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$66 Million Class Action Lawsuit Filed in Canada

Srecko Sostar

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Guest J.R. Ewing
2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

JW org or WT library or JW broadcast is "uplifting". Perhaps you should consider suggestion to spend more time there

Then, I suggest you direct your rhetoric to the librarian!!!xD

Librarian: This website is not intended to be uplifting or gratifying to anyone.

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Are you saying that this forum, which is about jw's and the wt, is not the place to bring up topics such as these when they pertain to the wt specifically?  Get real J.R., this is exactly the pla

A group of alleged sexual abuse survivors from across the country have filed a $66-million class action lawsuit against the Jehovah’s Witness, CityNews has learned. The victims are seeking $20 mi

Lets keep it real then. Why do you feel the need to distract from the facts? Why defend the actions of the Wt when you know in your heart that the policy is shameful?  NO ONE is saying that ther

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1 hour ago, J.R. Ewing said:

You just answered your own criteria, and what the agenda is, by opposers and apostates, of ONLY wanting to single out a certain religion, vigorously!!!!

Are you saying that this forum, which is about jw's and the wt, is not the place to bring up topics such as these when they pertain to the wt specifically? 

Get real J.R., this is exactly the place to bring this up. Also, just because there are other religions with the same problem doesn't mean we cannot point out the FACTS on this particular religion. Since I have never been a jw, I cannot be called an apostate. What I will accept is the title opposer, because I am opposed to ANY organization who hides people who prey on children and then covers it up to protect the perpetrator. 

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Guest J.R. Ewing
4 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

Also, just because there are other religions with the same problem doesn't mean we cannot point out the FACTS on this particular religion.

So, why aren't you, as an opposer? I didn't state you are a Witness when your comments clearly state your opposition to the Watchtower.

Why don't you pedal your hypocrisy about other religions then? Why single out just one. Are you as vigorously promoting safeguarding children in other Religous Forums?

So, you cry me a river!!!! with your hypocrisy!!!xD

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Guest J.R. Ewing
11 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

if you do not like it here, then stop posting here and take your ball and go home. 

If you don't like being exposed as a Pharisee, you can do the same!!!!

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Guest J.R. Ewing
1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

JW org or WT library or JW broadcast is "uplifting". Perhaps you should consider suggestion to spend more time there

Exactly!! your confusion is reliant on twisting things. I was referring to this website, NOT JW website. B|

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58 minutes ago, J.R. Ewing said:

So, why aren't you, as an opposer? I didn't state you are a Witness when your comments clearly state your opposition to the Watchtower.

I am in opposition to the wt. 

Why aren't I what? pointing the spotlight on the other religions who conduct themselves the same as the wt? 

How do you know I'm not? 

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1 hour ago, J.R. Ewing said:

So, you cry me a river!!!! with your hypocrisy!!!xD

I'm not the one crying about the unfairness that people are exposing the faults within the wt.


Please elaborate on my hypocrisy, 

59 minutes ago, J.R. Ewing said:

If you don't like being exposed as a Pharisee, you can do the same!!!!

how exactly have to proven me to be a Pharisee? oh that's right.....you haven't. You're just trying to throw mud and hoping something will stick. It is a common tactic when someone has nothing to base their dislike of another. 

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Guest J.R. Ewing
3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

how exactly have to proven me to be a Pharisee? oh that's right.....you haven't. You're just trying to throw mud and hoping something will stick. It is a common tactic when someone has nothing to base their dislike of another.

Let me see, like the mudslinging you and lucky are doing? Will, your own words do?



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Guest J.R. Ewing
3 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

'm not the one crying about the unfairness that people are exposing the faults within the wt.

Really!!! xD

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Guest J.R. Ewing
4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

not on JW web site. Because there is not any WT JWorg web site where you can communicate freely like on this Forum.

Why would Jesus need to speak to Judas after he betrayed him? Therefore, what does the Watchtower have to communicate with opposers and apostates? This Website was framed to support JW's, but the support of the negativity opposers bring to this forum has been embraced.

Now, people can criticise opposers without interference, Thanks to the Librarian!!!! ̬

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