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31 minutes ago, Anna said:

One thing is vocally defending the true nature of God, where Christendom has created a mystery pretzel which alienates people from having a relationship with him, and instead worship and pray to his son, and another is criticizing something which has been interpreted in all honesty and as an encouragement to those who are awaiting God's promises for the earth.

The generation timeline is a mystery pretzel.

 The timetable of Armageddon is a mystery pretzel.

There is no reason man cannot give Jesus relative worship, now and in the Kingdom.  Rev 5:12-14; Heb 1:6; Matt 28:9,17; John 9:38; 5:23 

Having a relationship with God requires refinement from idolatry, that an organization can bring one salvation.  Acts 4:12; Acts 17:24,25

God’s promises are given to those who seek out Christ and buy his “refined gold”, free of false prophesy and the lie that an earthly organization is Zion; when it is God’s Temple of anointed ones – those being “trampled” by a false priesthood that is costing the Watchtower millions in lawsuits. Rev 3:18; Isa 2:1-5; 43:10-13; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; 1 Cor 3:16,17;2 Cor 6:16; Rev 14:1; Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 13:1,4-8

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5 hours ago, Anna said:

I say I do not believe in the overlapping generation


Bit of care needed here I would suggest.

Apostasy is a state of mind. Jesus showed that a state of mind constitutes the relevant sin when he stated that "everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matt.5:28.

No one is condemned by men until a sin has been seen to be committed, but Jehovah can (like Jesus) read the heart (Pro.21:2) and will judge the intent that has the potential to become the sin. They (Jehovah and Jesus), can determine accurately the outcome of intent (Gen.4:7).

So I would be inclined to tread warily with the tendency we have to delight in independent thinking regarding explanations of doctrine presented by those who have the responsibility to direct the Christian congregation.

Proverbs 11:9 states:"By his mouth the apostate brings his neighbor to ruin". Just stating inappropriately a disagreement with an explanation provided  is to venture onto a place that can only be described as "slippery ground" Ps.73:18.




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6 minutes ago, Nana Fofana said:

I wasn't a witness then

35 minutes ago, Witness said:

did Armageddon come in 1975, as the leaders of the Watchtower promised


I was ...and they didn't.

I sure they would have welcomed it if it had come as they would have, and probably still do, felt like Paul who said:

"Now if I am to live on in the flesh, this is a fruitage of my work; yet what I would choose, I do not make known. I am torn between these two things, for I do desire the releasing and the being with Christ, which is, to be sure, far better. However, it is more necessary for me to remain in the flesh for your sakes." Ph 1:22-24

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2 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

So I would be inclined to tread warily with the tendency we have to delight in independent thinking regarding explanations of doctrine presented by those who have the responsibility to direct the Christian congregation.

I agree. If the overlapping generation ever becomes a part of the questions for baptism, then I might begin to worry. But as it stands today, it is merely an opinion much as the 1975 thing was. I do not see an explicit scripture either proving or disproving it, so I think one is at liberty to decide whether it makes sense to them or not. Is it even a doctrine?

P.S. That letter to the BOE clearly applies to someone who takes up the beliefs of another religion, as I explained in a few posts further up.

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5 hours ago, Nana Fofana said:

I wasn't a witness then, but as far as I can tell, they didn't say that.

Much clearer, though, to me is what some desperately want them to have said, including that.

However, what I was asking is whether  you know how many years it has been since Adam's creation , according to the Bible?

 And do you dispute that 1975 was the 6000th year since Adam's creation according to the Bible?  

And If so, what about it do you dispute?

If you can listen to the video again, you will see that the leaders were very convincing that 1975 was the date Armageddon was to come.  The first speaker is Fred Franz, the past president of the Watchtower.  The other speaker is a district overseer, Charles Sinutko.  There is another recorded talk by a district overseer where he used the phrase, “Stayin Alive ‘till ‘75”.  There are many Watchtower references concerning the date, but you won’t find them in the recent collections of the organization’s website.    

I do not put my faith in any literal timetable because Jesus expects us to find the answers from him that we need to know, at the time we need to know it. John 6:27; Matt 13:44,36,51 

 If we are to look at chronology, wouldn’t we be just like the Pharisees who sought a sign for the coming Kingdom?  Yet, the Wt. has set many dates regardless of Jesus’ words.  They have been dogmatic about ignoring Jesus’ words.

Jesus said, "A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” And He left them and departed." Matt.16:4

Obviously, that 1975 marked the date of 6,000 years of the existence of mankind has nothing to do with the sign of Christ’s coming, but in 1975 Watchtower leaders expressed it as a very big deal.  Men disregarded Jesus’ warning of Matt 16:4, and went with it anyway as they have done so since the beginning of the organization.   Should it be dismissed that Jesus said any who do so are a “wicked and adulterous generation”? 

How do the Watchtower leaders present this false prophesy today?

“This is the way of an adulterous woman:
She eats and wipes her mouth,
And says, “I have done no wickedness.”  Prov 30:20; Rev 2:20; 17:4-6

The Watchtower has a history of chart-making, from Russel and the pyramid measurements, to the “overlapping generation” – all based on a date.  1 Cor 2:13,14

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I want to make my contribution to this conversation only because of those who have said "to abandon this religion".

I claim to be one of the few who is allowed to rediscover some "absolute truths" as I rediscover, in honest conscience, some doctrines (only a few) and practically all the official prophecies (practically all) of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Some may think that I am "an apostate" for this reason but it is not. Jehovah will judge - Romans 14:10

That being said I would like to answer those who say "leave this religion".

My question is: to go where?

Should we go to religions who have taught abominations like the hell of fire, the trinity, the mother of God, innate immortality of the human soul, predestination, limbo, purgatory, and so on?

We should associate with those religions that have erased the Name of God from the Bible and their adoration by stupid controversy "do we know the exact pronunciation"?

Should we associate with those religions that have massacred millions of innocent people in wars of religion, crusades, inquisitions, witch-robbers? Those who have invented and used the most ingenious torture machines that history has known?

Or should we be "atheists" as if the mistakes of a religion fall on God?

Or does this talk show that a religion is the same as the other?

Dears Mathew9969 and Witness I would like to illustrate a simple and clear point.

Any Watchtower errors do not make false religion a little bit more truth.

As I wrote at the beginning, I enumerated many things about Jehovah's Witness's official intent.

By the way, I question 1914 (which is still unaltered) so you can imagine what I think of 1975, the method to get there, and the conclusion that that date would have led to Armageddon.

I know that there have been errors (too many) and that certain statements have been more serious than those which are now being sought to make them believe.

On the other hand these mistakes are scientifically magnified to try to prove that we are a "false religion".

Generally these polemic sites are very good at finding the "right writing" to try to prove that they are right or that "there is no truth".

In their desire to "find the doctrinal or prophetic error," however, escapes a profound truth to them.

What was the people who were evicted and who was disciplined by Jehovah in biblical history?

Was Israel or Egypt?

From whom did the "false prophets" come from Israel or from Nineveh?

What is the difference between "discipline" and "destruction"?

The people of God, in history, have evaded many times and for various reasons.

However, discipline is always served for a purpose: to be brought back with mercy - Joel 3: 19-21

I would like to ask this question.

When Jeremiah, Isaiah, Joel, or other prophets saw the people of God turn away, what did they do?

They said, "This is not the people of God"?

They said, "Now I'm going to see if there is a better religion in Babylon or Egypt"?

Israel was no longer the people of God?

The man of iniquity (Christianity) will not be brought back with mercy because it is the work of the devil. is a lie that will be eliminated.

God's people, on the other hand, will be disciplined and brought back with mercy.

How can I know that this people, despite the mistakes, is the people of God?

As I wrote at the beginning, it is the fundamental doctrines (which Christianity has rejected).

we pay attention to this scripture: "And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to war against the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the duty of bearing witness to Jesus" - Revelation 12 : 17

What is the only people who bear witness to Jesus and do it globally?

Are they Christianity?

Absolutely no.

Let's be objective.

I would be very careful before saying "leave this religion".

We would make a much greater sin.

Through the study of the prophecies, some have realized that Jehovah is about to come to a strict discipline against his own people.

This does not teach the "governing body" (indeed, they say purification took place in 1919),

This affirmation puts me in opposition to many of my brothers.

it is indisputable that many brothers are not capable of being questioned,

it is indisputable that, for many brothers, if you say something "against the official channel" you are automatically an apostate.

Unfortunately, it is also indisputable that some brothers have idolized some people or even buildings or websites - Matthew 15: 3-10

For these reasons, and for other reasons too, Jehovah's discipline will come to you - Joel 1: 5, 6

The discipline will surely be hard and for many brothers it will be a surprise.

However the people leading and sanctifying the name of God (Jehovah), who preached in all the inhabited earth and speaks of the Kingdom of God bears witness to Jesus, what will be the people who will be saved at Armageddon.

During the discipline of Jehovah many "fake brothers" will no longer exist. Probably there will not be anyone who has idolized men above the Word of God.

We can not know how many will be, how many will remain.

One thing, however, is certain.

Christianity with its lies will not be "restored with mercy" but simply destroyed - 2 Thessalonians 2: 8

So I encourage both parties to make sure of everything - 1 Thessalonians 5:21

This is not a football game.

Both parties may have the humility to understand what God's will is and do everything possible to save their lives.


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1 hour ago, Israeli Bar Avaddhon said:

My question is: to go where?

28 Then Jesus said, Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

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On 11/10/2017 at 16:33, Anna said:

But I was only very young...

I was 15 at 1975.  And hear on my ears that brothers (elders) making calculations, while sitting on bar table with glass of drink, on this, in days from 1975 -1977, how many years Adam has been alone before Eve. Because this number of years can explain why nothing happened in 1975. :)))))))) 

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36 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

)) but that is exactly what JW members doing for decades in the same organization. Not need to left JW and go in different church. :) 

The reason I still "throw my hat into the ring" with Jehovah's Witnesses, is that I do not expect much from human beings ... and even less when billions of dollars are floating around completely unaccounted for .... but the 15% Core Truths are so VALUABLE, that I am willing to allow "my hat" to be stomped into the mud by those marching to the 85% drivel.

I will endure it ... but that does not mean I have to like it.

I like it even less for all those kind, gentle souls who in obeying their natural conscience, have been chased away by the 85% drivel, wielded with a steel fist in a feathered, velvet glove.


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