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It approaches the storm

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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It approaches the storm
" And the first one blew his trumpet. And there came hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the ground; and a third of the earth was burned, and a third of the trees were burned, and all the green vegetation was burned "- Revelation 8: 7
As we have seen from a previous article, according to the official explanation of the "third" which is burnt by the first trumpet blast is Christianity (see the book "Revelation its climax" on pages 133, 134 of the Italian edition).
This is not possible for a number of reasons but we try to isolate and study the subjects indicated, without prejudice, in the light of the writings.
There is talk of hail and fire, then we speak of trees and vegetation.
When the word of God mentions the trees and vegetation, to what or to whom are you referring?
In the 96th Psalm, the trees are those that "break forth into singing" (v.12) and the context speaks of those who "sing to Jehovah" that "Bless His Name", which declare His glory and announce good news among the nations .
Isaiah 1:28, 29 speaks of judgment against sinners, those leaving Jehovah, and says it "will be ashamed of the mighty trees that coveted" then we talk about misplaced adoration (adoration of whom?).
Chapter 10 of Isaiah (chapter suggest you read everything carefully), verses 17-20 says, "And Israel's Light must become a fire, and his Holy One a flame; and it should flare up and devour his weeds and his briers in one day. And he will put an end to the glory of his forest and of his orchard, well up from the soul to the flesh, and it must become like the yearning of one who is sick. And the rest of the trees of his forest, will become such a number that a mere boy will be able to annotate them. "
The chapter 44 of Isaiah, after reassurance from Jehovah toward Jacob and Jeshurun, speaks of those who make carved images, in particular from verse 14 onwards and is then repeated the idolatry concept even if, in this case, the one that becomes an idol literally takes from a tree material (hence the tree, in this context, simply represents a tree).
Isaiah 57: 4, 5 talking about these "sons of a guess" says they are children of transgression, the seed of falsehood, that excite passion among big trees, under every luxuriant tree ....
Again you are talking about prostitution in Israel.
Chapter 61 of Isaiah always, of which we have fulfilled the first time with the restoration begun by Christ Jesus speaks of "big trees of righteousness, the planting of Jehovah."
Again the expression we need to understand who they are, today, Revelation 8: 7 trees
Jeremiah Chapter 3 (in this case it would be profitable to read it all) verse 6 reveals interesting details needed to understand why Jehovah is so angry against the people ... "And Jehovah said to me in the days of Josiah the king:" 'Have you seen what he did backsliding Israel? It goes on every high hill and under every luxuriant tree, commit prostitution. "
We know what it means and what is involved in prostitution on a spiritual level, is not it?
On this return later.
Ezekiel Chapter 15 to reflect on the differences between the tree of life and other trees.
Of this type of trees you can not help poles to work, pegs or other things.
If the screw does not produce fruit, it is only useful as firewood - Compare Matthew 3:10
Joel 1: 5 says, "Awake, drunkards, and weep; and howl, all ye drinkers of wine ... "and verses 9-12 add ..." cereal and drink offering offer were dashed from the house of Jehovah; the priests, the ministers of Jehovah, have mourned. [The] field has been despoiled, [the] land is in mourning; for [the] grain has been despoiled, [the] new wine has dried up, the oil has failed. Farmers have felt shame; the tenants have screamed, because wheat and barley due; for the harvest of the field has perished. The same screw has dried up, and even the fig tree has failed. As for the pomegranate, also the palm and the apple tree, all the trees of the field, they are dried up; because the joy is gone with shame by the sons of mankind. "
Jude verses 11-13 say ... "Woe to them, because they have gone in the path of Cain, and have rushed for compensation in the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellious talk of Cora! These are the rocks hidden under the water in your love feasts while celebrating with you, shepherds who feed themselves without fear, waterless clouds carried about by winds, trees in late autumn, [but] fruitless, two dead sometimes, uprooted ".
Grass and vegetation.
In Psalm 103: 15 people in general are compared grass (particular reference to the fragility and brevity of human life. See also Isaiah 40: 6-8 and Isaiah 51:12).
Isaiah 5:24. Those who reject the law of Jehovah become as dry grass and sinks.
There are numerous other writings but they underline, roughly, the same concept.
From these scriptures we can begin to draw conclusions.
The trees have to do with the people of God , not with Christianity, it is not Christianity to proclaim the good news among the nations (see Psalm 96).
Almost all reported herein scriptures speak of the trees of Jehovah, of his people ... and even though Christendom claims to be God's people, some of them can not be said that after the period of discipline, will be brought back with mercy - Compare Isaiah 10:20
Together, these scriptures speak of infidelity, idolatry and prostitution.
Do not look too strong words if they relate to the modern Jehovah's people?
Let's try to think about it without preconceptions.
In the article dedicated to Babylon the Great, we said that the acts of her fornication had to do with the trust placed in nations rather than in Jehovah.
This is exactly the scenario that you see when the two kingdoms begin to ally with Egypt, Assyria, Syria and so on.
Israel becomes a prostitute when he begins to put his trust in political power and not just when it starts to copy the practices of more or less neighboring peoples (due to the fact of having attended or have allied with these kingdoms).
Certainly religion has, and has always been an important component in these acts of prostitution, but we must not lose the big picture.
Since this blog does not pretend to have any divine inspiration, and even make the lecture anybody, we proceed by assumption.
And 'possible to assume that, as a people, it is placed too much trust in institutions?
"Putting too much trust in institutions" does not necessarily mean making political compromises.
Recall, for example, that Jehoshaphat never made compromise from a religious point of view (not worshiped ever idols) but his alliance with Ahab cost him dearly and that's because he preferred to have a "friend", an aid military rather than fully trust in Jehovah.
From this and other incidents reported in the scriptures we might consider whether "trust in human institutions" means only to make a religious / political compromise or simply include place undue reliance on these institutions asking them protection.
We may assume that, from the standpoint of Jehovah, we got too close to institutions like the UN or the like?
We can assume that he abused the words of Paul when he said, "I entrust myself to Caesar" and then you create a legalistic system of protection of society that actually creates burocratic problems (cf. Matthew 15: 5, 6) and demonstrates an exaggerated confidence in human law? - see Acts 26:32
We could go assuming you have added rules, and good rules that were not necessary or be gone, at least sometimes, "beyond what is written"? - 1 Corinthians 4: 6
And speaking of idolatry ... it is possible that some of us, and perhaps more than anyone, have attracted too much attention to herself waving a certain aura or divine authority?
Let us make an honest discourse.
For many Jehovah's Witnesses is unthinkable challenge a resolution, a guard tower, a publication ... whatever comes by "the faithful and discreet slave" and regardless of the merits and by the argument.
Is it not true that the majority of our brothers can not discuss any understanding, regardless if the arguments are reasonable and supported by the scriptures?
Our loyalty to who should go?
To a group of men or the Word of God?
Incidentally: this speech is not intended as an encouragement to finding laughing for bias, to murmur or creating sects and divisions but try to find a position balanced a ata in the light of the scriptures.
And besides, this is not really critical that we make to Christianity?
We have not said or thought many times "This person listens to what he says the priest, but he never bothered to see what the Bible teaches ..."?
We never apply to us the critical that we address the other?
Equating the words of a man (or a group of men) to those of God, is it not idolatry?
Is not the cult of personality?
And without going too far or too high ... we have not seen the same thing in our congregations?
When it's particularly good speaker or the overseer particularly charismatic, you not perhaps create some "crowd of admirers", again, regardless of the merits of the arguments?
Obviously we do not want to go to extremes thinking that simple admiration can be equated worship but we should think about these things.
Is not it true that for many the law applies, and for some it plays?
If trees depict prominent people within the people of God, some have idolized these people and went above and beyond the aforementioned examples.
If he who loves God's Word "in his law reads in an undertone day and night. It will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water that gives its own fruit in its season and whose leaf does not wither "(Ps 1: 2, 3) it is evident that other trees, to be destined to hail and fire including grass, they are really fed the Word of God - Compare Isaiah 1:30
There is much more to say and many other examples to cite but in fact, even if the arguments advanced there seemed sufficient or credible, Jehovah certainly knows the reality globally, he has seen a lot more of us and includes everything in his entirety.
If the interpretation on the first trumpet is correct, as it seems from the scriptures, Jehovah is more than justified to punish His people.
This is in harmony with the fact that the judgment must begin from the house of God - 1 Peter 4:17
Although the scenario is far from cheerful, it is for our salvation to occur this.
If we will not be disciplined as a people, we will not be saved even at the end - 1 Corinthians 11:32
How and when will
Comparing the book of Daniel and Revelation, we realize that Jehovah will use the king of the north to implement this discipline just as it did for the Israelites when they were deported to Babylon - Compare Daniel 7:21; 8: 12-14
In Revelation we do not explicitly speak of the king of the north, and even that is a political power to do that.
This evidently because behind this political / human military attack, there is actually God's will.
The parallels with the Biblical story are many and obvious, and the scriptures quoted at the beginning (those in identification of trees) often speak of "the king far" that would have burned or cut down these trees and this would take place by the will of Jehovah.
So in the description of the fanfare you would not see the human hand simply because the description shows who is really behind this judgment.
Likewise the war described in Daniel of the king of the north and king of the south, in Revelation is seen from a spiritual point of view indicating who is really to blow over this war (compare with Revelation 11:40 Daniel 9: 16-18 ).
When will this happen?
We do not know but if the incident on the abolition of the daily sacrifice by the king of the north (Daniel 8:13, 14) is what took place in April this year (see the article entitled "2300 evenings and mornings ") then it will not have much time to spend * (see footnote) .
We therefore do well to pay attention to these details.
Also let's not be fooled.
In a previous article we saw that the persecution, as well as expand to other nations, may include other "Christian" organizations.
If so, Satan could use this trick to create confusion as to true worship.
It is surely no coincidence that the events following the First World War and then the second resembled what is yet to come.
The wars in the world, the troubles between nations, plagues and even the birth and death of the "League of Nations" are all events that have certainly caused confusion among true Christians and interpretation of the prophecies.
We can say this because in the face of many things that seemed to fit together , many others did not fit at all.
The coincidences, however, are too many to be considered random.
So do not be surprised if the persecution of true Christians (which, paradoxically, although it happens by the will of God, what demonstrate what his your people) is accompanied by generalized persecution of other denominations.
Waiting for what must be done, what should we or can we do?
The hail will not affect all the people of God will strike but still a significant part of it (at least as far as this trumpet; other trumpets affect the people of God again).
We all have the honor and, at least for the moment, the favorable time to study, meditate and pray assiduously - Compare Luke 21:36
Although we did not have any part in worship of these trees, and he never put faith in human institutions, we ask pardon of Jehovah - Compare Jeremiah 7:14; Daniel 9: 3-6
In the light of the Scriptures, none of us is completely innocent.
Although the persecution will come to affect all the people of God (Daniel 8:12) maybe we can be among the individuals who escape and who will have a key role in preaching the good news when all this storm passes - Revelation 10:11
Although the storm approaches, we study, ponder, and pray
Footnote. The suppression of the work of preaching took place April 20, 2017 in Russia may not be the one described in Daniel.
In this case the calculation of the 2300 evenings and mornings would be wrong.
The only way to understand whether the incident of April 20 is actually the one described in the Bible, is observing world events.
This article does not want to create fear or morbid unjustified and dissociates in the strongest of all those "catastrophic" sites that are so fashionable today.
Just as was done with other articles published so far, the purpose is to carefully examine the prophecy and see how this decode current events.
It does not hide the fact that the interpretations contained herein may contain inaccuracies and errors.
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