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Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority

Srecko Sostar

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On June 23, 2016, San Diego, California, Superior Court Judge Richard Strauss grew tired of the Watchtower Society fighting his order to produce a 1997 letter sent to all elders worldwide, and decided to sanction the religion with a fine of $4000 per day until the Watchtower complied with that order. 

Today is  November 12 2017. Quick mathematical say that this Company payed almost $2 000 000 until today. Imagine how many ice creams children in JW congregations  would be able to enjoy after Sunday meetings in KH, with this fund. Imagine how many poor bro and sis in congregations worldwide would be helped and receive some comfort for daily life.

But as Bible say: Proverbs 22:2 -"The rich and poor have this in common: The Lord made them both." 28:6 - "Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich."

Source: JW Victims.org



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On June 23, 2016, San Diego, California, Superior Court Judge Richard Strauss grew tired of the Watchtower Society fighting his order to produce a 1997 letter sent to all elders worldwide, and decided

The formal ruling according to the court of appeals document dated Nov. 9, 2017 page. 39 (the link to the document posted by Witness above) "On the record before us, we are satisfied that the sup

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8 minutes ago, Gone Fishing said:

Have they paid?

Hehe, good question. But if WT is Company who obey civil law and secular authority and Judge decision as they teaching members that they must doing too, then it is to be expected that they pays fine every day or periodically in agreement to Court protocols.      :) 

Here is not question as in some Bible examples when King forbid you to pray to God, and you disobey. Here we have Bible principle as it stated in NT  "If someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well; and if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two." Mat 5

BUT you are very cleverly put this to topic. Because WT is private company, and management of Company will doing everything possible and impossible to keep the money in own pocket..  GB would not IMITATE Jesus command and example as in chapter 5. WT love money and they not want to pay voluntarily. Only under the pressure from more powerful force.  

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2 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Have they paid?

I don't think the order ever went through because the WT appealed the decision. If I do enough digging around I may be able to find out what the final result was.

OK. Dug around a bit and found  out the appeal was heard 11th October 2017 and the appellate court has 90 days to issue its formal ruling. Watch this space :)

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The formal ruling according to the court of appeals document dated Nov. 9, 2017 page. 39 (the link to the document posted by Witness above)

"On the record before us, we are satisfied that the superior court's order was not arbitrary, capricious, or whimsical. To the contrary, the superior court has shown great patience and flexibility in dealing with a recalcitrant litigant who refuses to follow valid orders and merely reiterates losing arguments. We therefore affirm".

Therefore the fine stands.

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