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What does a person have to do to survive Armageddon?


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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Why? :)) "Witness" based her conclusion and perspective in explanation based on Bible text. So Bible is rude and is not enough civilised compared to today's  view on normative,  from 21 century people who have different stand than society and people before 2 or more millenniums.  

And she is polite in communication.  But if she is firm in her standpoint and other looks on that as rude, i think it is not her problem. :) Bible talking about many things, some of them are so nice and loving but some are disgusting and are not material for My book of Bible stories for JW kids or any kids

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The Librarian



Posted Sunday at 04:32 PM

@TrueTomHarley I am enforcing the no rudeness rule heavier than before.


Posted Sunday at 06:01 PM

other poster's comments (not the rude ones) helpful and inspire her to do more research and "reason out a matter" .

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

"Babylon the Great" is Bible terminology and i put that in context of my life, not your :))

O' I see. Then, I will use someone else's logic as a response.

2 hours ago, Anna said:

You are right, wrong choice of words. I should have said "it could be misunderstood to mean".....all sorts of things actually. Just too ambiguous. Those kind of statements are exactly the type that cause people to speculate on very "specific" things and then get to having those kind of "narrow minded" ideas you mention. Thankfully the older wise sister put things into proper perspective. Also, it gets people hung up on some kind of specific "announcements" or "revelations". I've seen it, friends discussing this and speculating  on it, especially when there is some significant shift on the world scene


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On 11/25/2017 at 11:27 PM, Noble Berean said:

The GB don't speak as prophets, and it is clear they often speak and direct with thoughts generated by imperfect, human minds rather than God's mind. They acknowledge that they have erred in their direction throughout the organization's history. So, how can they expect the same level of obedience that Moses received? It doesn't add up in my mind. Besides, it is Jesus who is the greater Moses and not the GB.

I would perhaps say it wasn't as often as opposers make out. Sure, there have been some blunders, which is what inevitably happens on any road of discovery. Same with medicine and science etc. This is why the GB reminded us that they are not inspired. I think the other  reason they mentioned this might have been because some of us truly believed that every Wednesday they received direct messages from God. And still now, some believe they receive some kind of epiphany on a regular basis. This is one reason why I started this topic, because I was wondering if they were alluding to the fact that they will have some kind of vision which will enable them to give these "instructions". Armageddon will be a supernatural war, and the GB will already be in heaven, so my reasoning was along the lines that we too will be saved due to supernatural intervention, rather than some instructions from elders (who will have received a vision?? surely not).

As I already posted in my previous reply to you Br. Jackson's explanation, obedience is based on our (yours and mine) understanding of the scriptures, which you can say are based on the GB's interpretation, but nevertheless are either agreed to, by us, or not.  Mostly we agree with the GB's interpretation and that is why we are in the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. So I think the level of obedience is based on that. Perhaps to illustrate, when the GB directly or indirectly alluded to something special happening in 1975, that something special being the "end", many friends got excited (understandably) and started doing things which they perhaps would not do otherwise. Some of the things were commendable, like pioneering, so the GB would naturally not discourage that, but to cut all ties with the practical aspects of life, like selling houses and other assets and spending the money in anticipation that they would never need it again was foolish and not based on the scriptures, because as that brother pointed out in the convention video, the Bible never gave a specific time or date, in fact it would come as a thief in the night. So the brother was relying on HIS knowledge of the scriptures (as presented by the GB) and did not get involved in the "hysteria" of that time. Maybe he was already pioneering at the time, but he definitely did not start spending his money as if he was never going to need it again. It even seems that he kind of went "against the grain" of what others may have been telling him to do, I am not sure, I would have to look at that video again....

The GB never bring up things unless there is a specific reason for it. So no doubt there is a lesson for us in that video that they want us to recognize .

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1 hour ago, Anna said:

Won't they be in heaven by then?

They are going to heaven of course, but they aren't doing an irresponsible runner like those ones who slipped off to Tartarus all those years ago.

1 hour ago, Anna said:

It raises more questions than it answers,

Oh dear..but you are right..so many questions....At least I can't see "Are we there yet? in among them................

Seriously, just because we are taking "firm hold of the robe of a Jew'" (Zech.8:23),  we must not get the idea we are going to get through Armageddon by "riding on  our parent's coat tails" as it were. This will be no "walk in the park", regardless of the admonition at 2Chr.20:17.

We need the determination of Habbakuk as recorded at Hab.3:16-19. That includes facing the possibility that "[the] flock may actually be severed from [the] pen" (NWT 1984). We may well have to rely solely on our informed relationship with Jehovah at times, but I am sure that not one of Jehovah's people will be "left in the lurch", (NWT1984), when the time comes.

It is not for now to tell the story of our salvation in detail, because it has not yet occurred. But rest assured, if we continue to follow the directions that have led us up until now, then we will echo in real time, (not only in prophecy), the words of Habbakuk who said: "Yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah himself; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation" Hab.3:18.


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13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


Dear Anna, is it possible that you say "this is not strictly true"??

GB claim that WT JWorg is "the only organization supported by JHVH, "the only true religion". How one religion can be as this if people who are leaders of "Gods organization" are not persons who have Gods guidance to properly interpret Bible and all in Bible?? What is needed for one person to be one who can interpret the Bible? Must be guided, inspired by holy spirit - that is first and last. Even for Bible writers is said that those humans was guided by holy spirit in such simple task as it is writing. How much more spirit, one person would need to have for interpreting and living by interpretations from him alone or from other who gives interpretations.

The whole subject of interpretation is complicated of course. I mean no one on earth can claim they have the perfect, or correct interpretation in every matter that is in the Bible, the GB don't claim that either. But there are certain rules and principles that are quite clear in the Bible and if one does not have any preconceived ideas or an agenda, and lets the Bible speak for itself, then I am sure you will agree that one is that much closer in getting the correct interpretation. I personally believe that the GB's interpretation of core, fundamental Bible teachings is absolutely correct. There are a host of other things (too many to go into here, maybe a new topic could be started on that) that to me prove we are the true religion, despite mistakes and hiccoughs. I also believe the Bible says there is only one true religion. I do not think the GB is inspired, and has to work hard just like any one of us to figure out correct meaning and interpretation, and has to be willing to change their mind with additional proof or information. We can all ask for holy spirit, and we can all be guided by it. If your interpretation of the Bible is different to the GB, then that's fine. And if you don't want to keep it to yourself, start a new religion :)

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8 minutes ago, Anna said:
1 hour ago, Gone Fishing said:

Oh dear..but you are right..so many questions....At least I can't see "Are we there yet? in among them..........

Never going to ask that, never! :D

P.S. Because you know how I feel about the "overlapping generation"! :D

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51 minutes ago, Anna said:

Oh dear..but you are right..so many questions....At least I can't see "Are we there yet? in among them..........



Are We There Yet   700    .jpg

Sometimes ...sometimes .... we don't want to know what is in the septic tank, when the downstairs toilet still works well enough ....



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4 hours ago, Saladin said:

Dear Witness

This is a rude and not a civil attitude for a Christian to have.

Dear Saladin,

Sir, I don’t believe you read the bulk of my post.  Using the definition of “steward” that I provided, do you see the GB acting as a faithful “steward” over the entire anointed body – the Temple of God?  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22

Can you give me an example where the GB requests input from all other anointed “slaves” of Christ? Yes, there are more anointed "slaves" than 7 men at the top.  

Or, are anointed ones, as well as many others, judged as spiritually “dead” for not agreeing with GB doctrine – doctrine “unique” to the organization, and not based on scripture?  This is “beating” another servant of Christ, and fits the parable of the “wicked slave”.  Matt 24:48-51; Rev 13:15  They will tell you they “represent” all anointed ones, yet these anointed ones have been made mute.  The elder body is the only voice that is heard, which is also "beating"/"trampling" God's Temple.  Matt 24:15

Rom 14:4; Matt 7:1,2; 5:11,12;Rev 11:1-3;7-10

Would you say these actions by the GB are righteous and Christian?  For questioning doctrine and for searching out truth in Christ, the “world” of JWs hate individuals who desire to serve Christ, realizing he is the only way to salvation and not “any other name” – the Wt. organization.  Acts 4:12   

 “Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you.  We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”  1 John 3:13-15

The GB has exalted itself above all others, acting as Master over the anointed Body of Christ.  They have replaced Christ as the Head.   Is this what Christ expects them to do?  Ezek 21:25; Matt 23:12; Matt 20:25-28; 1 Cor 12:23-26






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