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Who acts as a restriction? In what time is it fulfilled?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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And now you know what acts as a restraint, in view of its revelation the appointed time. In fact, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work, but only until the one who now acts as a restriction is not out of the way. Then, in fact, will be revealed illegal, that the Lord Jesus will suppress the spirit of his mouth, and reduced to nothing by the manifestation of his presence "- 2 Thessalonians 2: 6-8
Who acts as a restraint to the man of lawlessness?
Part of the discussion that follows has already been mentioned in the article entitled "The beast that ascends from the sea and head slaughtered to death" * (see footnote)
However, that article was devoted in particular to the beast that John saw as "slaughtered to death" and the false prophet so easily is not given due attention.
The scriptures are so cleverly linked together that you can not delve into a subject without going to touch others.
This reinforces the belief that the method is correct and, therefore, also the intention.
To correctly understand "who acts as a restraint," and when, then we resume the discussion starting from the beast with two horns lamb.
The description of this beast is very similar to what the Bible says the man of lawlessness, and so we must also seriously reviewing what we know about its possible "restriction" - Compare 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12 with Revelation 13:13, 14
The apostolo Paolo says this man of ell'illegalità "stands in opposition and exalts himself above all that is called" god "or object of reverence, so that he sits in the temple of God, showing publicly be a god "- 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12
Needless to deny that this description "looks like" the one that makes Daniel in chapter 11 and verses 36 and 37 ... "The king really do according to his own will, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god; and he will speak marvelous things against the God of gods. It certainly will be successful until [the] complaint has not come to fruition; because the thing decided upon must be done. He will not consider the God of his fathers; and will not take into account the desire of women and any other god, but magnify himself on anyone. "
These two scriptures seem to connect?
As we have already seen, the fact that this beast possesses lamb horns is not simply indicative of its image "peaceful" (among other things does not seem very peaceful from the description which is made of) but it is a contrast with what is said shortly after the 14th chapter of Revelation.
This beast with two horns lamb is a contrast to the true Lamb - Compare Revelation 13:11 with Revelation 14: 1
This contrast is so embarked, that is suggested , that even the mark of the beast is contrasted with the "seal" or the name of the Lamb and His Father that the 144,000 are on their foreheads - compare with Revelation 13:16 Revelation 14: 1
So it is clear, if we read without prejudice, you are talking of a "something" that you put in contrast to the true God and true worship.
Who can get in opposition to God and to true worship?
But it is clear!
He says the apostolo Paolo in 2 Thessalonians 2: 4: "He stands in opposition and exalts himself above all that is called" god "or object of reverence, so that he sits in the temple of God, showing publicly to be a god "- See also Daniel 11:45
So we're talking about the man of lawlessness, of course, pretending to be what he is not, is also a "false prophet" - Revelation 19:20
So far we have been told that the apostles were to act as a "restriction" (or, at least, the first-century Christians).
In fact after the death of John apostasy exploded in all its power and before the end of the second century there were already seven divisions and utterly false beliefs.
Although we are talking about the false prophet, and then the events for the last days, this is not a contradiction in what the apostle said that this lawlessness "was already at work" in his day.
It should be noted that there is a fundamental difference between "being at work" (which may occur behind the scenes and with limited means) and the open "revelation."
Paul is talking about a particular period of time ... "about the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him" - 2 Thessalonians 2: 1
He says that before this had to be the man of lawlessness.
As soon as possible?
He meant perhaps 2000 years before?
To understand this we must identify two key events: the presence of the Lord and the gathering together unto him.
In simple words the apostolo Paolo is saying ... "Seeing this ... then we can talk about the presence of Christ and our gathering together as spiritual creatures with him."
It is evident that, although the man of lawlessness was already at work at the time of the apostle Paul, it would be completely revealed in the end time and precisely the approach of "gathering together unto him."
Needless to say, the gathering with Christ, which is the spiritual resurrection, did not occur at the end of the first century, Jesus began to rule the world at that time.
So if the prophecy of the Apostle Paul had an initial and partial fulfillment at the end of the first century (there is no doubt that at the end of the first century, the congregation was corrupted at the speed of light), it is in the end time we have to wait the full revelation of this false prophet.
This is fully in keeping with the last book of the Bible.
Whatever idea we made about it, if we read in chronological order Revelation 11: 7 and then 13: 11-14, everything will become clear.
The beast with two horns lamb is also known as a "false prophet" and says it is misleading the entire inhabited earth because of the "signs which he had power to do."
This is reminiscent of the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 24:23, 24.
In harmony with the words of the Apostle Paul, only in the vicinity of the abduction at Christ the man of lawlessness he would be truly revealed.
When it begins, according to Revelation, the spiritual resurrection?
In that time, the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ?
Let's try to read the following verses in chronological order - Revelation 11: 12-15
If, then, Daniel, Matthew and Revelation are connected ... who is to act as a restraint against the man of lawlessness?
In the book of Revelation it is clear: are the two witnesses in sackcloth .
Exactly as it happened towards the end of the first century with the death of the last apostle, an event that started the apostate Christendom, in the end time we expect a second and complete fulfillment.
What happens as soon as they are "out of the way"?
Once killed, quickly it appears this beast with two horns lamb which you adore and performs signs exactly as it is described in Daniel and in Matthew.
Another interesting detail confirms this understanding.
Again the apostle Paul, speaking of the same subject, says that "the Lord Jesus will suppress the spirit of his mouth, and reduced to nothing by the manifestation of his presence."
Yet Babylon the Great, which would include the man of lawlessness (according to the official intent) is not suppressed either directly by Jesus or God.
We know that God (not Jesus) puts in the hearts of these kings that make up the wild beast to destroy Babylon the Great, but not destroy it He directly.
Instead, with respect to the false prophet, the Bible says ... "And the wild beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who had performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the beast and those who render worship to its image. While they were alive, they were both cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone "- Revelation 19:20
The scripture references are so many: just put them together.
The death and resurrection of these two witnesses, an event that kicks off the general spiritual resurrection and at the sound of the seventh trumpet that makes the kingdom of the world the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52), you see this strange beast - Read Revelation 11:12, 15; 12: 1, 5; 13:11
If we read Revelation chronologically it will become much simple.
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And now you know what acts as a restraint, in view of its revelation the appointed time. In fact, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work, but only until the one who now acts as a restricti

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