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The condemnation of the woman called Evil

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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Zechariah 2 nd part.
Treatment of Chapters 4 and 5 And the angel that talked with me returned and roused me, as a man who is awakened from his sleep. Then he told me: "What do you see?"

So I said: "I saw, and behold, there is a lampstand, all of gold, with a bowl on top of it. And its seven lamps are upon it, own seven; and lamps that are on top of it have seven pipes. And next to him two olive trees, one on the right side of the cup and one on his left side "- Zechariah 4: 1-3
We will recognize the "two olive trees" when they begin to preach?
It was inevitable that the study of Zechariah take us to the focal point of Revelation.
Revelation 11: 3, 4 says, "And I will do my two witnesses to prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth." These are [symbolized by] the two olive trees, and [from] the two candlesticks and are standing before the Lord of the earth. "
We, unlike Zechariah, we have the Bible in full so there is very easy to connect the scriptures. Zacharias had under his eyes the scroll of Revelation given to John that it was only normal to ask for clarification - see Zechariah 4: 4, 11
The angel says, "" These are the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth "- Zechariah 4:14
Before asking specifically of the two olive trees, however, Zechariah asks what they mean "these things" - see Zechariah 4: 4
What was he referring Zechariah?
What's in the vision as well as two olive trees?
Well I read ... "I saw, and behold, there is a lampstand , all of gold, with a bowl on top of it. And its seven lamps are upon it, own seven; and lamps that are on top of it have seven pipes ".
Asking the meaning of "these things" Zachariah was referring precisely to the candlestick?
Yes, because we understand from the angel's response.
"This is the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel, saying, '" Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit, "said Jehovah of armies. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel [will become] plain. And he will certainly bring out the stone of the head. In it he will cry: "How attractive! How attractive! " '" - Zechariah 4: 6, 7
If the two olive trees are "the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth," the candlestick, or the person to whom they are close , is the Lord, particularly the message of the Lord (Revelation also mentions two candlesticks indicating that each of Theirs is supported by the spirit of God) supported by his spirit, that they are empowered to carry.
That this is correct, it also includes the seven lamps (verse 2) and the angel's explanation that says "These seven are the eyes of Jehovah. They cover all the earth" (verse 10).
And this brings us back again and invariably the last book of the Bible.
In Revelation 3: 1 Jesus, speaking of himself says to have "the seven Spirits of God."
Earlier, addressing the congregation at Thyatira Jesus said to have "eyes like a flame of fire and his feet are like fine copper" (Revelation 2:18) and then suggests that he sees everything, deep and everywhere - See also Revelation 1:14
Among other things, it says that the Lamb has seven eyes and that they "mean the seven spirits of God that have been sent to all the earth" - Revelation 5: 6
Speaking of conduct and also of the preaching Jesus said, turning to his disciples, "You are the light of the world. A city can not be hidden when it is located on a hill. It does not light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it shines on all those who are in the house. So let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven "- compares Revelation 11:13
What we understand, then, comparing these scriptures?
The two witnesses in sackcloth have an important task: to bring the message of the Lord.
They will do this not by their own strength but with the Spirit of God - compares Revelation 10:11
What will be the message of these two "trees"?
Maybe it is the "good news of the Kingdom"?
The article for just the 11th chapter of Revelation, we saw that this would not be consistent with their garment - Compare Genesis 37:34; 2 Samuel 3:31
What about Zechariah?
Zechariah 4: 7 says, "Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel [will become] plain. And he will certainly bring out the stone of the head. In it you will cry:" How attractive! How charming! "
The great mountain is obviously the "ruinous mountain" mentioned in Jeremiah 51:25; Scripture says that it "ruins the whole earth" - Compare Revelation 18: 3
These writings were officially applied to Christianity but Zaccaria does nothing but confirm what we have already seen - see the article "A name. A mystery. Babylon the Great"
So far there has been talk of Jerusalem (and therefore Israel in its natural extension) and expressions such as "measuring line", "city inhabited again" and others take us to the city / literal nation.
Zechariah adds key elements to conclude that the mountain ruinous, or what "will become plain" can be none other than the current apostate Israel.
Then it becomes logical that the two witnesses preach "in sackcloth" because the message is severe condemnation.
When Jesus came to earth, He preached a message that was a hope yes, but it was also an ultimatum to that nation - compares Matthew 4:17; 21: 36-44
The scribes and Pharisees, and generally the whole nation, not seized the opportunity to repent and thus be saved.
We have seen that the preaching of the two witnesses has much in common with the work and life of Christ.
They preach a message of judgment and are authorized by God himself.
They prove to have the spirit of God.
Several times trying to kill them but to no avail - compares John 7:30; 8:20
They preach exactly three and a half years and at the end are not directly killed by their people but by the "wild beast" or "disgusting thing" - Compare Luke 21:20
Raised after three and a half days and then on the preaching spreads in all the inhabited earth - see Revelation 12:17; 14: 6, 13
The similarities will seem random?
The judgments that these two witnesses bring about that country "where also our Lord was impaled" is similar to the judgments that led Moses and Elijah and is therefore significant that we read in Matthew 17: 1-3
It is not difficult to infer, then, that soon will make their appearance these two witnesses, they will preach a message of condemnation foretelling the destruction by the very God that they claim to worship - John 8: 42-47; Luke 21:22
"And he will certainly bring out the stone of the head. In it you will cry:" How attractive! How charming! "- 4: 7
The stone of the head, or corner, will be carried out and other people will cry, "How attractive!", That other people (the true people of God at the time spread in the world) will enjoy those blessings that they have missed forever.
All those who do not take the opportunity to hear the message of the two witnesses, and make the necessary changes urgently, they shatter on this rock - Matthew 21:44
This definitely will include those that over time are called "Jehovah's Witnesses" but that after the abolition of the daily sacrifice will not consider these people and their message.
We try to be awake then, not to despise "the day of small things" because they have the Spirit and God's approval.
The study of Zechariah is also crucial because it is possible that when you begin their preaching, someone that we value and we have a lot of faith can tell us not to listen to them - Matthew 24:24; John 7:52; 11:45, 46
The next verse assures that Zerubbabel will complete the construction of the temple, but he is also called Bud (see Zechariah 6:12) and we know that, in fulfilling modern, it is Christ Jesus.
"So I raised my eyes again and saw, and behold, a flying roll. So he said to me:" What do you see? "
In my turn I said, "I see a flying scroll, the length of which is twenty cubits, and the width of which is ten cubits."
Then he said: "This is the curse that goes out over the surface of all the earth, because everyone who steals, under of it on the one hand, remained unpunished; and each making an oath, in accordance with the other of it, has remained unpunished "- Zechariah 5: 1-3
The CEI translates Zechariah 5: 3 as he follows "He added," This is the curse that spreads over all the earth: every thief will be driven out of here like that roll; each perjury will be driven out of here like that roll "implying that is not because of what it says in the roll to form the judgment (by the way we speak only of being driven out) but this occurs in a manner similar to the roll.
This translation, even if it does it might seem logical, does not take into account the context and completely changes the sense of vision.
The writing speaks of "everyone who" and "steals everyone who makes a" swearing and then the natural question we should ask is ... "Where was adjusted theft and perjury?"
The answer is in the Ten Commandments and the Mosaic Law - compares Exodus 20:15, 16; Leviticus 19:11; Jeremiah 7: 9, 10
So the vision is highlighting that the roll constitutes a curse because of that that there is written either on one side than the other.
Probably the more correct translation is that of the King James Version that makes the verse as follows: "This is the curse that goes out over the whole country; since every thief, according to it, it will be extirpated from this place, and every perjury, according to it, it will be extirpated from this place. "
So the message is simple and direct: the people who steal and falsely swears will be judged by the clear written rules on that roll.
We do must so imagine that witnesses in sackcloth bring a new inspirational writing with them, a sort of list of additional standards to those we already know?
Absolutely not.
The roll is clearly echoes the Mosaic law, and although for us it was only a shadow of things to come, this will not apply to those who have never understood the meaning and purpose - Colossians 2:17, 18
This is the message that will become a curse for the whole country because none of the modern inhabitants of Babylon be able to observe the precepts of the law - Romans 7: 7-9
From what we understand, since they have rejected Christ and have not embraced the undeserved kindness of God for the forgiveness of sins, Jehovah will apply the law against those who claim to respect it - Matthew 12:37
That way no one can say that God has been unfair or too harsh because the precepts written in the law, which many of them even know by heart, are clear.
Having not accepted the "rock" that could open the way for them undeserved kindness of God, it has to apply the law and see how many of them have complied with her partner, the "norm".
Apparently this is what the Lord meant in Matthew 21:44 "And whosoever shall fall on this stone will be shattered. As for anyone on whom it falls, it will pulverize".
This adds an obvious reason to anger from listeners.
They are ashamed precisely according to the rules that say to respect and even that we re cord s the way of preaching that Jesus had - compare Matthew 15: 3-6; Galatians 4:21
' I made it out,' it is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, 'and it must enter into the house of the thief and the house of those who swear falsely in my name; and it must lodge in the midst of his house and exterminate it and its timbers and its stones' "- Zechariah 5: 4
The message will haunt him day and night, and listeners can not get rid of it because every time I read from the Law will come back to mind the words of these two troublesome witnesses.
The torment will come to the point of devouring the wood and the stones and this well is to understand the happiness that they will experience when they manage to get rid of it by making them kill - Revelation 11:10
Obviously the time comes where the houses will be literally devoured along with all those who have not listened to the message of God - Revelation 18: 4-8
"Then the angel that talked with me went out and said to me:" Raise your eyes, please, and see what this is coming out. "
So I said, "What?"
In turn he said: "This is the ephah that goes out." He went on to say: "This is their appearance in all the earth." And here, the circular lid of lead was lifted; and this is a certain woman sitting in the ephah. So he said: "This is Wickedness." And the cast [back] back into the basket, after which he threw the weight of lead on the mouth about it "- Zechariah 5: 5-8
This spectacular view offers us other interesting details.
Meanwhile, we must understand that "the ephah coming out" is obviously the container that was used by the bushel.
In fact, the efa is a unit of measurement for arid (22 liters) while writing speaks of the lead cover and of a woman who sits "in the middle of the ephah".
We can deduce, therefore, that at the time of Zacharias is used a container of a specific capacity for the measurement of an ephah or multiples of an ephah.
The container, probably, was also named bushel.
Zechariah sees, then this container out of the country but at some point the circular lid of lead was lifted ...
What do you see, then, Zechariah?
"A certain woman" who the angel identifies himself as "the Evil".
It reminds us of anyone?
Of course!
A truly wicked woman who, many years after John describes as "arrayed in purple and scarlet ... adorned with gold and precious stone and pearls and holding a golden cup full of disgusting things and the unclean things of her fornication" - Revelation 17: 4
After making her see to Zachariah, the angel closes it inside the container.
Where you will reach this wicked woman?
Who is the woman called Evil that ruins the whole earth, and that is native to the land of Shinar?
"Then I looked up and saw, and behold, there were two women coming out, and their wings was the wind. And they had wings like the wings of the stork. And gradually lifted up the basket between earth and the heavens. I said to the angel that spoke with me: "Where are they taking the basket?"
In turn he said: "To build them a house in the land of Shinar; and it must be firmly established, and must be deposited there, on its own site "- Zechariah 5: 9-11
It seems clear that at this point in the woman vision has already been removed from the roll curse and it's probably no coincidence that it is inside a fit for arid, apparently indicating that it will become a heap of ruins - compares Revelation 18: 8
However, the question that arises is ... "Why is the built a place in the land of Shinar?"
We know that Babylon the Great will be destroyed forever so this writing can not mean that it will be rebuilt - compares Revelation 18:21
The only reason why you could or should build a house it can not be that one: so that it is remembered forever - compares Revelation 19: 3
It 'really amazing but also the EFA target is useful to identify this woman.
The scripture says that will be filed " on his own place" (ie back to its place of origin, where it belongs) which means " the land of Shinar."
Many Bibles translate "basic" or "pedestal" instead of the place (which gives us the sense of making it a monument, something to remember).
Taking a look back to the asterisk on Sinar let's see ... "Sinar" M; lat. Shinar; LXX, "Babylon"; TSY, "Babel."
Women with wings Stork represent the measure of Jehovah so that after the destruction of Babylon the Great, a warning will be done, something to remember.
Obviously this woman, even if reduced to powder, to be taken away because they can not remain in the land chosen by God, that is the place where He chose to make dwell His Name - Compares 2 Chronicles 6: 6
It would not be appropriate to have this monument (pedestal, home or what will be) was standing exactly in the promised land of God.
It will return to its place of origin, or Babylon, and this "monument" will be an eternal memory that never come back longer alive.
What we can say at the conclusion of this article?
We saw in the previous article that the war is coming will serve as a discipline for the people of God, especially to those who are taking the lead - compare James 3: 1
At the end of this war, by which time the preaching will seem completely suppressed, will make their appearance the two witnesses in sackcloth.
This is a crucial step because it will indicate the restoration of true worship.
The preaching of these two people will be a harsh judgment for the nation in which they preach, but also for all those who refuse to hear (the opportunity to hear them, in fact, it is addressed to all of us ... which is not at all discounted).
As we have seen the judgment message that they will thanks to the spirit of God will devour the houses with their timber and their stones, initially as mental and emotional torment.
Their words will come true when, seven years after the beginning of their preaching, Israel will actually be destroyed by the wild beast which shall act by the will of God.
It is amazing to see how Zaccaria complete the Revelation framework by adding interesting and really significant details?
May each of us be truly awake to recognize those who, at the end of regulation time, will be charged by God to restore the true worship - Daniel 11:34
We learn from now to ensure the will of God for us.
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