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1989 Watchtower

Jack Ryan

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21 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

completely, therefore, a need to become in “our day”, just in case the Y2K would have become disastrous for print.

Wasn't the bound volume printed well before the Y2K problem?

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January, 1989 The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." (w89 1/1 12 "The Hand o

If @JW Insider didn't have to keep messing with 607 BCE, they probably wouldn't have to rewrite anything!

...then they must must have spent the last ten years in a coma... [or something to that effect] Of course, this could have slightly more effect if we hadn't been saying almost exactly the same th

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Guest J.R. Ewing

I believe the operative word is “reprint”. Unless, the reference, is allowing for things to stand as is, Then, any reprint after 2000 would have become the 19th century. This is, with the speculation, people used computers rather than the old typeset. In that case, Y2K would be redundant. Then the Watchtower “reprint” allowed for that possibility.

There was “nothing” ominous about the Watchtower attempting to suggest the world would “end” by the year 2000, before the reprint. That’s just sheer “falsehood” from ex-witnesses. That’s why they dug up and manipulated the differences between the WT magazine, the Bound Volume and CD-ROM. Another thing to consider, when it comes to printing, books or magazines, they rarely get “recalled”. They just get updated on the next print. The electronic age, as opposed to the industrial revolution, faced many challenges with the transition. The focal point was the 90’s. In the 90’s, which operating systems were available to the consumer. Windows 95 came on the scene in 1995. This system still relied on DOS (16-32bit) to function.

In 1989. Everyone was dealing with the 286/386 platform. Meaning, DOS, Windows 1-2, (8-12-16bit) That had substantial limitation back then, that we take for granted now.

Back then, TTH would have used a dictionary to author a book. Spell Check was not reliable.

So, this attempt to discredit the Watchtower on generations or end of day’s is “debunked”.


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23 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

If it hadn’t worked, all the reprints, for example, 2017 CD-ROM would have been 1917 CD-ROM and typing 20th century would have come out as 00th century.

This is strange. Everything else you said in the paragraph that this quote came from is very true. But this particular sentence quoted here is false. It would also be completely irrelevant to a printed document or an electronic version of a printed document. The Y2K problem (which the Society cared nothing about in 1989) would not have made a 2017 CD-ROM a 1917 CD-ROM any more than it would have made it a pre-Gutenberg 1317 CD-ROM. Your claim is meaningless. The CD-ROM programs from the Watchtower that came out in 1993 can still be made to work today. I think 1993 was the first one. 

There never was an impending disaster coming from Y2K. And there will not be one arising from the 2038 Unix Millennium Bug either. (An upgrade to the operating system can make over 99% of the 2038 bug go away immediately without changing software.) The original Y2K bug could cause problems in a whole range of areas, and most of us in IT had to waste several years of our careers becoming our own QA departments, certifying that all our programs were going to work without a glitch. My own department's programs were mostly in C during those years (and a little bit of dBase+Clipper, Turbo Pascal, Excel Macros) but relied on mainframe feeds mostly through SQL+DB2. But I was also surprised that so many of the COBOL programs we checked had already worked around the Y2K problem even without storing 4-character years. That even goes for solving financial range problems that crossed January 1, 2000 and/or February 29, 2000.

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Guest J.R. Ewing

Perhaps to you and Gone fishing. To us simple folk, it would be a matter of input. You're the computer genius with a degree as stipulated from other threads. How would inputted data be if the system "clock" reverted all files to 1900 hundred? Then you attempted to reinput the data, that the machine wouldn't allow it because it refused to acknowledge a certain character.


Now, how much relevance is it for you to support a false claim about the Watchtower 1989.?



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6 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

So, in 21 years from now, if you are around and wake up with no electricity, natural gas, or water in your dwelling, if you go to an ATM and can’t get money out, if you go to the supermarket to purchase food, and they won’t accept anything but cash, etc., they didn’t fix the problem. The majority of these systems run under POSIX subsystem.

You can look at it in conjunction with these scriptures.

(Matthew 24:21) for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.

All systems  might be breaking down in the future, for that scripture to be fulfilled. (I did not say 2038)  

About the problem of fixing something that is destined to occur in the future we might apply this scripture as well.

(Matt:6:34) "  So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles." 

It is not wrong to do what you can to solve foreseen problems, but we have much to do already.  Anxiety will not  add anything to our lives.  Seek first the Kingdom and do Jehovah's will.  Jehovah has a way of working everything out.


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7 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

Perhaps to you and Gone fishing.

Hi JR. 

I am liking @JW Insider 's anecdote re the "Millenium bug" as it relates to my own experience. I was handsomely paid to be on call for Yr 2K problems in my workplace although I had demonstrated months earlier that the relevant systems were unaffected.

I provide no support whatsover to those who make false claims about the Watchtower of any year. I am quite happy to observe errors, ommissions, and anything else that the muck-rakers care to dredge up. Apart from historical interest, it provides for me evidence of the  active involvement of the Head of the congregation.

Oh, and while we are on false claims, neither do I claim to be a computer genius with a degree. I, (thankfully), am one of those under-educated, college dropout JWs highlighted in another thread. Funny, it made no difference to me financially on comparison with siblings and peers who availed themselves of "the king's shilling". On reflection, maybe it meant I didn't reach the top 1% income bracket.....but then, neither did they. 

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1 hour ago, Gone Fishing said:

I, (thankfully), am one of those under-educated, college dropout JWs highlighted in another thread. Funny, it made no difference to me financially on comparison with siblings and peers who availed themselves of "the king's shilling".

As it turns out, I did go to college and I do have a degree. It didn't help me a bit.

It is my fault, not theirs. Nonetheless, I'm quite certain that both GF and JWI made more dough than I, and probably even Bellyacher-in-Chief JTR.


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

As it turns out, I did go to college and I do have a degree. It didn't help me a bit.

Furthermore, while I am more well-read than many, college had nothing to do with it.

I once calculated I had read 55 of the 100 'most important books in history' on a list put out by the BBC. Nobody I encountered had read more.

I read almost all of them via 'Books on Tape' while working a humdrum job in which only my body had to be engaged, but my mind remained mine. Possibly I can credit college with stimulating an already existing appreciation of reading. But it's a rather expensive route just to take away that lesson. I'll share it for free: Read.

(that'll be $5.99, please) :)

And even with all that reading, I have found Bible-based literature to be the best framework for evaluating everything else, simple though that writing is.


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