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Any graphic artists in here?


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Well, it is what it is. I don't care about any corporate agenda.

NOT  bad  @Bible Speaks  -  but,  maybe  too  feminine  for  the  whole  world.... So,  we  get  now  that  -

YES,  my  sister...  we  were  thinking  the  same   I  had  NO  other  thought  to  that  picture !  But  men  often  thinking  different  -  we  all  know  that....   SO 

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YES,  my  sister...  we  were  thinking  the  same :)  I  had  NO  other  thought  to  that  picture !  But  men  often  thinking  different  -  we  all  know  that....   SO  simple  your  way  :D  THANK  YOU  @DeeDee .....

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