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I Was a Orthodox Demon Exorcist

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Interesting experience as an Orthodox Demon Exorcist, is a witness to the Lord.
Here we see the answer to the question of why people of Babylon expel demons. Satan against Satan?
Translation of the narrated experience in Ukrainian:

I've been fond of the occult since childhood, and I got some "hits" pretty early. Already in my childhood I could remove any pain, stop the blood, etc. Later, I met Jehovah's witnesses and I was almost baptized, but the life arranged differently, and I separated from them for a long period of 18 years. Resume my mania about spiritualism, already at the age of about 34 years and demons gave me more power - I began to heal the most severe of the disease and deal with the exorcism (the expulsion of demons). It was said that I was one of the strongest in Ukraine.

The official condition for demons was the presence of Orthodox Attributes (crosses, icons, incense), so I felt deeply verborizado and began to lead an active life in the church. I visited all services (not only on weekends), restored icons, di builders in church building, I was admitted to the holies, I almost became the head of the temple. I personally contacted the metropolitan of the uoc Vladimir and received blessings from him. I also took hesychasm - spiritual practice and Orthodox Ascetic, similar to. Actually, he lived like a monk, although he was not formally a monk or a priest. I prayed for several hours a day, I knew of memory many canons and achastas and did other things that very few people do today. By the way, these days you rarely see an exorcist father. Orthodoxy has almost ceased to be a religion, it is increasingly a business, and demons increasingly strengthen the common lay who are willing to work themselves.

Possession by demons is not a myth or an evangelical metaphor, but a real phenomenon. This is a type of viral disease of humanity. For most people, demons can simply damage or throw problems, but in some cases they can fully enter a person, i.e. to control their awareness and actions. They can send diseases that can't be cured. A person cannot show signs of possession, and then no other person (except the exorcist) can determine it, or himself. If it manifests itself, it often looks like a mental illness. Most people who are in psychiatric hospitals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or violent insanity are actually possessed (although, of course, such diagnoses are real). Medicine will never admit it, but I know it because I quickly helped those people. Demons can also send physical diseases, and are treated with relative ease. The demon simply returns the victims to their original state and leaves (for a while, about this below). To treat common diseases is much more difficult and longer, but it is often also possible (although there are exceptions, for example, congenital diseases, well, Resurrect Demons who do not know how). Cure Deadly diseases the doctors couldn't face.

In order to capture the "Contagion" of possession, it is not necessary to get carried away by the occult, as they sometimes think. For example, a person can inflict harm (only if he is a real wizard, and not one of those who have been divorced today, like flies). Demons are very fond of getting into people who are hard to sin. Once I could not expel a demon from a woman who left her husband and children, she lived with her lover and tried to deceive me even to me, betraying her lover for her husband. There are also more exotic cases. For example, one day a man with very strong possession was brought to me, he did not remember his name, he was ill with many sores that could not be diagnosed. They tried to treat him, even schizophrenia, but they did not heal (naturally) and were actually sent home to die. He quickly collected it from all the problems, and it turned out that he "picked up possession" when he was digging a grave and fell into an old grave. The Motives of demons in this case are obvious: to increase fear of the dead and belief in future life. People who listen to such stories are even more full of fear of the dead, and then it's useless to show them the Bible. The deception is working.

However, over time, I realized one important thing: No exorcist has on the demons the power of Jesus and the apostles. Jesus could "send" to the demons (Sea. 9:25), the exorcist can't. First, he can expel the demon only temporarily. If a person does not change the sinful life form, the devil always returns. They took me to the same people several times. If a person really begins to lead a godly life, he observes all the canons of the church, the demon can leave it a little more time, for several years, but eventually he can return. But an even more important point: in some cases, the demon refuses in principle to release a person. The Demon could tell me before the session that there was no need to try, I would never leave this person. In this case, he had no power (as in the previous case with a woman). Finally, the devil never goes away, but he always torments his victim. People scream, tear their clothes, hair, in a word, terrible things happen. I saw things that could drive me crazy. It's always a concert for the public, and the public shouldn't be nervous. In The Bible, we will never read about such things. But in the end, there is a powerful effect, people are truly convinced that the church has great power. In fact, the demons just endure. Exorcism is not real help to people, but a contract between demons and the church for deceiving people and convincing them of the truth of Orthodoxy. The Exorcist is just an actor in this play, and the demons themselves decide whether to let them "expel" or not. These are the rules of the game.

That's why over time I realized more and more that I wasn't doing what I needed. Even the healing didn't give me satisfaction, because I understood under what tone I was dancing. He had respect, prestige and even power over people. During the sessions, a person could be almost completely unconscious in my power. But there was something deeply wrong with me, as a kind Christian, to communicate and cooperate with the demons. I was more and more displeased to pray to Mary and the saints. He often remembered Jehovah. At some point, I realized I could no longer do it, I picked up all my icons, crosses, etc., in the yard and burned them, and a week later I was in a meeting of Jehovah's witnesses. It was dangerous, because the exorcist can't just stop practicing. If you quit, you end up in the cemetery or at the psychiatric hospital. Demons don't forgive treason. It's like a mob. I knew the Lord could protect me, but I didn't know exactly how. The first few months the demons asked me to come back and even promised such forces, which I didn't have before. I refused and told the Lord. Then they changed their tactics and for several months they created crazy psychological pressure. It was a big fight. I understood that Jehovah allowed this as a test and must be temporary. And it happened

Jehovah differs from the exorcist in which he really handles demons and then forbids them to enter the person, and the exorcist simply arranges the circus. Among Jehovah's witnesses, there are no possessed, which cannot be said about the orthodox. You may be a parishioner, Monk, priest and even an exemplary and deeply religious bishop, nothing will help you. But when a person obeys the Lord, he controls access to him from demons. This is the only guarantee. You can throw him in trouble, threaten him, but you'll never get into him and control his life.

I still help people get rid of the power of demons, but in a much more effective way. I suggest that you change your lives, abandon all your sins and, most importantly, engage and serve the only true God, Jehovah. Only he provides the only reliable protection. Everything else, it's much like a temporary solution, in the worst case, a waste of time and money. Without a true God, each one of us is vulnerable to the influence of demons, his life is like a lottery, walking on a rope. Believe me as an expert.

Vitaly Perevyshko, Ukraine



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Interesting experience as an Orthodox Demon Exorcist, is a witness to the Lord. Here we see the answer to the question of why people of Babylon expel demons. Satan against Satan? Translation of th

I too, was infected with demons, so I know all of the above is true .... what happened to me is incredibly sad ... as I ALSO first turned for help to the Roman Catholic Church, which has a long histor

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I too, was infected with demons, so I know all of the above is true .... what happened to me is incredibly sad ... as I ALSO first turned for help to the Roman Catholic Church, which has a long history of supposedly expelling demons ... and they even have a Holy Office that is in charge of this, worldwide. Such help is available free from the Elders, but at the time, I did no know any better and I paid the Catholic Church $3200 for a bishop from Boston Massachusettes to fly down and perform an exorcism on me.  

I did not make much money in those years,  so they allowed me to pay $500 down, and I financed the rest for 24 months, at 5% interest, which I thought was reasonable at the time.

The exorcism was successful and the demons fled my body, but later on I lost my job, and several months after that I could no longer make the agreed upon payments ... and I was repossessed.



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On 11/1/2017 at 9:43 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The exorcism was successful and the demons fled my body, but later on I lost my job, and several months after that I could no longer make the agreed upon payments ... and I was repossessed.

Pazuzu charged default interests :D

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