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JEHOVAH  AND  INTERNET  WITNESSES.....     ( for  some  European  coutries )
Many find themselves searching with a search engine in one of the educational sites or networks. And find a page of apostates.
Is there criticism, information that you can not imagine, possibly lying?

Maybe you're thinking of statements like The Watchtower of 09.15.2002 on page 20:
"Doubts can be sown by the media, the Internet and today's apostates."

Or the Watchtower of 01.05.2000 admits on page 9 paragraph 9:
"Some defectors increasingly use various mass media, including the Internet, to spread false information about Jehovah's Witnesses."

Surely you've heard about the Bereans, who tried everything. And opponents use this argument to encourage you to read their pages:
"What would you do if you were looking for a new car? Would you ask the manufacturer or maybe look for a critical view with Google? A new television? Would you use Google to learn more about the vulnerabilities that the manufacturer hides? Why not with your Faith? Should not it be better verifiable and stronger than a car or television that you have for some years? "

Our slave, based on the Bible, admits that some of our people, due to lack of exact knowledge, have doubts. Watchtower 2015 says:  After this self-examination, you may have discovered that your faith is not as strong as you thought. But there is no reason to be discouraged. Even the apostle Peter let himself be carried away by fear and doubt. And on some occasions, Jesus rebuked all the apostles for their lack of faith.

And the same magazine adds:
"Read the Bible daily, study it and meditate on what you learn, but do not be content with that, research the issues you have doubts about".

We do not read that they encourage us to search in Google critical pages with our Faith,  in order to know the "truth".
What the Bible clearly says is:
"If any of you has a deficiency in wisdom, let him continue to ask God, because he gives generously to all, and without reproach, and it will be given to him.6 But let him continue to ask with faith, without doubting, because the that doubt is like a wave of the sea impelled by the wind and thrown from one part to another.7 In fact, that man who will receive anything from Jehovah will not appear, 8 he is an undecided man, inconstant in all his ways. "- James 1: 5-8                               ( some  good  lessons... )

( translated  from  Spanish )

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JEHOVAH  AND  INTERNET  WITNESSES.....     ( for  some  European  coutries ) Many find themselves searching with a search engine in one of the educational sites or networks. And find a page o

The Internet is like any other tool ... if you are good with it .... a lot of productive and wholesome things can happen, and be made. If you are bad at it .... you can seriously injure yourself.

Yes,  you  are  right  my  Brother  JTR.   the  internet  is  always  a  PRO  &  CONTRA....  in  SO  many  things,  I  know  ~~~~   Importend  is,  that  JW  knowing  th

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The Internet is like any other tool ... if you are good with it .... a lot of productive and wholesome things can happen, and be made.

If you are bad at it .... you can seriously injure yourself.

My left index finger is crooked because I almost cut it off with a chain saw. I put it back on and duct taped it together and eventually the bleeding stopped, and "more eventually" it healed up, but with a slight angle where I did not set the bone exactly right.

The lesson I learned is that chain saws are dangerous, and if I want to keep my fingers, I need to learn more about applied physics, chain saw operation, and FOCUS on what I am doing with a live chain saw, to the exclusion of all other things while the engine is running and the chain is spinning.

I did NOT stop using a chain saw ... or stop cutting up trees.

If you accomplish ANYTHING of real value  ... it's going to be DANGEROUS. 

That is the whole history of aviation, and hundreds of other things.

That is also the whole history of theological investigation.

But it is a job that must be done.


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Yes,  you  are  right  my  Brother  JTR. :)  the  internet  is  always  a  PRO  &  CONTRA....  in  SO  many  things,  I  know  ~~~~   Importend  is,  that  JW  knowing  the  special  traps  etc.  -  then  NO  danger !  But  its  not  so  easy,  bec.  I  see  and  learn  every  week  in  TV,  the  HACKER  have  new  tricks !  Just  now  by  WhatsApp !   Very  mean  tricks,  only  to  recongnize  for  insider....   For  beginners,  the  internet  is  little  dangerous,  thats  my  opinion !  Better  with  a  little  professional  beside....

THANKS  FOR  YOUR  COMMENT,  @James Thomas Rook Jr. :D

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