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Who is Gog of Magog?

Israeli Bar Avaddhon

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Chapter 38 of Ezekiel:
Who is Gog of Magog?
If you've read the article entitled "What nations disappear at Armageddon?", Regardless of whether you've shared or not , you pretend not to have read it.
Obviously at the end of this article, if you consider it useful, you can go and take it back.
Although that article had to deal with, inevitably, the identity of Gog of Magog, I found it necessary to resume the topic being discussed among many brothers also because the last change of understanding.
We all know what the officer says understanding, is not it?
Gog of Magog is a coalition of nations (not Satan) who organize to attack the people of God.
In reference to the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, Gog of Magog "check" again to attack the "healthy part" of God's people.
That is to say that these people, before being identified as Gog of Magog, would our surviving brothers Armageddon (or their offspring) but, they decide to rebel against Jehovah God by attacking the party faithful after a thousand years of peace and prosperity, of His people.
We must honestly admit that this case has puzzled some 'everyone from the beginning because it really seems absurd that after a thousand years of peace and happiness, someone should organize to recreate the same terrible conditions existing in the pre-Armageddon world.
Incidentally Revelation speaks not just "someone" but says it will be "as the sand of the sea"!
Now, whatever interpretation we wanted to give the expression "the sand of the sea", it can not give some idea of the four cats disorganized. They seem to be really great people.
With this in mind, let's discuss chapter 38 of Ezekiel to see if it can give us interesting details about this subject and if there is the possibility of having to revise some of our beliefs.
Who is Gog of Magog?
" After many days you will pay attention to you. In the final part of the years you will come to the village [of people] brought back from the sword, gathered out of many peoples, to the mountains of Israel, which have been continuously a devastated place; yes, [a country] which was taken from the peoples, [where] they have dwelt safely, all of them - Ezekiel 38: 8
Why Almighty God should say, to His own people, the people whom He considered worthy to survive Armageddon, "After many years you will pay attention"?
The writing also says ... "Will you come to the village [of people] brought back from the sword, gathered out of many peoples" ...
But if these are the inhabitants of the "new world", are not also the people who were "brought back from the sword, gathered out of many peoples"?
So, speaking of this people the same verse adds, "have lived safely, everyone."
Why is this distinction made if during the millennial reign there will be peace and security in every corner of the earth?
During the Millennial Kingdom, well after Armageddon, they do not dwell all safe?
Gog of Magog, perhaps, has not dwelt safe until then?
And you will be forced to rise. You will be like a storm. You will be like clouds to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many peoples with you " '- Ezekiel 38: 9
The verse says that will rise "to cover the land."
Again we have to ask ... " What country?"
During the Millennial Reign of Christ the world will still be divided into nations and countries?
By the way, talking of "legions", we see a people organized and military invoice ; certainly not a bunch of people disorganized and improvised.
The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: 'And it must occur in that day that things will go up in the heart, and certainly will devise a malicious design; and you say, "I shall go up against the land of open countryside. I will go to those who do not bother, that dwell safely, all dwelling without walls, and do not have even bar and doors "- Ezekiel 38:10, 11
"I shall go up against the land of open country". What is the land of the open country? There are other countries that do not qualify as open country, or helpless?
And why any other "countries" should bother to defend himself during the Millennial Kingdom?
"I will go to those who do not bother, that dwell safely, all dwelling without walls, and do not have even bar and doors."
So these people, to make these considerations, not dwelled safe?
He had a few walls?
He had bars and doors?
And why a country should have walls, bars and doors if there are no wars, nor weapons, nor thieves or other criminals? Why you should equip the bars and doors if everyone will love intensely, with sincere and loyal love as brothers under one Father?
It will be to take great spoil and to do much prey, to turn your hand on inhabited places devastated again and on a people gathered from the nations, [a people] who accumulates wealth and property, [those] who dwell at the center of the earth - Ezekiel 38:12
Let us assume that at some point towards the end of the Millennial Kingdom, reborn greed, desire for conquest and pride after a thousand years of oblivion.
Who would be the "little people gathered from the nations"?
If Armageddon has destroyed all the nations of the world , all those who now find themselves living in the Millennial Kingdom and then survived, are they not all those "collected by the nations"?
But the scripture says that there is a people who organize to prey upon another people: a people gathered from the nations.
Therefore prophesy, son of man, and you must say to Gog: 'The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: "In that day, when my people Israel shall dwell safely, not [it] you know? - Ezekiel 38:14
This writing could leave to guess why Gog of Magog, until yesterday, was identified as Satan.
Here Jehovah clearly identifies himself as the God of Israel ... but in the Millennial Kingdom should not be all "Israel"?
In writing this Gog is clearly seen in opposition to Israel and then identify it as Satan seemed the sensible thing.
Obviously it is "sensible" if we take for granted that at Armageddon are destroyed all the nations of the world, so all unbelievers and rebels.
Simply stated: If the post-Armageddon world we live only deserving persons, the one who can get in opposition to God's people is Satan.
Obviously this understanding seemed to coincide things but, as he was also treated in a more or less recent Tower Guard, created some really absurd paradoxes as we shall see later.
And certainly you will be from your place, from the remotest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all mounted on horses, a great congregation, yes, a number of military forces - Ezekiel 38:15
"Several military forces"?
Military improvise or made after a period of training?
Previously, the verses 4:05, we read that these are all dressed "with perfect taste" and that "large shield and small shield".
This leaves just understand that we are talking about a fully equipped and trained people for the war!
Even assuming that these verses refer to the previous Gog Magog (what in life before Armageddon), describe this people, in verse 15, as a congregation of many military forces, suggests that they are not just newbies.
So the logical question should be ... "Where you are trained, if they are all good of the Millennial Kingdom ? What weapons? For how long?"
"And for sure will come up against My people Israel, like clouds to cover the land. It will happen in the final part of the days, and I will bring you against My land, that the nations may know Me when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes, or Gog "- Ezekiel 38:16
Again Jehovah identifies His people, Israel, making a contrast Gog of Magog.
It also understands that this distinction is not born at a time when some of the people decide to attack another, but that Israel has existed for a number of years and lives with these other peoples or nations.
Not only Jehovah himself says he will be sanctified among the nations.
Which countries?
Maybe the same ones that Satan will mislead when it comes out of the abyss? - Revelation 20: 2, 3
Reading Ezekiel 38: 17-20 we find other interesting details.
In particular, we can isolate the point where it is said that "the mountains will actually be killed and the steep ways will have to fall, and even every wall will fall to the ground."
We might ask what to depict these mountains and who, until the end of the Millennial Kingdom, still possess defensive walls that will fall to the ground.
" ' And certainly I will call against him in all my mountainous region a sword,' it is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. 'The sword of each is against his own brother - Ezekiel 38:21
And even then we should ask where they took swords and where they forged these peaceful brothers, inhabitants of the New World.
And certainly I will enter into judgment with him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain a downpour flood and hailstones, fire and brimstone upon him and upon his bands, and upon the many peoples that are with him. And certainly I magnify myself, and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will know that I am Jehovah '- Ezekiel 38:22, 23
The people taken from every nation at the end of the great tribulation, having seen, among other things, the destruction of any nation in opposition to Jehovah, they did not already know who is Jehovah? - Hebrews 8:11, 12
Reading just what it says, it does not seem that there is something that does not come back with our current understanding?
In chapter 39 of Ezekiel you will find other interesting details.
These details have forced the CD to revise the interpretation that Gog of Magog was Satan and is a fair reflection.
How can, in fact, Satan, be given as food to the birds of prey? - Ezekiel 39: 4
How you can have a burial place on earth? - Ezekiel 39:11
Identify Gog of Magog as a "coalition of nations" is correct because you just simply read what is written without seeking hidden meanings - Ezekiel 38:15
However simply say that it is a coalition of nations opens up other questions, if you do not have the courage to review other fundamental interpretations.
One of these is to understand that, while the wild beast, and all united in their fight against the Lamb will be destroyed at Armageddon, some nations will be allowed to continue to exist - Compare Daniel 7:11, 12
This means that after Armageddon , will remain something of the old world and there is a scriptural reason for this to happen.
This makes it very easy to see how it is possible that during the Millennial Kingdom happen something like that.
It makes us understand many other things such as when people will rush en mass, on their own initiative, to the mountain of Jehovah, "to the house of Jacob" - Isaiah 2: 2-4
It fully understand the meaning and order of the events described in 1 Corinthians 15:25 and many other things.
From this brief examination we could see how it changes our visual horizon if only we strive to read the Scriptures without preconceptions.
For understanding current attacking us are created forcer and really irreconcilable contradictions but allowing Scripture to flow freely will form a logical and coherent scenario.
We can also see how, who has a prejudice, can not comprehend the obvious and we have seen many times in our preaching work.
How many times we happened to listen to abstruse and philosophical arguments to say what the Scripture that says, maybe to prove doctrines such as the Trinity, hellfire, or things like that?
Ahead of certain scriptural somersaults maybe we said ... "But how can you say such things! How can you not understand! Yet it is so clear!"
The answer is often, prejudice and the inability to call into question their own beliefs.
Obviously it is very easy to apply it to others.
A little 'more difficult to apply it to ourselves.
The possibility exists that we are becoming the modern Pharisees?
And 'possible, pay for what we know, we have become the harder we get back on topic?
Let's think about meditating on the history of Israel.
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Suggestion: If you make the posts a little shorter you might get more comments on them.  

Ezekiel 38:8 and Isaiah 2:2  refer to pre-Armageddon situations (final part of the days).  Rev 20 discusses post-Armageddon situations. You need to acknowledge that Rev 21:4, 5 shows that th

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Ezekiel 38:8 and Isaiah 2:2  refer to pre-Armageddon situations (final part of the days). 

Rev 20 discusses post-Armageddon situations.

You need to acknowledge that Rev 21:4, 5 shows that the former things have passed away.

At the final test some persons who survived Armageddon, their children  and some of the resurrected ones - a considerable amount - will choose to go with Satan in disobedience to  God and his Kingdom. (Adam and Eve had this test also when they were made perfect.) This is why Jehovah kept Satan and did not destroy him at Armageddon. This is what the final test is meant to do - to finally sift out those who are disloyal to God. They will be eaten up by the fire that comes down from heaven - second death.  (Rev 20:9) After that there will be peace in the Universe.  Adamic death will cease. No one will be disobeying Jehovah after that. Second death is always available to Jehovah and Jesus to deal with any threats.

Granted, there may be further understanding of who exactly in Babylon the Great will be destroyed and who  will be destroyed at Armageddon. But we should not  worry unduly about these things.  We have to get ready ourselves.  2 Peter 3:15.  Have confidence that Jehovah is a Righteous Judge and his Son is like him. Armageddon is going to be a righteous war and no one will be destroyed who is who is worthy of an opportunity for everlasting life.  They will be preserved to benefit from  the priestly services of the Thousand-Year rule of the Messiah. See Revelation 22:1-3; Isaiah 11:1-9.Isaiah 29:9,10.

Agree that when we have preconceived ideas it is harder to learn more but there are fundamental truths or core values that we stick to, or else we are wasting our time.

Read Ps 37:10,11,34, 37,38 -  wicked people to be cut off

Rev 19: 17-21  - end of military nations and those who support them - small and great

Rev 21:4,5 - end of old system - former things passed away - making all things new.

2 Peter 3:7,11-12  - end of old system - destruction as if by fire.

2 Peter 3:13 - new system wherein righteousness is to dwell.

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Dear Melinda, I thank you first of all for expressing you kindly despite the fact that we disagree.
Swapping your opinions in a kind way is the best thing. I appreciate it.
Who has established that Ezekiel 38: 8 refers to the pre-armageddon situation?
"Final Part of Days" can mean "the last years of the satanic system" or "the last years of the millennial kingdom".
To understand the correct thing we have to read this sentence in its context.
Few verses before, in Ezekiel 37: 26-28, it reads "And surely I will conclude with them a peace agreement: a pact of indefinite duration is that which shall be with them: and surely I will set them up, and multiply them, and put in the middle and my tabernacle will be truly upon them, and surely their God will become, and they will become my people. And nations will have to know that I, Jehovah, sanctify Israel when my sanctuary will be in their midst indefinitely. "

Also in the context of Ezekiel chapter 38 it is not said "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said this: 'You are the same as I spoke in the days before by the hand of my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days-years- how much to make you come to them? '"- Ezekiel 38:17

What does "I spoke in the days before by the hand of my servants"?
We want to say that up to verse 8 speaks of the pre-armageddon situation and from verse 9 onwards speaks of the post-armageddon situation?
Is not this a forcing?
The speech is simple and straightforward.
The time continues and the subject is the same.

Revelation 21: 4 says that "past things have passed" and this is not in contradiction with what we are saying.
In fact, the situation described in Revelation 21: 4 is next to what is described in Revelation 20: 7-10
Indeed in Revelation 20: 9 Gog of Magog is destroyed.
After this event there is the resurrection (Revelation 20: 12-14). Eventually, after the destruction of Gog of Magog and the resurrection, Revelation 21: 4 says "The former things are past."

As for the next explanation, you will see that all the explanation has no reason to exist if you acknowledge the correct order of events.
I agree that we must prepare ourselves.
I agree with the Psalms you mentioned and that the wicked will be eliminated.
I agree with Apocalypse 19: 17-21 saying that the military nations and those who support them will be destroyed (and this obviously does not prove that all nations will be destroyed but some nations will be granted a "prolongation of days" after Armageddon - Daniel 7:12)

I fully confident that Jehovah is the right judge just like His Son.
I am fully confident that justice will only exist in the New World.
In practice, I have complete confidence in the scriptures you mentioned.
However, the intentions of Armageddon (as the destroyer of all nations) and the identity of Gog of Magog and also the period of resurrection (which would take place during the millennium) is wrong.

Armageddon will save some nations, resurrection will take place at the end of the millennium (not during the millennium) and Gog of Magog are not "our rebel brothers" but spared by the nations that after a thousand years will try to attack the people of God.

Some intentions are simply wrong and it is no surprise or scandalization. Even the Israelites of the past, at times, have fed misguided mischiefs at the will of Jehovah.




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