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They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson. – ???⚖️?⚖️???

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They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson.


"How loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be."—1 Thess. 2:10.

Disloyalty and betrayal cause pain and suffering. Indeed, such acts are an ominous sign of the times! 


Samson Triumphs in the Strength of Jehovah!

VINDICTIVE captors bore out his eyes and consign him to hard labor. Then they bring him out of the prison house into a pagan temple to provide amusement for the crowd. They parade him before thousands of onlookers and make sport of him. The prisoner is neither a criminal nor a commander of an enemy army. He is a worshiper of Jehovah and has served as judge in Israel for 20 years.


Samson was single-minded in the pursuit of his objective, his fight against the Philistines. His staying at the house of a prostitute at Gaza was for the purpose of fighting against God’s enemies. Samson needed a lodging place for the night in an enemy city, and it could be found in the house of a prostitute. Samsonhad no immoral purpose in mind. He left the woman’s house at midnight, grabbed the city gates and the two side posts, and carried them to the top of a mountain near Hebron, which was some 37 miles [60 km] away. This was done with divine approval and God-given strength.—Judges 16:1-3.


The way the holy spirit operated in Samson’s case was unique because of the unusual circumstances. Faithful servants of God today can rely on the same spirit to empower them. Jesus assured his followers that Jehovah will “give holy spirit to those asking him.”—Luke 11:13.


It came about that Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah. The five axis lords of the Philistines were so eager to eliminate Samson that they enlisted her help. They approached Delilah and said to her: “Fool him and see in what his great power is and with what we can prevail over him.” As a bribe, each of the five axis lords offered her “one thousand one hundred silver pieces.”—Judges 16:4, 5.


If the silver pieces were shekels, the offer of 5,500 shekels was a huge bribe. Abraham paid 400 shekels for a burial place for his wife, and a slave sold for just 30. (Genesis 23:14-20; Exodus 21:32) The fact that the axis lords—rulers of five Philistine cities—appealed to Delilah’s greed and not to her ethnic loyalty suggests that she was perhaps an Israelite woman. In any case, Delilah accepted the offer.


Three times Samson gave Delilah misleading answers to her inquiry, and three times she betrayed him by trying to deliver him to his enemies. But “it came about that because she pressured him with her words all the time and kept urging him, his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying.” Samson finally revealed the truth—his hair had never been cut. Were it to be cut, he would grow weak and become like all other men.—Judges 16:6-17.


That was Samson’s downfall. Delilah maneuvered him into a situation to have his head shaved. Samson’s power, however, was not literally in his hair. His hair merely represented his special relationship with God as a Nazirite. When Samson allowed himself to get into a situation that affected his Naziriteship because of the shaving of his head, ‘Jehovah departed from him.’ Philistines now overpowered Samson, blinded him, and put him in prison.—Judges 16:18-21.


“Sovereign Lord Jehovah,” prayed Samson, “remember me, please, and strengthen me, please, just this once, O you the true God, and let me avenge myself upon the Philistines with vengeance for one of my two eyes.” Then he braced himself against the two center columns of the building, and “he bent himself with power.” The result? “The house went falling upon the axis lords and upon all the people that were in it, so that the dead that he put to death in his own death came to be more than those he had put to death during his lifetime.”—Judges 16:22-30.

For physical strength, Samson was without equal among men. His mighty acts were notable indeed. But most important, Jehovah’s Word counts Samson among those strong in faith.—Hebrews 11:32-34.



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They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson. ??????????? "How loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be."—1 Thess. 2:10. Disloyalty and betrayal cause pa

Yes sadly! 

Both Samson's ladies was manipulators. And Samson was type of person who like that in some way. He personally choosing first and second wife. So, you can not blame one and other not. Both are "guilty

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