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Watchtower pays $4000 per day for disobeying Secular Authority

Srecko Sostar

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On November 21, 2017 at 1:00 AM, AllenSmith said:

Did they “accept” Bro. Jackson suggestion, to make child sexual abuse reporting “mandatory”? Throughout Australia? NO! So, all that gasoline on that fire, achieved what? To the Australian Government, so far? NOT MUCH!!!!!

Another thing I like about Allen is that he raises strawmen. Persons reveling in critical thought hate strawmen. They think the world is their courtroom where they can cross-examine anyone at will. Their critical thinking is always just that - it is the glory of being critical that they revel in. God help us should these persons of critical thought ever take over. The most vociferous among them famously do not gladly suffer fools  - and a fool is anyone who disagrees with them.

I like strawmen. They are a fine rhetorical means of putting things into perspective. In some cases, they amount to saying: "your point is too silly to merit a serious answer," which is true of many petty things opposers harp on in this forum.

The ARC hearing resulted in 'Not Much?' If so, it is typical of the "sound and fury, signifying nothing" we usually get from such folks. They stumbled upon the solution. They didn't even stumble upon it - it was put to them by one of our people. But the simple solution has thus far proved impossible to for them implement because they represent a tangled mess of conflicting agendas who simply cannot put such differences aside so as to cooperate no matter how dire the situation or sacred the cause. What they can do is build a platform upon which to grandstand. For some of them, that is enough.

Their actions screw up as many people as they help. Locally, police just nabbed a kindergarten teacher with kiddie porn on his computer. It is bad stuff, even for kiddie porn. They grilled him and he admitted he has fantasized over the children in his charge. They caught him via an international sting operation tracing filthy pedo content originating overseas. He has never actually done anything to any of the children he teaches. But he has pinched spare underwear from their backpacks to take home and he's drawn much pleasure from dreaming of what could be.


Okay? He is one sick puppy. No way can you have him teaching kindergarten, even though he has never touched a child. It is reasonable to think it is only a matter of time before he does, for he is feasting on what will only build his appetite. (Except for child porn, you can't even slip THAT assumption past ones of critical thought, since they will demand proof that indulging in such porn does not harmlessly distract perverted persons from the real thing) And these people would pose as our moral superiors?

The question to be addressed is: how do you remove him as teacher? For the sake of the children, you do it discreetly. You say "Mr. Feely has had to leave and he won't be coming back. He had an emergency come up. He wanted to say goodbye but had to leave immediately." Was it handled that way?

You know it wasn't. "MR FEELY IS A PERVERT!! HE WAS TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN AND JUST LOOK AT THE DISGUSTING FILTH ON HIS COMPUTER!! HE EVEN SWIPED JANIE'S PANTIES!!!!!!!!!" It was top news for days on end. Thirty children are scarred for life and know now that any adult - no matter how benevolent, might easily be (probably is) trying to molest them. What child does not love his or her kindergarten teacher? Who is trusted more? 

Even for the guy's own sake, it might be acknowledged somewhere that he had thus far resisted acting upon what he was feeding himself with. It might be a case of 'salvaging what is left.' Instead he is universally denounced as a depraved monster - thus there is no way he will ever cover. He might not anyway, but why ensure the outcome? He can be put on the sex registry list without throwing the city into an uproar. He is done so with maximum publicity mainly for entertainment purposes and to allow certain ones to puff out their chests about their moral righteousness.

The only reason authorities started tracking viewers of porn in the first place is because they thought they could thereby cut off the flow. I guess they got that wrong.  It has continued to grow exponentially for years.  Users will store the stuff on thumb drives and bury it in their back yards before they give up on it. The top cop in Britain recently said, though it pained him, that such users should not be prosecuted. There is no way police can possibly keep up - there are so many - and by attempting it they are torn from pursuing the most dangerous criminals. You can't have every third person employed as a cop.

And the world would play moral superiority with Witnesses?

The world slaps down perversion on one hand and feeds it with the other. Does anyone think the Law and Order - Special Victims Unit show is not a magnet to draw and feed molesters who fantasize over the world they would love to see? Does anyone think they walk away saying: "Wow. This is bad! I should never do it"? The show is entertainment for the average person? I cannot watch one straight through. It is entertainment mostly to vigilantes and perverts and perverts-in-training.

And they would pretend they are more righteous than us? I don't think so.

Meanwhile there is an underage kid placed on the registry for having sex with his girlfriend of 13. This, despite the prevalent teaching that parents should accept the fact that their kids are going to have sex and to get them vaccinated for HPV and not be so Victorian about it. Another young man is put on the list for having sex with his underage girlfriend who misrepresented herself as above age. In each case a domino effect is started and neither young man is likely to ever fully recover. 


These stories are a dime a dozen. They are collateral damage in a war where zealots say: "we may not be able to do anything about terrorism or suicides or corruption or injustice or drug abuse or job insecurity, but by God - we CAN do something about perverts fiddling with our kids. But in fact, they can't even do that. A depraved world cranks out pedophiles as readily as it cranks out men who become radicalized and shoot up or run down anyone in sight. 

These people are our moral betters?

There is a style among women that I can only call the pedo look. Grown women with hairstyles and polo shirts to look like little boys. Probably just a coincidence.

Here is a headline story in the New York Times gushing over a ten year old male model. "His eye makeup is better than yours!" it swoons. Is this a perv site? No. It is the New York Times. The boy has over 330,000 followers on social media. What a great success story! Do you think they ask how many of them are pedophiles? Why - it doesn't occur to them to go there. Soon they will run another blockbuster story exposing the results of what they now push.


And they would play the moral high card? This world does everything it can to titillate perversion and then acts all furious when it actually breaks out. Allen doesn't let them get away with it, though most others acquiesce to some degree, and the real villains push the notion that the world's pedo problems would largely disappear were it not for that religion they can't stand.


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On 11/24/2017 at 5:59 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

God help us should these persons of critical thought ever take over.

I really cannot believe this is your actual position. I am in awe, and not in the meaning of awesome. 

You mean to tell us that you prefer mindless adherence over critical thought?  After reading your post........yes, this is exactly what you want and prefer. 

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On 11/15/2017 at 1:52 AM, Gone Fishing said:

And I think it could also be said, in summary, that although Jehovah's servants can make mistakes, Jehovah God may not remove his backing, as long as they respond to His disciplene and correction (as experienced by David).

Which David always did, and which the Governing Body never has. 

“To Solomon, God said, “As for you, if you walk before me as your father David walked, with a heart of integrity and in what is right, doing everything I have commanded you, and if you keep my statutes and ordinances” 1 Kings 9:4

This is the difference between David and the leaders of the Watchtower, who refuse to follow court procedures, who disfellowship other anointed ones and brethren for rejecting doctrine not based on scripture; and although they teach JWs to serve God with complete heart, mind and soul, out of the other side of the mouth they expect servitude toward an organization. Matt 6:24  Many decrees are broken and ignored by the Watchtower. 

The difference between David and the GB is the integrity of heart. 

 “New light” or “present truth” are not other terms for discipline and correction.  God “sends” his discipline in the form of affliction; by removing his protection and allowing Satan to do his thing. Luke 22:31  If we desire THEN to listen to God’s decrees, which Wt. leaders do not do, it results in the cleansing of our sins. Mal 3:2; 1 Pet 1:6,7; Heb 12:11; Rev 3:18


Truth is far more important than unity built on error.  Establishing Truth within ourselves is by submitting our heart completely to the God of Truth and His Son. 

Never, has God expected us to tolerate lies from the mouths of teachers and leaders.  Jer 23:16; Luke 6:43,45  We do not receive salvation through unity to a consistent operation of error.  Ezek 18:31; Zech 7:12; Heb 10:29; Titus 2:14

“How happy is the one who does not
walk in the advice of the wicked
or stand in the pathway with sinners
or sit in the company of mockers!
 Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.”  Ps 1:1,2




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On 11/27/2017 at 1:01 PM, Shiwiii said:

I really cannot believe this is your actual position. I am in awe, and not in the meaning of awesome. 

You mean to tell us that you prefer mindless adherence over critical thought?  After reading your post........yes, this is exactly what you want and prefer. 

I am not opposed to critical thought and it is you who said 'mindless adherence,' not me. You make a mistake if you accept critical thinking as the be-all and end-all, though - the benchmark by which anything should be judged.

If you would so revere critical thinking, extend it to the Bible itself. Who says it is inspired? What evidence is there? 40 men staying on topic? A theme furthered down through he ages? Are you serious? Do you really think that will satisfy those who insist critical thought must be the final arbiter?

The fact is that Jesus did not cater to it in the slightest. Let the ones who worship critical thought squabble themselves into oblivion, as they do here and in ten thousand other places. Jesus bypassed them all and spoke directly to the heart. @Noble Berean, @Elisabeth Dolewka


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I am not opposed to critical thought and it is you who said 'mindless adherence,' not me. You make a mistake if you accept it as the be-all and end-all, though, the benchmark by which anything should be judged.

If you would so revere critical thinking, extend it to the Bible itself. Who says it is inspired? What evidence is there? 40 men staying on topic? A theme furthered down through he ages? Are you serious? Do you really think that will satisfy those who insist critical thought must be the final arbiter?

The fact is that Jesus did not cater to it in the slightest. Let the ones who worship critical thought squabble themselves into oblivion, as they do here and in ten thousand other places. Jesus bypassed them all and spoke directly to the heart. @Noble Berean, @Elisabeth Dolewka


I've already given you the example from your post, but you choose to ignore your own comment and try and twist it into my assumption of what is and what is not critical thinking. 

Its really sad seeing you back track and try to justify your position by making the onus on me for the comments you made and trying to use Jesus to back you up. 

It all falls flat Tom. 

Wake up. 

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1 hour ago, Noble Berean said:

This says it's dated November 11...everyone was saying it was still up in the air? Was a decision made a month ago?

Someone already posted this at the beginning of this thread.

It is up in the air because it can be appealed. Which no doubt it will be...until it reaches the US supreme court. They have always treated us fair. Ok, most of the time. So there is a possibility this will come to nothing at all.

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