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Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority

Srecko Sostar

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1 minute ago, Gone Fishing said:

Actually a lot worse than stunk, and, on observation, it's still the same:

Is 1:5-6:

"The whole head is sick, And the whole heart is diseased.   From the sole of the foot to the head, nothing is healthy. There are wounds and bruises and open sores —They have not been treated or bound up or softened with oil."


Thank you, Eoin.

It refers to Daughter Zion again - and applies to spiritual "Zion" today - the anointed ones.  

Why do you want more beatings?
Why do you keep on rebelling?  Isa 1:5a

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Are Jehovah's Witnesses a part of the community? As the ARC pointed out .... matters not reported to the police as a matter of NATURAL CONSCIENCE ... puts the community as a whole at risk .... no

On June 23, 2016, San Diego, California, Superior Court Judge Richard Strauss grew tired of the Watchtower Society fighting his order to produce a 1997 letter sent to all elders worldwide, and decided

The formal ruling according to the court of appeals document dated Nov. 9, 2017 page. 39 (the link to the document posted by Witness above) "On the record before us, we are satisfied that the sup

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12 hours ago, AllenSmith said:

The Impact of Being Wrongly Accused of Abuse in Occupations of Trust:



Victims’ Voices

It is typical of this world. When it at last wakes up to a moral problem, it wildly overreacts.

The most blatant and current example is not in pedophile accusations at all, but in college campus accusations of rape. 


the article describes how it is almost impossible for an accused male student to win. It describes how, when the accuser's story is inconsistent or doesn't add up, that is dismissed as an expected result due to trauma.

The prevailing cockeyed thinking is very much like the one advanced by @Noble Berean

"why would you even want to take the chance of a sexual predator persisting in the congregation?" Simply substitute "college campus" for "congregation" and the thought is his.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is typical of this world. When it at last wakes up to a moral problem, it wildly overreacts.

The most blatant and current example is not in pedophile accusations at all, but in college campus accusations of rape. 


the article describes how it is almost impossible for an accused male student to win. It describes how, when the accuser's story is inconsistent or doesn't add up, that is dismissed as an expected result due to trauma.

The prevailing cockeyed thinking is very much like the one advanced by @Noble Berean

"why would you even want to take the chance of a sexual predator persisting in the congregation?" Simply substitute "college campus" for "congregation" and the thought is his.

Do you work closely with children? In the States it's the standard that individuals who work with children are mandated reporters. That makes it a crime not to report an allegation. And child abuse allegations are perceived differently than adult rape cases. I haven't heard of mandated reporting for adult rape, so drawing that comparison isn't effective.

Sadly, children often times do not have an advocate at home in cases of abuse. That's why it's important to report. 

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Working with Children Check Policy


The Working with Children Check is a screening mechanism to prevent certain persons from engaging in child-related work.


This policy takes effect from 15 June 2013 following the implementation of the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 and the Child Protection (Working with Children) Regulation 2013.

This policy must be applied in conjunction with the Working with Children Check Procedures (15 June 2013).


This policy applies to people who are employed or engaged (or who are seeking to be employed or engaged) in child-related work in the NSW Department of Education, in any one of the following capacities:

  • as a paid employee;
  • as a self-employed person or as a contractor or subcontractor;
  • as a volunteer;
  • as a person undertaking practical training as part of an educational or vocational course (other than as a student undertaking work experience);
  • as a minister, priest, rabbi, mufti or other religious leader or spiritual officer of a religion or other member of a religious organisation.

link: https://education.nsw.gov.au/policy-library/policies/working-with-children-check-policy

This would be good to implement, not only in some Australian states, but around the world. 

What Does This Mean for Jehovah’s Witnesses?

For Australian congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the process for appointing an Elder or Ministerial Servant is now a bit more complex than before. In the past, Witness males were recommended for their positions based strictly upon their “spiritual qualifications” – a subjective decision which allowed anyone to rise within the organization with little or no real knowledge of whether they have a criminal background, or if they are a sexual predator. Criminal background checks are non-existent, and the only question posed to a prospective Ministerial Servant or Elder moments before they are appointed is: “Have you ever been involved at any time in the past with child sexual molestation?” – [Elder’s Manual 2010, Chapter 3 Section 13] The answer to this question has always been based on the “honor system” – and you can be certain that a child molester would never answer such a question in the affirmative. 

During the 2015 Royal Commission investigation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia, counsel assisting the Royal Commission, Angus Stewart QC, queried Watchtower Service Department chief Rodney Spinks, who admitted that the Watchtower organization had been completely disinterested in cooperating with the “Working with Children Check.”

It seems that for the appointment of men in the JW Assembly, apart from the permission of the Holy Spirit, the elders, the provincial supervisor aka CO and the GB, is needed also a secular license for working with children. :)))


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1 hour ago, Noble Berean said:

In the States it's the standard that individuals who work with children are mandated reporters.

That is NOT the case. Or if it is, it is meaningless because of the word 'standard,' which can mean anything.

What makes this statement anything more than emotion on your part is to say: In the States it's the legally-mandated standard that individuals who work with children are mandated reporters. Don't mess with me on this, or I will send @Allen Smith your way, who knows every law on the planet. He will pummel you to a finish.

G. Jackson indicated to the ARC that he would welcome the modified statement: legally mandated across the board, and not just applied retroactively when you want to apply it to someone you don't like. It would make Witnesses job of keeping the congregation clean so much easier. That point has already been made in this thread.

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4 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Has anyone given any rational thought as to why mandatory reporting of alleged child abuse cases would make a difference to our process in this matter?

Perhaps for the same reason Pilate have had in Jesus case. Pilate want to get Jesus free, but for me-Pilate, (for us-GB) would be easier   if people (secular government) say what and how to do. And after that he ordered to bring to him water to wash his hands as sign that he have nothing with all that what took  place. And if/when somebody in future say something against, some critics - then he (them-GB) can point finger to other(secular government) and say "they have to take blame for that, not us. 

I have good imagine, don't you think? :))))))))) 

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34 minutes ago, Noble Berean said:

"Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one; He hates anyone who loves violence" (Psalm 11:5).

He will pummel you nonetheless. That fellow knows law. Don't try to peddle emotion disguised as law before him,  because @Allen Smith will catch you at it every time.

Protest "pummelling," - my foot. It is not exactly badmitten anyone else is playing here. Even you have stepped over the line of sheer pleasantry.

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