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Take Refuge In The Name of Jehovah! ?

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Take Refuge In The Name of Jehovah! ?

 "But as for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. In the Sovereign Lord Jehovah I have placed my refuge, To declare all your works." (Psalms 73:28).

We can cultivate love for God by reading his Word daily and meditating on what it reveals about him. In heartfelt prayer, we can praise Jehovah and thank him for his goodness to us. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." We can sing to Jehovah and benefit from regular association with his people.

(Hebrews 10:23-25) Let us hold fast the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for he is faithful that promised. 24 And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near." Then, too, our love for God will grow as we engage in the ministry and declare “the good news of salvation by him.”

(Psalm 96:1-3) Sing to Jehovah a new song. Sing to Jehovah, all [YOU people of] the earth. 2 Sing to Jehovah, bless his name. From day to day tell the good news of salvation by him. 3 Declare among the nations his glory, Among all the peoples his wonderful works." We uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty and maintain our integrity by preaching righteousness, making disciples, applying Scriptural counsel, and assembling with fellow believers at meetings, assemblies, and conventions. 

Such activities help us to be courageous, spiritually strong, and successful in doing GodÂ’s will. This is not too difficult for us because we have the support of our heavenly Father and his Son.

(Deuteronomy 30:11-14) “For this commandment that I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it far away. 12 It is not in the heavens, so as to result in saying, ‘Who will ascend for us into the heavens and get it for us, that he may let us hear it that we may do it?’ 13 Neither is it on the other side of the sea.” – BibleSpeaks  – Picture of God’s Name at Genesis 15:2 in William Tyndale Translation of the Pentateuch, 1530






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Take Refuge In The Name of Jehovah! ?  "But as for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. In the Sovereign Lord Jehovah I have placed my refuge, To declare all your works." (Psalms 73:28).

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