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Shunning, sinners and excommunication in JW congregations

Srecko Sostar

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I once heard a talk about this very thing, many years ago....what on earth does it mean? The brother gave some good insight on it that really helped shed some light on Jesus words. His explanation was

We humans can only judge what we see or hear about. Jehovah judges the heart.

I don't think any of us can claim that, and it is rather presumptuous of you if you think you can!

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

of course - is that lying , killing, or not believing in God, not put faith in Jesus or else ....?  

We might have some ideas, but only Jehovah truly knows because he sees the heart. I have never heard anyone say about someone else that "he has sinned against the holy spirit". That is something that only Jehovah judges.

As I mentioned earlier " We humans can only judge what we see or hear about. Jehovah judges the heart" :)

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8 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Those who do sin against God's spirit are unlikely to think they have. Those who do not sin against God's spirit often think they have.

Unfortunately this can be true and is kind of a  bummer, especially for the ones who think they have sinned against the spirit  but have not because it can dishearten them so much that they want to give up. This is what Satan wants. He doesn't have to worry about those who think they are ok but are not.

Thankfully it rarely happens because if they haven't sinned against the spirit then they are still able to receive it and this will help them to overcome any feelings of hopelessness and eventually they will see that they still have Jehovah's favour. Those who really have committed the unforgivable sin no longer can receive God's spirit and usually do not desire to have anything to do with God, nor to live forever. Often they become atheists. 



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8 hours ago, Anna said:

We might have some ideas,

WT GB have this official ideas, and as i have read from comments above from few of you, you as JW members have different visions about the same issue. Some of you are cautious and careful, some of you are judgmental and some of you thinking how this is slipy area and depends on personal view and own retrospective of his actions. 

How with idea that only persons who are appointed by holy spirit aka FDS or GB can made such sin, because they received, as some interpretations of Bible verses said, they received holy spirit and by that are in position that is seriously different then of other "ordinary, earthly class christians"??

From official JWorg standpoint expressed in down quotations, i see that ALL possible human sins can be SIN AGAINST HOLY SPIRIT. So, you have not much space to escape punishment. You need to be in state of repentance all the time.  But according  to instructions from elders "Shepherd book" if elders determine that you are not repented enough, according to their visions, you have very good chance to stay in sin that is in fact sin against holy spirit. 

"What sins are not forgiven? To answer this question, let us consider some Biblical examples. This should prove comforting to us if we are repentant but are still sorely distressed over our serious errors. We will see that it is not so much a matter of what kind of sin a person has committed; rather, it is the motive, the heart condition, and the degree of willfulness involved that determines whether a sin is forgivable or not."

7 What if we have sinned but are unable to pray because our sin has made us spiritually sick? In this regard, the disciple James wrote: “Let [such a person] call the older men of the congregation to him, and let them pray over him, greasing him with oil in the name of Jehovah. And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him.”James 5:14, 15.

19 What might contribute to the feeling that we have sinned against the holy spirit? Overconscientiousness or a weak physical condition may be factors. In such a case, prayer and added rest may be helpful. ....I HAVE been obsessed with the thought that I have sinned against the holy spirit.” So wrote a woman in Germany, although she was serving God. 

20 Any who fear that they have sinned against the holy spirit might ask themselves: ‘Have I blasphemed against the holy spirit? Did I genuinely repent of my sin? Do I have faith in God’s forgiveness? Am I an apostate who has rejected spiritual light?’ Very likely, such individuals will realize that they have not blasphemed against God’s holy spirit, nor have they become apostates. They are repentant, and they have abiding faith in Jehovah’s forgiveness. If so, they have not sinned against Jehovah’s holy spirit.

What sins are not forgiven? -

1)First-century Jewish religious leaders who maliciously opposed Jesus Christ were sinning against the holy spirit. 

2)Consider also the case of Judas Iscariot.

What sins are forgiven? -

1) David and Bath-sheba. God forgave

2)The extent of Jehovah’s forgiveness is also illustrated in the case of King Manasseh of Judah.

3)the apostle Peter sinned grievously by denying Jesus.

quotes from JWorg library

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16 hours ago, Anna said:

We humans can only judge what we see or hear about. Jehovah judges the heart.

Gnosis Pithos Confused


Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (??????, gnôsis, f.).[1] The term is used in various Hellenistic religions and philosophies.[2][3] It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a knowledge or insight into man's real nature as Divine, leading to the deliverance of the Divine spark within man from the constraints of earthly existence.

What confusing you in this simple, clear and truthful Anna's quote??? !!! 

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54 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

FDS or GB can made such sin, because they received, as some interpretations of Bible verses said, they received holy spirit and by that are in position that is seriously different then of other "ordinary, earthly class christians"??

Actually, anyone can receive holy spirit

54 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

nor have they become apostates.

Interestingly, it would seem even apostates can return to Jehovah.

54 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

if elders determine that you are not repented enough, according to their visions, you have very good chance to stay in sin that is in fact sin against holy spirit. 

Possible, but definitely not a rule. People get disfellowshipped mostly for not being repentant "enough" and these people are welcomed back into the congregation and by Jehovah when they change their attitude. The Bible says so.

Some people have stayed out for many many years, but have come back. I doubt they have sinned against the holy spirit. The fact that they come back is proof of that.

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18 minutes ago, Anna said:

Actually, anyone can receive holy spirit

i agree, but here i made observation on/about specific position that FDS have or position that they think they have :)

21 minutes ago, Anna said:

even apostates

:))))) so apostates are in no way different than any other ordinary sinner, hahaha

22 minutes ago, Anna said:

repentant "enough"

yeah, that is field for manipulation from the all involved, from both sides of table.

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