 24-Karate gold for human dung and encourage others to trade in their gold for their dung. And dung is a very Scriptural graphic corresponding ilustration with hundreds of reference to dungy idols and apostasy with the nation of Israel.


@Stephen D. Robinson

Some feel the hearing of those words can veer us from God's Truth! If we are grounded in the Truth we can see it's falseness. Sadly, some feel justified in fighting the  Sovereign of the Universe Jehovah God as did Satan. What for? Their is no "power" without Jehovah's Holy Spirit and the Truth. Satan deceived Eve did he not? Many face things today that will either open their hearts or divide them more. Jesus Christ was tested by Satan in the wilderness and Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world. What did Jesus Christ do? He quoted scriptures to break up the works of the Devil and his power. So I will quote also scriptures.

The Bible’s View

Those who look favorably upon the Bible and are inclined to accept Jesus Christ as God’s Spokesman ought to be interested in knowing the Bible’s view. You perhaps recall that Jesus once spoke of two roads, a “broad and spacious . . . road leading off into destruction” and a “cramped . . . road leading off into life.” He explained how to identify those traveling on each road, saying: “By their fruits you will recognize them.” By what kind of fruits? Not by what they say, but by what they do, as Jesus clarified: “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.” Professing belief in God is not enough. We must do God’s will. Logically, we must first have accurate knowledge of what God’s will is.—Matthew 7:13-23.

Jesus plainly showed that it is possible for humans to gain knowledge about God. He said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) Clearly, we can acquire the wisdom and the knowledge that God reveals—but only if we exert ourselves in seeking such. However, God’s gift to those who do so is everlasting life, so this search is surely worthwhile.

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12 hours ago, Stephen D. Robinson said:

"Should I join a religion that

I am just giving my thoughts about how I view anyone ..


Thanks for sharing your feelings. Yes, Feelings, not Thoughts, because, dear ex brother, i can see that from your copy/paste method of text that is not your deep thoughts. You just expressed your strong feelings, nothing more.

Thanks for calling people like me stupid. :) I will give/turn to you my other cheek too, so you can slap me once again :))))))     

For me is more important to do this, "come out", than to join some religion....Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues.

Come out ... He said, not - Go in ...

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