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Why so many left?


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Another sweeping generalization. Many of the ones who left retained Bible Student/JW beliefs on these.  Also, you need to realize that Christians who advocate the Trinity and hellfire have script

The point is, my friend, if the watchtower were WRONG in the past, how do we know they are not wrong now?   its not a case of "new light". The light is either on or off!   Blessing

Can you give me an instance from the Bible where a true prophet got Jehovah's message wrong?

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"Because of this, many of his disciples went off to the things behind and would no longer walk with him." (John 6:66) 

Many left Jesus.  Of the hundreds or even thousands that listened to him that day, only the twelve stayed. 

"So Jesus said to the Twelve: “You do not want to go also, do you?” Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." (John 6:67, 68) 

Was Jesus a false prophet because many left? Of course not!  They left because they were following Jesus for the wrong reasons.  The same could be said of those who left after 1925 and 1975.  They did NOT really love Jehovah or Jesus.  Now what if they were the ones sent to Niniveh and not the prophet Jonah?  They would have probably ranted and posted viciously on the internet if it were available then, as we are seeing a lot of brothers do so at this very moment! 

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7 hours ago, Manuel Boyet Enicola said:

The same could be said of those who left after 1925 and 1975.  They did NOT really love Jehovah or Jesus.

That's a sweeping statement. How do you know that they didn't leave because they loved Jehovah and Jesus more than an organization they felt had led them down a false path?

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9 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

Can you give me an instance from the Bible where a true prophet got Jehovah's message wrong?

This is a puzzling question. Of course no true prophet is recorded as getting Jehovah's message wrong. Whenever Jehovah's message is transmitted, it could only be right as Jehovah himself was transmitting it and saw to it that the message was transmitted as he required. Sometimes the message was not even understood by the messenger.  

Isn't that part of the understanding of what an inspired message is?

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11 minutes ago, Eoin Joyce said:

This is a puzzling question. Of course no true prophet is recorded as getting Jehovah's message wrong. Whenever Jehovah's message is transmitted, it could only be right as Jehovah himself was transmitting it and saw to it that the message was transmitted as he required. Sometimes the message was not even understood by the messenger.  

So if someone claims to have had a message revealed by the Lord himself, and yet the message turns out to be faulty, we can conclude either ...

- the Lord gave faulty information,


- the person didn't accurately convey the Lord's message,


-the person didn't receive the Lord's message.

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4 minutes ago, John Houston said:

Moses got his message wrong, remember? That was why he did not go into the promised land! Moses acted on his own,  not following Jehovah's instructions. He did not lie, but they were his own actions.

Are you suggesting that the Org acted on its own with 1925 and 1975, not following Jehovah's instructions?

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19 hours ago, Ann O'Maly said:

That's a sweeping statement. How do you know that they didn't leave because they loved Jehovah and Jesus more than an organization they felt had led them down a false path?

If they DO love Jehovah and Jesus, where will they go?  Back again to non-biblical teachings such as hellfire and the trinity? (2 Peter 2:22) Otherwise, they would have stayed, as Simon Peter and the others did. (John 6:68)

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