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Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority

Srecko Sostar

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5 hours ago, Anna said:

He does not have first-hand evidence.

Hi. I would like to make little digression. I spent hours and hours listening official video records from ARC in 2015. Here/There all viewer are been, and today also can be able, to hear and see (to hear and see, audio-visual is very important) "first-hand evidence" from all involved and called to present their testimony in front Commission and public as well.

Victims, elders, witnesses on this and that, GB member, all of them were in witness chair, and for us who followed program,  we been able to get impressions on what we saw and heard. Is my personal view after that, wrong or right, that is my problem. But words was been told and facts are here.

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9 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

I can't imagine having to explain these policies to someone in the door-to-door ministry.

You say that it is fallout from doing what no one else has attempted to do: monitor wrongdoing (of all sorts, but here specifically child abuse) so as to accomplish two things, which actually collapse into one. 1.) discover abusers so as to administer discipline, up to and including disfellowshipping, so as so follow God's command to keep congregation as clean as possible, and 2.) keep track of any abusers, so that they cannot slip out of one congregation and into another - as they can anywhere else.

You acknowledge missteps have probably occurred. Nonetheless, instances of abuse would never be associated with the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses were that organization like the general world of religion - which takes no interest in the conduct of its members and considers their conduct none of its business. 

Having said that, the brother who first proposed keeping track of such accused abusers has been assigned to permanent potato-peeling duty in the Bethel basement for upwards of 40 years now, and may be the inspiration for the book: "Forty Years a Watchtower Slave."

9 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

They had to lock the doors after that.

This is a common response to guard against crazies, not directed towards anyone in particular, to my knowledge. The disciples even locked their doors for a time. Jesus found a way to get around that, but anyone else would have had a hard time. Who knows - maybe even the Texas shooter in the Baptist church would have been dissuaded if he had had to first blast into the building from the outside.

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10 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

because we act as representatives for them when we go out.

Hi Noble! About "representatives" as word, expression, lexem in official WT terminology. 

Representative for Watch Tower, Jehovah Witnesses congregation or any other legal entity can be only person who have WT appointed, officially setting to be in position to represent WT or some other entity in/for one particular job, work or for some duty inside company.

All other members, all baptised members, male or female are JUST MEMBERS and NOTHING MORE. You as member of your congregation are not in position to represent either your own congregation. You  and your bro and sis in congregation  have not legality to be representatives for congregation or for WTBTS or any entity of WT. Because WT Company policy only few can be representative for them.

Make peace with the fact that you are just, only member, not representative.  :) 

P.S. if you like i can present you Court document where Legal Department said so before Court. So that must be the truth, i think ))))) 


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8 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Whatever the courts say is proved. If crimes are committed, they will be uncovered. Where's your faith?

Not really. The organization admitting wrongdoing is unlikely. They're too proud to do that. No matter what the outcome, the organization will spin itself as a victim. The organization will never say it has committed a crime even if the courts rule against them. They will spin at as spiritual warfare. That's just the way it is.

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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I spent hours and hours listening official video records from ARC in 2015. Here/There all viewer are been, and today also can be able, to hear and see (to hear and see, audio-visual is very important) "first-hand evidence" from all involved and called to present their testimony in front Commission and public as well.

I too watched the ARC hearing and read the transcripts.

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11 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

That’s hilarious coming up with the Australian Royal Commission when it was refusing to investigate its own, AUSTRALIAN Government, run detention centers that were “accused” of “hiding” child sexual abuse, along with sexual assaults of detainees or asylum seekers. The Australian Government went one step further to “enact” a law that would prosecute whistleblowers, including doctors, nurses, and staff members with prison if they divulged such conditions, UNTIL, the media became aware of the situation and started reporting it. The, enacted law was not changed, but at least, the ARC was shown its hypocrisy!!!! :DxDB|



If there is a silver lining in this mess it is that soon every fifth person in the world will be on the pedophile list.

If there is another, it is that allegations of sexual impropriety involving prominent persons are a staple of life today. If you hate the person, you agree with the allegation. If you love the person, you disagree with it. James Carville, Bill Clinton's campaign manager, said: "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." 

Does one believe him? For the most part, it depends upon whether one likes Bill Clinton or not. The same can be said for almost any high-profile figure.

JW things thereby become a tiny drop in the bucket, for it is exceedingly rare for an elder to be the accused perpetrator - when an abuse settlement was reached in 2007, the number given was nine in the span of 100 years. Usually they are accused of simply coming across the knowledge of abuse.It is not good, perhaps, but it is a far cry from being perpetrators themselves - and it would not happen if they had kept their noses out of the conduct of congregation members - as do other religions. 

God would be cheated that way, for he says keep the congregation clean. But it would be safer from a liability point of view.

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28 minutes ago, AllenSmith said:

when it was refusing to investigate its own,

I am glad that something like this came from another person's mouth, not mine.

GB refusing to investigate its own and put it to be publicly known. No matter of outcome. And to show that WT is not covered with corruption, hiding and minimizing inside problems, unlawful  and injustice  as it is in Australia secular government or in some other part of this secular World :))

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