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Which nations disappear at Armageddon?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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The 19th and 20th chapters of Revelation will reveal some significant details about the war of Armageddon, and what will happen next.
These details will include two major changes to the current understanding and, just as happened with the identity of Babylon the Great, this "vision of change" will be a real stumbling block for many Jehovah's Witnesses.
These chapters will be discussed in the next article, but, facing such a serious change of intent for two more subjects, it was decided to treat them separately in the light of all Scripture.
First, we must realize that Revelation speaks of the resurrection at the end of the millennium, and not during the millennium .
This will be discussed in detail in due course. For the moment ... you accept this opportunity just to make understandable the theme of this article is to answer the question, exactly, "what countries actually disappear at Armageddon?".
It is clear that here we return to the usual "problem" if the book was written in chronological order or not but in the meantime we have seen that the 7 seals are sequential, the 7 trumpets must be sequential (the apostle Paul calls the seventh trumpet the "last trumpet ") and so are the seven bowls of the wrath of God.
If all this is sequential ... it is consistent to think that just the last chapters they are not?
Let's try to read the whole chapter 20 of Revelation and follow the order of events.
Satan is loosed out of his prison, so misleads the nations which are in the corners of the earth, these surround the camp of the saints and then are killed by fire coming down from heaven.
After this event, the death and hades return the dead that are in them - Revelation 20: 11-13
The writing of Revelation 20: 4 it says that the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were finished.
" As long as" means "up to the moment when" and not "during" and this would appear to suggest that these thousand years the elect would reign on the survivors of Armageddon and their families but not on any resurrected.
The same term, "long" used in Matthew 1:25, we always used to prove that Joseph had no intercourse with his wife Maria until the baby is born
This should be enough to prove that the resurrection will occur after the end of the millennium , a concept that seems to be repeated in verses 12 and 13.
These verses will deepen better but now let's focus on these "rebels" who attack God's people.
Who are they and where did they come?
7  Now as soon as they finished the thousand years, Satan will be loosed out of his prison, 8  and will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them to the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea. 9  And they advanced over the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10  And the Devil who misled them was hurled into the lake of fire and brimstone, where [had already] the wild beast and the false prophet; They will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20: 7-10)
At the end of the thousand years Satan is loosed for "mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth" and gather them for war.
It seems incredible that such a thing to happen!
It is possible that in the new world people still organize into political nations, that create divisions and even attack the part of that remained faithful people?
This is the first case and is roughly the current understanding.
Before you think this is nonsense ... it is possible that during the war of Armageddon be spared some of the land also to allow the survival of the people of God?
In most parts of the Bible we are told that during the time of judgment his faithful people survives by finding shelter to Edom, Moab and Ammon (which by the way are also the city spared from last World War described in the scripture) - Compare, for example, with Daniel 11:41 Isaiah 16: 4; Psalm 108: 8-10 with Jeremiah 40: 10, 11
These three nations (Edom, Moab and Ammon) were mountainous / hilly and this recalls the words Jesus said to his disciples - Matthew 24: 15, 16
Perhaps the Scripture warns all Christians around the world to flee to the nearest mountains just see the disgusting thing about Israel?
In fact, if the destruction of Babylon the Great start should at Armageddon (as we saw) and not the great tribulation, "fleeing to the mountains" mean that Jehovah saves, inevitably, these mountains.
In fact, these "mountains" might be a specific location on earth where Jehovah will lead his people just before Armageddon.
This or these locations would then be "preserved from judgment."
It would not be the first time that Jehovah, in His love and in His mercy, avoid destroy a people on account of his servants.
According to the story of Genesis 19:21, 22, the angels of Jehovah avoid destroying Zoar for consideration for Lot yet, from what we understand by reading the whole story, the "small town" was part of Sodom and Gomorrah and had to be destroyed.
The war of Armageddon in effect destroys the satanic system composed of the wild beast, the false prophet and his supporters. They fall also all those nations that are compact in the fight against the Lamb.
The vast majority of people die in this war because it blinded and marked by the wild beast will die, but those who are not Christians?
To the congregation in Philadelphia are told that " would have kept the evidence that has come upon the whole inhabited earth" and for this to happen it is at least conceivable that some Christians find shelter in a "free zone" - Revelation 3:10
If we assume this, then the nations that the end of the millennium they decide to attack the people of God, may arise from these strains survived. Why, in fact, it would make a distinction between them and "the camp of the saints"?
There are saints all the inhabitants of the New World?
In the new world there will be a "camp of the saints" and a "camp of the saints do not"?
Another confirmation could come from the same protection of the Jerusalem above; it is said that "flights in the desert" away from the face of the serpent.
When Satan tries to drown her "the land comes to your aid" and this means that at least until the last moment of divine judgment there is still a "stable" part of the world - Revelation 24:15
This could also explain why the resurrection takes place during this millennium; simply because it is still in this new world that we imagine even if it will be a new world, and you will already have many reasons to be happy .
Perhaps we should make a distinction between "millennial reign" (which will bring to humanity so many faithful blessings) and "New World" which will begin after the resurrection, when Christ will return the kingdom to his God and Father.
This period could simply be a transition period during which human beings can live in peace without the influence of Satan and under the divine teaching guide for those who wish to obey.
In fact one of the issues that Satan raised in the garden of Eden, it was if the man was able to govern themselves but the man, with the interference of Satan, you never really ruled alone.
He can man to direct his steps without God and not Satan? Even this must be answered
This is linked to the words of Revelation 20: 3; Satan is bound " lest mislead the nations" and that it is necessary to give definitively answer to the issue raised in Eden.
However, if all nations were destroyed at Armageddon ... how could he mislead?
It would make sense to say that Satan is not tied so misleads the nations that no longer exist?
Any nations in the four ends of the earth, born from this strain spared, could prove whether the man is really able to govern themselves under favorable conditions, ie without the influence of Satan.
After this human rebellion, which they will have demonstrated consciously prefer the government of Satan unto Jehovah, that Satan is disobedient humanity will be deleted forever.
Only after the resurrection of the dead and after their judgment "death and Hades will be cast into the lake of fire" and therefore we should assume that, during the whole millennium, despite favorable conditions, we will continue to age and die?
It is unthinkable that the anointed rulers will comply to their priestly functions atoning for the sin of humanity and thus preventing the death of their subjects.
Death, however, is still there and still not finally extinguished until the end of the millennium.
It will be "the last enemy" to be eliminated in fact, if at the end of the millennium there will still be "enemies to be eliminated" (the nations surrounding the graveyard), this should show that the resurrection, and then the final elimination of death, will occur only after that incident - I Corinthians 15:26
In this regard the writing of I Corinthians 15:24, 25, if read carefully, it seems to specify the order of events, and that is Jesus Christ hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing "all government and all authority and power".
Obviously if all government and all authority and power were reduced to nothing during the war of Armageddon, He (Jesus Christ) should hand in their government at that time and that just took over.
Let us read these six lines and try to understand its meaning even if "this way" collides blatantly against our most deeply held convictions.
Verse 25 says ... " For he must reign until [God] has not put all his enemies under his feet."
This would seem to mean that during the millennial reign there will still be enemies.
Thus the Kingdom under Christ will be a temporary measure to Jehovah's praise to restore humanity in perfect condition and this may also include the destruction of the last government, authority and power, which until the end will refuse to submit - Revelation 20: 8

Who is to surround the "Saints' Camp" ?


In Ezekiel chapter 38 verses ranging from 8 onwards, it says that you will pay attention to Gog Magog after "many days" and then suggests that they had been left out that is not taken into account or saved during the trial.
It seems a contradiction that Gog of Magog exists at the end of satanic system of things and there again in the New World at the end of the millennium ?
It makes you think that this "coalition of nations" always has the same name and in fact, in the description of Ezekiel, the subject does not change at all?
If Gog of Magog is a coalition of nations, it does not seem strange that nations exist under the reign of Christ?
It 'a contradiction only if we take for granted that are destroyed at Armageddon really destroyed all governments and all people.
Evidently Gog of Magog  does not exist "again" but he exists "still" (that has never ceased to exist).
If you pay attention to him after many days it means that they are always and "many days" are all the years of the millennial kingdom.
Gog of Magog always has the same name because it is always the same subject.
The people who "accumulates wealth and property" is of course the people of God (the "camp of the saints" according to Revelation) and this indicates the many blessings will God's people during the millennial reign and for contrast with other peoples (why specified that there is a people who accumulate wealth if all accumulate the same wealth?).
Blessings that, evidently, will not Gog of Magog otherwise there would be this contrast and there would be no reason to feel envious - Ezekiel 38:12; compares Proverbs 10:22
Why, moreover, there would be this contrast with those who "do not even bar and doors" we are all in a new world of peace, no thieves or other criminals? - Ezekiel 38:11
If you simply read it for what it is, writing really seems to indicate that, during the millennial reign of Christ , there are still people who have bars and doors and they are, obviously, those who have never been interested in the will of God that they must put " bars and doors "and pay attention to their own brothers.
The events related to Gog of Magog, described in chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel , they are full of interesting details, but one of the things that stands out to the eye is the distinction that exists between them and Israel.
It seems, then, that Israel, or the holy people of God, will coexist for a thousand years with these other peoples - Ezekiel 39: 6, 7
At this point the writing of Isaiah 2: 2-4 acquires special significance.
So far we have applied this scripture to the people who, accepting the truth today , change behavior and "make their swords plowshares" becoming peaceful people.
We also applied to education that will give resurrected in the New World, but let us now reread accepting the possibility of what we have just described.
Isaiah 2: 2-4: " And it must occur in the final part of the days [that] the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and it must stream all nations. 3  And many peoples will certainly go and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " For out of Zion shall go forth [the] law, and Jehovah's word from Jerusalem. 4 And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have their swords plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war any more. "
The mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established and raised. When?
Evidently, when the system of Satan is eliminated and it will be clear that the way to govern Jehovah is the best ever.
" For it must stream all the nations," in what sense and what nations?
To the People of God are actually many nations flocked to recognizing that the performance could have to do with our days ; However it is possible that, at the end of Armageddon, people of the nations who escaped from the judgment of God (the nations at the four corners of the earth) decide to flow to the mountain of Jehovah .
After the incredible events of Armageddon, now it should be clear who is the True God and what His people!
Even so, Jehovah is sanctified among the nations.
Many people flock and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths "then describes how their initiative and not as someone who has been persuaded through the preaching of the good news. Indeed, they themselves say, " he will instruct us about his ways."
We can imagine that many survivors will stream to Jehovah once seen the great signs of Armageddon, abandoning their old nation and making the necessary changes to be accepted by God - Compare Revelation 11:13 and Joshua 9: 8-11
However it is quite easy to imagine that, despite these unmistakable signs of Jehovah's blessing on His people, not everyone will decide to join.
So many people continue to stay in their countries, with their governments, refusing to rush to the mountain of Jehovah.
Seen in this light, it is not so amazing to imagine that, at the end of the millennium, when the people of God will have accumulated wealth and blessings to no end, these nations organize themselves to "take many spoils" - Ezekiel 38: 10-12
Even the writing of Daniel 2:44 should give pause.
The scripture says, " And the days of those kings the God of heaven set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not go to any other people. It will crush all these kingdoms and put an end, and it itself will stand to times indefinite " .
Of such realms he is talking about Daniel?
If we read the preceding verses we understand that you are talking of the kingdoms that make up the image of a man with the head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of copper, legs of iron and feet of iron and clay .
We know very well that these kingdoms are respectively Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and according to the current understanding, the Anglo-American empire (but, as we saw in a previous article, the last ruling king must be the king of the north).
The same powers, always in the book of Daniel, are described as the lion with the wings of an eagle (ie Babylon described in Daniel 7: 4), the hungry bear with three ribs between the teeth (Media- Persia described in Daniel 7: 5), the leopard with four heads and four wings (the Macedonian or Greek empire described in Daniel 7: 6) and the dreadful and terrible beast with iron teeth and ten horns (Rome and then the last power described in Daniel 7: 7, 8, 19).
Because the same realms or domains are viewed in two different ways?
This is interesting because the beast that John sees "ascend from the sea" has characteristics of all these beasts - Revelation 13: 1, 2
It is, in fact, like a leopard, has the feet of a bear, the mouth of the lion and the ten horns last seen beast of Daniel.
These are the kings that are destroyed by Jesus Christ and his chosen ones at Armageddon, ie the kingdoms that join together in the final battle.
It includes course his image (the UN) and the false prophet - Revelation 19:19, 20
It includes all those who have participated in the war, directly or indirectly, and all those who have persecuted or wronged the people of God - Revelation 19:21; Zechariah 2: 8
Surely most of humanity will be killed in this war because the ruler of the world will make sure to have people as possible from her, but this will mean that they will be destroyed all the kingdoms and all the people except the Christians?
Even those petty kingdoms, small?
Even those isolated from the rest of the world, such as islands or small ethnic groups, including those people who, living in restrictive countries towards religion and other religions, they never had the opportunity to know the wonderful truth of God's word? - See Ezekiel 39: 6
These are questions to ponder.
It 'true that the "good news" was preached in all the inhabited earth before the end of satanic system ... but this one has really understood all the people and all they really had the same opportunities?
Beyond all human cases the words that should make us think more are those given in Daniel 7:11, 12.
The scripture says ... "I beheld then because of the sound of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld till the beast was slain and his body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire. 12  But as for the rest of the beasts, their domains were removed, and was granted a prolongation of life for a time and a season. "
What does this mean and how long "a time and a season"?
Meanwhile the context we see that horn that speaketh great things is referred to the "dreadful and terrible beast," that is, the last beast of Daniel's vision.
We talk about the period in which "are places of thrones" and "the Ancient of days" sits to judge and therefore can only refer to the time when Jehovah and Christ took power - Revelation 11: 15-18
It is said that the beast is killed and his body is given to the burning fire - Compare Revelation 19:19, 20
It's clear that the writing is referring to the wild beast of Revelation at the time of his judgment yet, after specifying that the beast is given to the burning fire (that was destroyed), verse 12 says ... " But as for the rest of the beasts, their domains were removed, and was granted a prolongation of life for a time and a season " .
This specifies very clearly that the other domains are not destroyed but it allows them to continue to exist for some time after the judgment of Armageddon .
Let's stop for a moment and re-read carefully these last four lines comparing the cited scriptures.
In fact if we carefully read Revelation 19: 19-21 we see that the wild beast, the kings of the earth and their armies gather to make war against Jesus Christ and his army is destroyed but who among all these?
The scripture says that is taken the wild beast and the false prophet and cast into the lake of fire.
Then, verse 21 says "the rest were killed with the long sword of him that sat on the horse, which [] sword came from his mouth."
The remaining whom?
The involved subjects are two: the kings of the earth and their armies .
Saying "the remaining" the vision refers to kings, their armies or both?
If he was referring to both the writing of Daniel specifies that the domains of these kings are simply removed , not destroyed.
Surely those who die are in that position (armies, any general or king) in fact, the scripture says that "being killed" but they do not say which end up in the lake of fire.
We know that the lake of fire means the second death, and that is a place where you do not back then we have the assurance that the wild beast is destroyed, never to return but the "other" are not uprooted from the earth. Not yet.
They killed those who at this moment are making war with the Lamb, but apparently will remain something of their reigns, that the nations belonging to these "remaining" to which an extension for a time and a season was granted.
These will have a thousand years of time to recover and at least part of them, fairly numerous in the words of Revelation 20: 8, will attack God's people at the end of the millennium.
Gog of Magog existed before Armageddon and will exist after.
Finally, as we have seen, after the destruction of these enemies there is still a "last enemy" to be eliminated: the death - See I Corinthians 15:26
This confirms the sequence of events of Revelation
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