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The world empire of false religion really is Babylon the Great?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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The world empire of false religion really is Babylon the Great?
In that day earthling man will throw the shrews and bats his worthless gods of silver and his gold valueless gods they had done because he inchinasse before them, to enter into the holes of the rocks and in crevices of the rocks , because of the fear of Jehovah and in front of his splendid superiority, when he rises to shake the earth - Isaiah 2:20, 21
According to the official intention is Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion.
This empire will be destroyed by the United Nations marking the beginning of the great tribulation - Matthew 24:21, 22; Daniel 12: 1
The great tribulation is not Armageddon, or the war of the great day of God Almighty, but it will be a period of intermediate time which will lead to such a war.
According to the current understanding, Armageddon will be the "culmination" of the great tribulation.
Based on this assumption it becomes clear that, during the great tribulation, this phantom empire of false religion will no longer exist.
For this reason, in reference to the writing of Revelation 6: 15-17, which clearly speaks of judgment on the part of Jehovah and the Lamb, the book "Revelation its climax" says: "The opening of the sixth seal shows something similar will happen during the intervener day of Jehovah's anger. in the final scroll speed of this system of things land, his supporters desperately seek a hiding place, but will not find it. the false religion, Babylon the Great, will have already abandoned them miserably . neither the caverns literal mountains nor the political and commercial organizations comparable to the mountains will provide economic security or assistance of another kind "(quoted work, page 112, paragraph 29).
It 'obvious that, talking about mountains, the book does not mention religion as a possible institution in which to seek refuge because, as we said, this would now be destroyed at the beginning of the great tribulation (and here we are already at Armageddon).
Interestingly, the same book mentions Hosea 10: 8 which says ... "And the high places of [Bet-] Aven, the sin of Israel, will actually be annihilated. Thorns and thistles themselves up on their altars. And people actually say to the mountains, 'Cover us!' and to the hills, 'Fall over us!' "but does not mention the context of this writing.
Paragraph 27 of the book mentioned above simply says that "when Samaria fell to the cruel Assyrians in 740 BCE, there was no place where the Israelites could escape. The words of Hosea expresses the sense of helplessness, absolute terror and abandonment that the conquered people felt. neither the literal nor the hills of Samaria institutions comparable to the mountains could protect them, although in the past had seemed so stable. "
Too bad that "these institutions" were nothing more than their false religion, the main reason was done just that judgment.
If we read the verse 5 it says ... "The residents of Samaria will be afraid to [the idol] calf of Beth-Aven; because on it certainly will mourn his people, as well as its foreign-god priests [which] they rejoiced, because of its glory, because it will have gone into exile away from it. "
So the parallel is done with Revelation is at least in part because, unlike the Samaritans of Hosea's time, these may not seek refuge in religion.
By the way, if we go on reading the same book, another parallel is done with the Lord's words when he said, "" They are the days when you will say, 'Happy are the barren, and the breasts that never bore and the breasts that never nursed! ' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall over us!' and to the hills, 'Cover us!' "- Luke 23:29, 30
So says the book "The Jews remained in Judea found no hiding place."
Now it would have to ask ... "Where will never have sought refuge, the Jews, in those dramatic and terrible hours?"
The answer is obvious.
In the Temple and in their religion.
Religion or "form of worship" that now had stopped to have God's approval.
We have seen, in a previous article, that when the Bible speaks of mountains or "high places", these often have to do with false religion as we can see, for example, Ezekiel 6: 1-5
It 'obvious assert that if we had the absolute certainty that the world empire of false religion must be dropped before reading Revelation 6: 15-17 would think that people will seek refuge in political institutions and religious exactly as happened in past all the times that Jehovah brought a judgment.
Among other things, reflecting on the destruction of Jerusalem, the subject on which we always do dozens of parallel, we see how Jehovah's judgment coincided with the destruction of the Temple (the Lord clearly said "these are days to do it justice" - Luke 21:22) .
The destruction of the Temple marked the end of the Jewish religion, at least in a highly symbolic, even from the point of view of any outsider.
If we wanted to find a perfect parallel with what we think we know about the revelation, then we should have seen the destruction of the Temple and then, after a number of years , the destruction of Jerusalem and its inhabitants.
If the destruction of Jerusalem depicts what will happen globally during the war of Armageddon, what depicts the destruction of the Temple?
Leaving the sensitivity of each of its assessments and trying not to make forcing, let's see what it can teach us all that "was written before" - Romans 15: 4
As we can see from the writing guide of this article, at some point people " getter year to shrews and bats their worthless gods" .
"In that day," says the writing, that "when he rises to shake the earth" - Isaiah 2:20, 21
At this point we have a problem.
If "that day" is the day of Armageddon, that is, it is well beyond the time when false religion has been destroyed, how can they still have idols of silver and gold?
If we read from verse 10 we can isolate some important expressions such as "Jehovah alone is to be exalted in that day. For it is the day belonging to Jehovah of armies," He is "over all the cedars of Lebanon that are high and lifted up and upon all the massive trees of Bashan; and all the high mountains and all the hills are high; and on every lofty tower and every fortified wall. "
There is no doubt: we are talking of Armageddon judgment as the same book "Prophecies of Isaiah" recognize (see the book "Prophecies of Isaiah, Volume 1, p. 53, 54).
But if you are talking about Armageddon ... "on that day" is the same day in which people now disillusioned, cast at the last moment their gods of silver and gold.
So there is still a religion?
Imagining the objections of those who always try to balance things even when things do not fit, we can see what it says the same book a little 'later.
Some might say "Religion will no longer exist as an institution ... but there will always be of the believers."
This objection would have no reason to exist as a religion (or cult or however we want to call it) exists when there are two human beings who believe the same thing and organize themselves to worship, but let's see what he says Isaiah 19: 3 .
"And the spirit of Egypt must become bewildered in the midst of it, and I will confound his own advice. And I will resort to the valueless gods and to the charmers and to the spirit mediums and those who predict the events for a living."
In this regard, again the book "Prophecies of Isaiah," says ... "Similarly, in the day of judgment, false religion will be unable to save this corrupt system."
At this point we have an even more serious problem with respect to our current understanding?
If Egypt depicts Satan's world as a whole (in fact, in verse 2 writing says that Jehovah will "Egyptian against Egyptian"), is a further reference to the judgment of Armageddon and, at this juncture, the book says "the day of judgment, false religion will be unable to save this corrupt system. "
So we are no longer talking about "isolated individual believers who trust in idols" but of people ranging from those who by profession predict events.
If there is trade, there is also an institution or not?
Let's talk about "that day" in the words of the Lord when He said, "Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and in Your expel demons name, and in Your name perform many powerful works ? ' And then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness "- Matthew 7:22, 23
Of what day I was talking about the Lord?
Well, if we read the context there, Jesus mentions the false prophets, which are then also mentioned, namely Chapter 24, when he is speaking of the last days of the system of things - compare Matthew 24:24
It 'clear, therefore, that "that day" is the day when humanity comes before Christ for judgment.
Some of these, or many of them at the last moment they will say ... "Do not we prophesy in your name and in your name expelled demons, and in Your name done many wonderful works?"
But how can you say that if we start from the principle that false religion has been eliminated?
Unless we do not want to apply this script to the people of God , or the ones who have continued to hold on to the last religion remained, we must necessarily assume that until the last moment there are worshipers of some kind.
Indeed ... we will worship believe him, until the last moment, to do the will of God! - Compare John 16: 2
Who will ever, these worshipers, and where they will come from?
If we compare Matthew 24:23, 24 and 2 Thessalonians 2: 4, 5 and Revelation 13: 11-15, they are the worshipers of the wild beast with lamb's horns (or false prophet) who is impersonating for God and lead us astray "those who dwell on earth."
This beast, in fact, remains alive until the last moment of divine judgment and all the people who will worship his own demise - Revelation 19:20
Religion, therefore, will continue to exist until the last moment of divine judgment but will undergo a substantial change.
Responding to the post title, therefore, " the world empire of false religion really is Babylon the Great ?"
Obviously not, if we take it for granted that it will be destroyed before Armageddon.
Instead of false religion will be destroyed at the last moment, when it will become clear who is the True God, unfortunately for all those who are not deemed worthy to know Him before His judgment - Matthew 13:14, 15; 2 Thessalonians 2: 8: Revelation 19:20
Who is Babylon the Great, and how and when it will be destroyed?
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