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GB Private Gazebo @ Warwick - Someone Proposed There & It Didn't Go Well...

Jack Ryan

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At Warwick there is a gazebo overlooking the lake. It's a nice peaceful setting. Well someone had the bright idea they were going to propose while they were at Warwick. They see this Gazebo and walk out to. He proposes to her and they take some nice pictures there of each other to remember their engagement.

Well, a few minutes later Bethels version of the secret service comes running down the hill. A bunch of these guys tell them that they can't be there, this is for the GB use only. They meet there on Wednesdays when it's nice out instead of meeting in their office.

It gets even crazier! They made them delete all the photos they took at this location. They gave some weird reason that they don't want tourist coming down and taking pictures of the gazebo and idolizing it because the GB have their meetings there on Wednesday on nice days. & that they didn't want other people getting the idea that this would be a good place to get engaged at.

I can confirm this story 100% down to the smallest detail. One of the weirdest things I've ever witnessed. Talk about an awkward engagement.

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Then, assuming she accepted the proposal, the brothers asked them to become disengaged (Form S-78) and to become re-engaged anywhere outside of Warwick, since the Governing Body also meets in Warwick

At Warwick there is a gazebo overlooking the lake. It's a nice peaceful setting. Well someone had the bright idea they were going to propose while they were at Warwick. They see this Gazebo and walk o

I think this is in response to the @Librarian calling the bridge at Wallkill "engagement bridge" ... hence the crackdown: http://www.jw-archive.org/tagged/Engagement-Bridge

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Then, assuming she accepted the proposal, the brothers asked them to become disengaged (Form S-78) and to become re-engaged anywhere outside of Warwick, since the Governing Body also meets in Warwick and does not want anything related to the Branch location area to become idolized, either. Then they decided on a 50-mile radius, which would also include the old Brooklyn Bethel, because, well, you just can't be too careful. For engagement services, they are now providing a special bus that runs from Warwick to the old Burnt-Over Disctrict of New York, where it all began. An announcement comes over the loudspeaker of the bus when the 50-mile radius has been reached, and engagements are allowed again.


[edited to add: I just received a note from someone who couldn't tell if I was joking, so I thought I'd better add this explanation to the post. Yes, I'm joking.]

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Well. I have said it before MANY times ... many MANY times ... it is much simpler if you remember this BASIC rule, which also applies (of course!) to the Gazebo.


( I would like to see them TRY to make me delete photos from MY camera ...)

I used to tell my daughter when she was dating some Bro., who turned out to be interested in only what HE wanted ... always have a cell phone, and emergency money for "cab fare" home.

The pitiful  sadness of it all is this .... whether or not the story is true, or not true, or partially true ... it is COMPLETELY believable.


hELP IS ON THE WAY   700  .JPG  500 .jpg

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38 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

as it could become touristic.

Speaking of which . . . Have you seen how hard it is to get a Warwick tour? If you call today with just 2 people, you won't be scheduled until February. I got a construction tour over a year ago, but not much was finished, and there was mud everywhere. I'm driving my parents up in January. They've both been called in to work at Bethel for a few weeks on previous occasions (he's an electrical engineer). Even considering "connections" they couldn't find any openings in December for them when they planned on traveling. They will take 4 of us in January, though. 

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I have often wondered what would happen if I landed on the Warwick front lawn in a helicopter,  showed up at the Lobby, unannounced, with several Halliburton #103 aluminum suitcases filled with hundred dollar bills, opened them and showed the money to the receptionist, and asked to see one of the Governing Body for a special, personal, guided tour of the new Headquarters facility.

Think they could fit me in the same morning?

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8 hours ago, Jay Witness said:

Well, a few minutes later Bethels version of the secret service comes running down the hill. A bunch of these guys tell them that they can't be there, this is for the GB use only.

Everyone is equal in the Brotherhood ... but some are more equal than others.

(George Orwell, 1984 - paraphrased)

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Leave the brothers alone. Such petty fussing! I can see their point of not wanting people tramping all over the property unannounced. Think what it could lead to! Besides I think you are being very rude. We have much more important issues to attend to than quibbling over unimportant things like this. Be more positive

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Years ago, an ex-relative once told me I was "crude, rude, and a bore!'

I looked her straight in the eye and said "YEAH! .... what's yer point?"

Remember the Scripture about not muzzling the oxen on the threshing room floor?

What do you think that actually means anyway?


The Brotherhood PAID for the gazebo, and the land around it, and the lake in front of it, and built it ALL with their sweat ... but when the GB is NOT using it ... neither can THEY.

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20 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Speaking of which . . . Have you seen how hard it is to get a Warwick tour?

Unless you're like lucky, lucky me and have a friend there who will give you a private tour :). No but seriously, it's who you know.....as always...

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