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$66 Million Class Action Lawsuit Filed in Canada

Srecko Sostar

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A group of alleged sexual abuse survivors from across the country have filed a $66-million class action lawsuit against the Jehovah’s Witness, CityNews has learned.

The victims are seeking $20 million for damages from sexual and mental abuse by elders, $20 million for failing to protect children, and another $20 million for breach of duty of care.





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Are you saying that this forum, which is about jw's and the wt, is not the place to bring up topics such as these when they pertain to the wt specifically?  Get real J.R., this is exactly the pla

A group of alleged sexual abuse survivors from across the country have filed a $66-million class action lawsuit against the Jehovah’s Witness, CityNews has learned. The victims are seeking $20 mi

Lets keep it real then. Why do you feel the need to distract from the facts? Why defend the actions of the Wt when you know in your heart that the policy is shameful?  NO ONE is saying that ther

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Guest J.R. Ewing
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10 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

There’s a fine line between being informed and simply posting. To keep informed, then post “all” allegations and lawsuits.

Thank you very much for links you provide. How many more exists on this terrible crime. As i read articles one thing is very common to all this, no matter is Catholic, Anglicans, Jehovah's Witnesses or others. All of them, church leaders aka priests aka elders - covered up and keep in secrets from police and other governmental services. On this Forum i see many JW participate in informations. So, first clean the floor in your house, then tell other to do the same. Or as Jesus said this much better than me. "Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye?+  Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to remove the straw from your eye,’ when look! a rafter is in your own eye?  Hypocrite! First remove the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the straw from your brother’s eye." - Mat 7:3-5 NWT

Some quotes from articles you put show how  acts are very similar no matter which church is: 

It was seen as sin. Today we see it as a sin, but we also see it as a crime.'  - Valéry Vienneau, Moncton archbishop

"Fernand Arsenault, a priest He accused the church of turning a blind eye to the abuse and concealing the crimes of those priests. "It's a terrible mistake," said Arsenault. "Because we would have saved many lives." Arsenault said that years ago, if a priest reported another priest, he would have been punished, not the abuser. But the church, in every filed statement of defence, has systematically denied knowing about any of the abuse at the time."



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10 hours ago, Gone Fishing said:

Doesn't matter where you go.

Thanks! From article you provide:  

"It is also reported that the abbey asked the court not to allow the claim because the seriousness of the allegations was likely to attract attention that may threaten the continued existence of the abbey.

The women accepted what the Guardian describes as "meagre" compensation payments and received no apology.

The solicitor representing the women, Tracey Emmott, told The Guardian: "It took the issuing of court proceedings before the out of court settlements were offered and even then my client's request for a formal apology as part of the settlement package was never forthcoming."

Even Roman Catholic pope have done apology in public, i heard on TV. As i can see, GB "popes" have no intention to say something similar. What thinking they have? What kind of hearts they have?

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Guest J.R. Ewing
17 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

All of them, church leaders aka priests aka elders - covered up and keep in secrets from police and other governmental services.

Then, you need to ask yourself how, disingenuous your “motive” is, to bring something to light without proper facts. But as the Librarian stated elsewhere?

THIS FORUM is NOT MEANT TO BE UPLIFTING, just speculative, apparently!!!!

Center for Criminology OXFORD

Recent decades have seen an emerging body of research focused on crime victims and their perspectives. In particular, there has been concern that allegations of sexual abuse, particularly non-recent abuse, have not received an appropriate response. Among politicians, criminal justice agencies and charities in the UK, there
is a collective sense of remorse that reports of abuse were often not properly investigated and that those who reported it were often not believed. From this has emerged a new determination to correct past and prevent further injustices of this kind. Not surprisingly, there has been a cultural shift towards believing allegations of
abuse, and the presumption now is in favor of trusting those who present as victims. It is important that all agencies, particularly the police, are alert to the needs of those who claim to be victims of abuse, but not to the extent of overlooking those who are victims of wrongful allegations.
2. In a society which has made so much progress in addressing the needs of victims and in taking account of their perspective, those who have been smeared by false allegations of grievous crimes sometimes see themselves as the forgotten victims (of official errors if not of their accusers). They feel disregarded, and that they and their
partners and children are left to suffer the ignominy alone. This qualitative study of peopleÂ’s experiences of being falsely accused of child/adult abuse in occupational contexts gives a voice to these other victims, by way of a content analysis of first person accounts.

NOT only are Priests, expected to perform better? But, also the Government. Also, there is, also an “internal” conflict when it comes to Child Sexual Abuse, NO ONE IS IMMUNE.


So, that rhetoric of priest and elders, falls short, under your own criteria, and ideology!!!!!!!

The Watchtower has NEVER stated, once you become a Witness, your life would revert to a sinless state.

Let's keep it” real!!!!!  ¬¬


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15 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

So, that rhetoric of priest and elders, falls short, under your own criteria, and ideology!!!!!!!

The Watchtower has NEVER stated, once you become a Witness, your life would revert to a sinless state.

Let's keep it” real!!!!!  ¬¬


Lets keep it real then. Why do you feel the need to distract from the facts? Why defend the actions of the Wt when you know in your heart that the policy is shameful? 

NO ONE is saying that there is any group without sin, but it IS our duty to expose the sin within and clean it up. When people turn a blind eye towards sin and injustice it does not make it any better, it only fosters it. It is only when we decide that we as a people cannot accept these practices do things change and get better. We have a moral obligation to expose wrong doing for the protection of others and it doesn't matter who is the one committing that sin, its still wrong.   

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Guest J.R. Ewing
54 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

Lets keep it real then. Why do you feel the need to distract from the facts?

You just answered your own criteria, and what the agenda is, by opposers and apostates, of ONLY wanting to single out a certain religion, vigorously!!!!

The good thing, the owner has "removed" the question, of this site being FRIENDLY to JW's, when it never was!!!!̬

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Guest J.R. Ewing
24 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

do you think "all" about JW or "all" about all?

Mr. Srecko

If you have children, do you educate them “only” on the dangers of church, family, friends, the public or school?

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