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34 minutes ago, J.R. Ewing said:

Galatians 2:4

New American Standard Bible

But it was because of the false brethren secretly brought in, who had sneaked in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, in order to bring us into bondage.

I don't see any direct parallels here, but it is curious that the scripture you used referred to "false brethren secretly brought in who had sneaked in." In the context of Galatians 2:4, it appears that it was at least one member of the "Governing Body" who sent these false brethren.

  • (Galatians 2:11, 12) . . .. 12 For before certain men from James arrived, . . .
  • (Galatians 2:6-9) 6 But regarding those who seemed to be important—whatever they were makes no difference to me, for God does not go by a man’s outward appearance—those highly regarded men imparted nothing new to me. 7 On the contrary, . . .  James and Ceʹphas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars,. . .



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Bethel has a long history of child labor: (Genesis 35:16) 16 Then they pulled away from Bethʹel. . . .  Rachel began to give birth, and her labor was very difficult. And wickedness too:

Nope, you are not going to derail US into an off topic discussion!! Not falling for that!

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Guest J.R. Ewing

That's good. Now you can see the "link" between COJ, and Raymond Franz to the above. What does that tell us?:ph34r:

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Guest J.R. Ewing

Somehow it doesn’t make a lick of difference to skeptics to know the timing of the Lord's day. They will always find a way to blame the Watchtower, while others continue to make timely predictions.


If, within, they missed what 1980/1, 1992/3, 2013/4, 2017/8 meant, then what makes people think they will understand 2020/1. Certainly NOT by believing someone like Dixon!


This American psychic claimed that Armageddon would take place in 2020, and Jesus will return to defeat the unholy trinity of the Antichrist, Satan, and the False prophet between 2020 and 2037. She had also previously predicted the world would end on February 4, 1962.

In 2017, a conspiracy theorist and self-proclaimed "Christian numerologist" named David Meade revived the Nibiru cataclysm by tying it to various passages from the Bible.

In October 2017, another apocalyptic writer, Terral Croft, predicted the arrival of Nibiru for November 19; a prediction again reported in the British tabloid press. Croft describes Nibiru as a "black star" at the edge of our Solar System, which, rather than colliding with Earth, would form an apocalyptic conjunction with Earth, leading to massive earthquakes. Croft claimed that earthquakes have been increasing worldwide in the leadup to the conjunction,

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Dear brothers,
you should not blend the nonsense of numerologists or persecute prophecies with biblical scriptures.
Be clear that I disown these people and these religions.
The article may be fair or contain errors, but the only thing we need to do is understand whether the subject is a personal idea or is supported by the Scriptures of the Bible.
  There are many false prophecies and many false prophets for which it is right to be cautious.
However, "being cautious" does not mean that we have to close the Bible and not strive to understand. We can all compare the scriptures, is not it?
We all have the Bible, is not it?
We do not pass to the other extreme!

The only true authority is the Bible and each of us has the chance to understand it.
We can do an honest Bible examination without prejudice.

The article can be questioned but it must be done through the scriptures.
I invite you to take every single affection and test it in the light of biblical truth - John 17:17
If there are mistakes, then let us help ourselves to understand something more but do not adopt a superficial and passive attitude towards prophecies.
If the prophecies have been written, it is evident that we can understand them.


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1 minute ago, Nana Fofana said:

You say no-one predicted 1914 or can say what it is that  happened that year.  You say presence/parousia  was expected 1874, but are you aware that a mistranslation in KJV made the period of Judges about one hundred years too long?

I am well aware of the claim, and that it accounted for a portion of the Watchtower's chronology differences. But are you are saying that this is related to why they were so wrong about 1914?

6 minutes ago, Nana Fofana said:

If you are correct that they considered Parousia to have begun in 1874, and Kingdom  begun in 1878 ,  still in 1914,  that Shows that they expected those events to be only discerned "by those earnestly looking to Jesus for their salvation" and that "his return would be in the same manner as that of  his going away"  and only witnessed by a few, and unnoticed by everyone else. 

So you are saying that the reason no one discerned the parousia or Jesus' kingship in 1914 is because it would only be witnessed by a few? So why was it discerned by NO ONE in 1914, if it was supposed to be noticed by a few.

9 minutes ago, Nana Fofana said:

"Long before 1914, the Bible Students said that a time of trouble would begin in that marked year. But even they could not have imagined how accurate that prediction would turn out to be."

Long before 1914, the Bible Students said that a time of trouble would END, not begin, in that marked year. But then, less than a decade before 1914, they changed this to a time of trouble would begin in that year based on the idea that all human institutions would fail that year, so that it would only be a few months before complete chaos ruled instead of any kings or national groups. So evidently they could not have imagined just how inaccurate that prediction turned out to be. 

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15 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

But there are a lot of rather ordinary ones trying to lock it up unfortunately.

"Some may feel that they can interpret the Bible on their own. However, Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food" (WT November 2016 para. 9).

We shouldn't need anything more than the Bible to find the truth, but according to the WT the Bible and the faithful slave is vital. You can't have true knowledge without both. A person can independently read the Bible, but without the faithful slave they will not have true knowledge. So, the faithful slave is the "key" to the Bible's "lock." Exactly as you stated.

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5 minutes ago, Noble Berean said:

" Alcuni possono pensare che essi possano interpretare la Bibbia per conto proprio. Tuttavia, Gesù ha nominato il 'schiavo fedele' di essere l'unico canale per la distribuzione di cibo spirituale" (WT  novembre 2016 par. 9).

Non dovremmo bisogno di qualcosa di più che la Bibbia per trovare la verità, ma secondo la WT la Bibbia e  lo schiavo fedele è di vitale importanza. Non si può avere vera conoscenza senza entrambi. Una persona in grado di leggere la Bibbia in modo indipendente, ma senza lo schiavo fedele non avranno la vera conoscenza. Così, lo schiavo fedele è la "chiave" per la Bibbia "blocco". Esattamente come avete dichiarato.

"Because Your Majesty and Your Lordships want a unambiguous answer, I will answer without ambiguity and without bitterness. Unless I am convinced with Scripture and with clear reasoning (since I do not accept the authority of popes and conciliators who contradicted each other), my conscience is bound to the Word of God. I can not and I do not want to retract anything because it is not right or healthy to go against conscience. Here I am. I can not do otherwise. God help me. Amen". Martin Lutero
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Just now, Nana Fofana said:

He tried, anyway-

"Many who claimed to preach Christianity were drawn into politics with good intentions, but then they found themselves participating in evil. Martin Luther, a preacher and a translator of the Bible, is famous for his efforts to reform the Catholic Church. However, his bold stand against church doctrines made him popular with those who had political motives for rebellion. Luther lost the respect of many when he too began to speak out on political issues. Initially he favored the peasants who were rebelling against oppressive nobles. Then, when the rebellion turned savage, he encouraged the nobles to crush the rebellion, which they did, butchering thousands. Not surprisingly, the peasants considered him a traitor. Luther also encouraged the nobles in their own rebellion against the Catholic emperor. In fact, Protestants, as Luther’s followers came to be known, formed a political movement from the beginning. How did power affect Luther? It corrupted him. For example, although he at first opposed coercing religious dissidents, he later encouraged his political friends to execute by burning those who opposed infant baptism."

I don't think he was endorsing Martin Luther's life, but just sharing a relevant quote. Although I agree that the Reformation failed in that it replaced one tyranny with another. History is tragically cyclical. One group recognizes the tyranny of [insertname]Church, they branch off, and then form another tyranny. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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Each one here, those who have been part of the brotherhood and those who have stepped outside, each deeply trust the truth of the scriptures, inspired of God, correct? So when Daniel stated that only ones having insight will understand the knowledge he had sealed for release during these last days, whom do you think would have such INSIGHT? All of us seeker of true knowledge? Or a certain select group, that would guide other seekers, like the Ethiopian eunuch needing guidance and said so? Teachers need students, and vice versa. All of us was not about to gain insight, some would like Jesus spoke at Matthew, his disciples knowing what he taught, would in fact turn around make other disciples teaching theses ones the things to observe, what he has first taught them. These new one had no insight at first, right? Where would it come from? They had to be taught,correct? Self-taught? Jesus himself where 2 or 3 are gathered in his name he is there, goes against being self taught doesn't it? That is just common sense!

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14 minutes ago, John Houston said:

Each one here, those who have been part of the brotherhood and those who have stepped outside, each deeply trust the truth of the scriptures, inspired of God, correct? So when Daniel stated that only ones having insight will understand the knowledge he had sealed for release during these last days, whom do you think would have such INSIGHT? All of us seeker of true knowledge? Or a certain select group, that would guide other seekers, like the Ethiopian eunuch needing guidance and said so? Teachers need students, and vice versa. All of us was not about to gain insight, some would like Jesus spoke at Matthew, his disciples knowing what he taught, would in fact turn around make other disciples teaching theses ones the things to observe, what he has first taught them. These new one had no insight at first, right? Where would it come from? They had to be taught,correct? Self-taught? Jesus himself where 2 or 3 are gathered in his name he is there, goes against being self taught doesn't it? That is just common sense!

So are you suggesting that only 7 people in the world have the correct insight on the scriptures?

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People of "noble mind" are those who carefully study the scriptures. The Bible was written for all mankind. The Bible teaches that if you seek truth with constancy and impregnation, you find it - Proverbs 2: 1-5
Each of us, individually, has the duty to study the Bible.
Judgment will also be a personal thing.
If any of you prefer to believe that they are always "the others" to study and dig for you, you are free to believe it.
Unfortunately this is not what the Bible teaches.
If you think that every topic should be tested with the scriptures, okay.
If, on the contrary, you think you do not have to study, look for and understand why "there are other people in charge of doing so", I'm sorry for you.
Perhaps one day you will find that the Bible encouraged you to study and understand it personally.

I have nothing else to add because these conversations are a waste of time.
Those of noble mind, such as the Bereans, will seek in the Bible if an affirmation is true or false

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